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Coronavirus: How dangerous a threat?

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I'm close to six months.
Yeah, I am as well. I’d be glad to get a booster anytime, but it becomes a bit more complicated when looking at the larger picture. For one thing there’s the WHO’s position that boosters should be on hold until vaccines are made available to all the countries that still need them (not sure I agree with that). And then I wonder about the overall progress in the U.S,, which is stalled because of vaccine refusal. Will it be even harder to convince those folks to get vaccinated if they know they still have to get another shot down the road? Or is it hopeless trying to get those folks vaccinated regardless?
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Delta variant is undoing all the good work in some countries. America daily cases now over 110k and increasing. In Australia we have had health authorities and some politicians giving mixed messages on AZ. There is a lack of supply of Pfizer.

Happy for you Europeans and Americans who had your shots 6 months ago and are now thinking about booster shot. I only had my first Pfizer jab on Friday. In Sydney we are in hard lockdown but some people in pockets of Sydney are still ignoring public health orders. Time to get tough until the vaccines finally reach a critical mass of the population.

So far we can still ride our bikes within our local government areas (equivalent of US counties), that still gives us decent freedom. But I hope it stays this way.
It's true - many people are still wanting their first shot, it's sad that things can't move quicker for other countries, especially ones that aren't likely to have much supply anytime soon.
Oz became a mess with Delta unfortunately. Congrats on your first jab. I have some older family/friends over there who've had 2 AZ jabs, and some who've recently had their first. I hope the situation can improve there sooner than expected. I did read today that Moderna is about 2 weeks off being approved in Oz, with a shipment coming in Sept and more due next year (to use as boosters).
Delta variant is undoing all the good work in some countries. America daily cases now over 110k and increasing. In Australia we have had health authorities and some politicians giving mixed messages on AZ. There is a lack of supply of Pfizer.

Happy for you Europeans and Americans who had your shots 6 months ago and are now thinking about booster shot. I only had my first Pfizer jab on Friday. In Sydney we are in hard lockdown but some people in pockets of Sydney are still ignoring public health orders. Time to get tough until the vaccines finally reach a critical mass of the population.

So far we can still ride our bikes within our local government areas (equivalent of US counties), that still gives us decent freedom. But I hope it stays this way.
I'd still rather be in lockdown than on a ventilator. Australia has taken the anti Florida approach of regular lockdowns and until Delta it was effective. Delta is a different beast as other countries like China and the USA are also finding out but the majority of people in Australian hospitals are unvaccinated and the vaccination rates are climbing quickly now especially with younger people now being hospitalized more often and the fear campaign over Astra Zeneca seems to be on its last legs especially with many middle aged people who were having doubts about the vaccination a few months ago now coming forward. 7 million Astra jabs for seven deaths re blood clots. Those odds are much better than the odds of getting seriously ill with Delta.
There really is no answer only problems..in the United States..discussing 3rd shots when most of the world can't get one. And now we see rapid increase in cases,hospitalization and that intersection w a coast is clear signal about sending kids back to school and resuming mass to semi mass events like sports and concerts.
Moto GP will return to Circuit of the Americas in Texas..no general admission seating..and camping is going to be interesting.
Sturgis motorcycle rally going on despite and in spite of the pandemic dangers..
there is a weird thing at play about the discussions -philosophy about the value of life..I personally have a hard time taking anybody seriously that thinks that a warm Bud Light,a chili dog and seeing erotic dancers old as my mom w C-section scars as worth dying or killing for..but that's just me..
I feel like I am living in the movie where some silly scientists say..I really don't see the downside to mixing dinosaur DNA a little Mike Tyson blood..I don't see what can go wrong?
when the Zeta variant comes and my lungs fall out I will know then..until then I need to listen to 3 Doors Down and Kid Rock cds to ward off the virus
Delta variant is undoing all the good work in some countries. America daily cases now over 110k and increasing. In Australia we have had health authorities and some politicians giving mixed messages on AZ. There is a lack of supply of Pfizer.

Happy for you Europeans and Americans who had your shots 6 months ago and are now thinking about booster shot. I only had my first Pfizer jab on Friday. In Sydney we are in hard lockdown but some people in pockets of Sydney are still ignoring public health orders. Time to get tough until the vaccines finally reach a critical mass of the population.

So far we can still ride our bikes within our local government areas (equivalent of US counties), that still gives us decent freedom. But I hope it stays this way.

I feel sorry for you. Part about lockdown reminded me that not so distanced, but almost lost, memories from winter. I hate to go back to it. I kinda enjoyed normality last 2-3 months. I was on vacation recently in Montenegro and I am really glad I made it in this time of relative freedom from Covid.

I think good news in some countries like UK, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Malta, Cyprus there is Delta fading. Bad news is vaccines are not efficient in Delta transmission but thanks to god it is succesfull against hospitalisation and death.

