At the top left of the main home page is a big inane Flash box entitled "Today on" in which the titles of half a dozen or so featured pieces are highlighted in turn, over and over. Is this a cycling news site, or Las Vegas?
Anyway... despite all the web designers' efforts to keep me from actually reading any cycling news on this newly redesigned all-form-no-function site, I managed to actually read the first title and found it to pique my interest -- Anti-doping clause not "permissible": CPA. So I thought I would actually read some news instead of hanging out in the forums, and I clicked on it. I was rewarded with the following lovely greeting:
404 - Page not found
The page you have requested is not available on our server.
It is possible the page has been moved, updated or deleted. Please click the back button on your browser and try another link.
For crying out loud...
Click the back button and try another link? How about try another website!
Anyway... despite all the web designers' efforts to keep me from actually reading any cycling news on this newly redesigned all-form-no-function site, I managed to actually read the first title and found it to pique my interest -- Anti-doping clause not "permissible": CPA. So I thought I would actually read some news instead of hanging out in the forums, and I clicked on it. I was rewarded with the following lovely greeting:
404 - Page not found
The page you have requested is not available on our server.
It is possible the page has been moved, updated or deleted. Please click the back button on your browser and try another link.
For crying out loud...
Click the back button and try another link? How about try another website!