Based on the available info, I think we can now estimate Hb and retic % for PR's two tests surrounding the Vilamoura event, as well as PR's "typical" off-score. Obviously take these calculations with some skepticism, I'm no expert, but they do seem to work out perfectly.
The Times says the off-score was 40% higher on the day of the race than in the test two days before.
PR released her off-score the day of Vilamoura as 109.86
PR says in her book that Hb from the blood test 2 days before was 12.0.
PR's quote of the WADA chief says Hb increased 2.8 with little change in retic%
PRE-EVENT. Off-score should be 109.86/1.4 = 78.5. The Hb = 12.0. Off-score = Hb x 10 – 60 (square root of the reticulocyte %)). So retic = .83%.
POST-EVENT. Off-score was 109.86. If Hb is 12.0 + 2.8 = 14.8, then retic = .80%. This gives some confidence because it works out perfectly consistent with WADA chief's claim, and Sunday Times figures.
The off-score before the event is unexceptional, but based on what PR says was an exceptionally low Hb score for her.
In her book, PR says her usual Hb is 14-14.5. The retic % in both tests is close, so if we estimate her usual retic % to be .83, then her usual off-score based on Hb=14-14.5, should be between 98.7 to 103.7
Compare this to the other athletes in Dear Wiggo's graph. Her usual off score would be very high compared to the other athletes who have released their data.