Speaking of vaccines, when I hyperbolize it, here in Slovakia government need to literally bribe people to get a shot and it is still not working. When you persuade person to get vaccine you earn 30 to 90 euros depending on age of vaccinated person. There will be also lottery for vaccinated people soon. 2 milion euros will be given each week until october.
7 million Astra jabs for seven deaths re blood clots. Those odds are much better than the odds of getting seriously ill with Delta.
Yep. The odds of dying from AV jab is similar to the odds of being struck by lightening.

Generally agree with the rest of your post. I think the negative stigma on AV is dissipating. Now we are in a race against time to get enough vaccinated to minimize the need for further lockdowns.
I feel sorry for you. Part about lockdown reminded me that not so distanced, but almost lost, memories from winter. I hate to go back to it. I kinda enjoyed normality last 2-3 months. I was on vacation recently in Montenegro and I am really glad I made it in this time of relative freedom from Covid.

I think good news in some countries like UK, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Malta, Cyprus there is Delta fading. Bad news is vaccines are not efficient in Delta transmission but thanks to god it is succesfull against hospitalisation and death.

Speaking of vaccines, when I hyperbolize it, here in Slovakia government need to literally bribe people to get a shot and it is still not working. When you persuade person to get vaccine you earn 30 to 90 euros depending on age of vaccinated person. There will be also lottery for vaccinated people soon. 2 milion euros will be given each week until october.

Bribing people to get the vaccine here (US) is only partly working. We'll see if companies mandating the vaccine or firing you works any better. There are companies (not just hospitals and health care facilities mandating this) that are starting to mandate this. Most recently for non health related companies I've seen are the Washington Post and Google. The NFL is currently over 90% vaccinated for their players with a few teams over 95% vaccinated.
I have it, was fully vaccinated on April 4 with Phizer, and have mild symptoms. Sore throat initially, a low grade fever for a couple of days, and a bit of chest congestion...and I cannot smell a thing. Nohting. Really weird. Have no idea how I got it, other than there were large social gatherings across the county a couple of weeks ago, and the number of cases skyrocketed.

My wife tests negative...which is good, because she's the only infectious disease specialist in her hospital.

Communicable mutations happen because of and predominately in the unvaccinated, as they have a much higher ability to transmit, and a lower resistance. Unfortunately, I am sandwiched by red necks who believe science and the CDC are witchcraft based, and idiot hippies who think sniffing tea tree oil, and making sure they don't breathe a molecule more of carbon dioxide than normal (both point out both the miniscule size of the virus compared to the holes in masks -- neglecting to recognize that it is you don't expell a single virus, they are contained in much larger droplets -- yet they're also freaked out about a carbon dioxide molecule that is exponentially smaller, not being able to escape). They both claim "freedom" is the issue...it is beyond me to understand how anyone can live in such an affluent soeicty, and still think they hold no social responsibility. Yet, here we are, with the ovine offspring of Dunning-Kruger roaming around, mouth-breathing on everything.
At least good to hear that your wife isn't infected and that you were only infected after being fully vaccinated. I wish you a speedy recovery of your sense of smell.


The new status report on vaccination in Denmark was published a few days ago with data from 2nd of August: https://www.sst.dk/-/media/Udgivels...sraport-data-per-2_-august_udgives050821.ashx

While the pace of first vaccinations has dropped considerably the past few weeks, we seem to be on the course for 90 % uptake for those who can be vaccinated (12 years old and up) which is the same as ~78 % of the whole population. The status as of a week ago was 82 % and 72 %, summarised by age:


It's only recently that pregnant and breastfeeding women have been recommended to be vaccinated, likewise for kids under 15 years old. It's uncertain if not quite unlikely that the vaccination program will be expanded to kids younger than 12 years old (although with an endemic exit of the pandemic, I think there's a good case for vaccinating kids between 8 and 12 years old). It seems more likely however that boosters will be offered later on for those most at risk.


Our number of cases were extremely low in June, but bounced back up in July with the introduction of Delta to where we were in May and has remained stable the past three weeks. Most of our restrictions are gone at this point, and in three weeks clubs and bars will only need to check that costumers are either vaccinated or have recently tested negative - all other restrictions are gone, including masks (more or less).
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This US military will start requiring the Covid Vaccine as mandatory starting in mid-September (unless the FDA gives full approval to one of the vaccines sooner). I currently live in a military town and the current vaccination rate here is around 20%. This includes all Marines which make up the majority of the population of the city (along with their families).

Here's the article.

Checking back to see if COVID has peaked in Arkansas yet. Nope. Florida hospitalization numbers are also eyebrow raising. I've said it before, but this winter is going to be really bad for the unvaccinated in the US.

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Checking back to see if COVID has peaked in Arkansas yet. Nope. Florida hospitalization numbers are also eyebrow raising. I've said it before, but this winter is going to be really bad for the unvaccinated in the US.

I am flying to Memphis..bus to Jonesboro..then OKC..my trip is like a Covid war zone..When I got Pfizer I had a sore arm but not much else of consequences.
Reports of a heavy upswing in cases in Baja and San Diego..border will probably be closed all year!!
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