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Doping views 2012 and going forward the UCI v´s WADA

Apr 9, 2011
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Doping views 2012 and going forward the UCI v´s WADA

WADA/Howman - reform in doping fight needed

All year we have been hearing from the UCI - no positives tests after this and that event - the collective cycling community rolls it´s eyes

- The UCI we are winning the fight blah blah

One of the early signs of a split in the UCI/WADA relationship and views on doping was when WADA kept it´s appeal separate from the UCI re Contador.

Since **** Pound ( **** - is not Penis CN but a name ) WADA has had some strong voices, where as the UCI doesn´t want the bad publicity, so sweeping under the table.

ie the fox in charge of the hen house.

Do we look to WADA and the Police to clean up cycling in spite of the UCI ?
Oct 16, 2010
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just some guy said:
WADA/Howman - reform in doping fight needed

All year we have been hearing from the UCI - no positives tests after this and that event - the collective cycling community rolls it´s eyes

- The UCI we are winning the fight blah blah

One of the early signs of a split in the UCI/WADA relationship and views on doping was when WADA kept it´s appeal separate from the UCI re Contador.

Since **** Pound ( **** - is not Penis CN but a name ) WADA has had some strong voices, where as the UCI doesn´t want the bad publicity, so sweeping under the table.

ie the fox in charge of the hen house.

Do we look to WADA and the Police to clean up cycling in spite of the UCI ?

It was not only the UCI shouting about a cleaner era, but also more than just a bunch of posters on this forum.

Lovely sparks of realism coming from Howman.
Only the truly naive could have seriously thought it was any different.
Jul 2, 2009
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sniper said:
It was not only the UCI shouting about a cleaner era, but also more than just a bunch of posters on this forum.

Lovely sparks of realism coming from Howman.
Only the truly naive could have seriously thought it was any different.

Howman doesn't mention the UCI . He doesn't even mention cycling. There are other sports, you know.
Oct 16, 2010
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Mambo95 said:
Howman doesn't mention the UCI . He doesn't even mention cycling. There are other sports, you know.

But analyzing Howman's words in the context of cycling in this space (a cycling forum) seems legitimate, though, don't you think?
Jul 2, 2009
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sniper said:
But analyzing Howman's words in the context of cycling in this space (a cycling forum) seems legitimate, though, don't you think?

Discussing his comments is legitimate, but adding layers of your own context to them to arrive at something which validates your own opinions is not.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Mambo95 said:
Discussing his comments is legitimate, but adding layers of your own context to them to arrive at something which validates your own opinions is not.
How did you come up with that?

Sniper doesn't add the layers to Howmans comments - the sport of cycling does.

"We are catching the dopey dopers, but not the sophisticated ones."
Valverde, never failed a test and cycling had to rely on the Police and CONI t secure a sanction.

"How many doctors or lawyers have been struck off because of involvement in doping?"
So, how many Doctors or lawyers in cycling have been struck off?
Jul 2, 2009
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Dr. Maserati said:
How did you come up with that?

Sniper doesn't add the layers to Howmans comments - the sport of cycling does.

"We are catching the dopey dopers, but not the sophisticated ones."
Valverde, never failed a test and cycling had to rely on the Police and CONI t secure a sanction.

"How many doctors or lawyers have been struck off because of involvement in doping?"
So, how many Doctors or lawyers in cycling have been struck off?

Simple. Sniper and the OP seem to imply that Howman is making statements about the UCI. He's not,

He's reporting on sport as a whole. WADA covers many sports, some of which are a decade behind cycling in terms of testing.

He does not mention cycling or the UCI. So therefore, adding them specifically into the mix to create some sort of UCI v WADA issue is the adding of layers by the posters, that I mentioned.

That simple enough for you? Or are you in one of you contrary moods again.

If you are, here's a question. What does Howman say that relates specifically to cycling, as opposed to any other sport?

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Mambo95 said:
Simple. Sniper and the OP seem to imply that Howman is making statements about the UCI. He's not,

He's reporting on sport as a whole. WADA covers many sports, some of which are a decade behind cycling in terms of testing.

He does not mention cycling or the UCI. So therefore, adding them specifically into the mix to create some sort of UCI v WADA issue is the adding of layers by the posters, that I mentioned.

That simple enough for you? Or are you in one of you contrary moods again.

If you are, here's a question. What does Howman say that relates specifically to cycling, as opposed to any other sport?
No-one (me, op, sniper) said Howman was talking about just cycling - however it was raised here because this is a cycling website.

If you want to go and talk about "other sports" - then go to their forums.
Mar 10, 2009
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Dr. Maserati said:
No-one (me, op, sniper) said Howman was talking about just cycling - however it was raised here because this is a cycling website.

If you want to go and talk about "other sports" - then go to their forums.

Great logic? So on the soccer forum it is WADA vs FIFA" and lets not forget the uci

WADA VS FIS and lets not forget the uci

WADA vs NFL and lets not forget the uci


The trouble with a persecution complex is you start to see every story as validation for your particular paranoia!

IS there any point where you start to think Cycling is getting better and has become a leader against doping? We pretty much have to lead since many other sports have yet to acknowledge their problem(s).

Mambo said it better than I and I am getting tired of connecting dots that don't connect except in your mind.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Master50 said:
Great logic? So on the soccer forum it is WADA vs FIFA" and lets not forget the uci

WADA VS FIS and lets not forget the uci

WADA vs NFL and lets not forget the uci

No - simply put Howmans comments were about sport in general - but everything he said can come straight back to cycling - which is why the OP brought it up - and the fact that the piece is from Cyclingnews main page.

If someone wants to have a hissy fit because cycling was brought up then they should complain to them about putting it on their main page.

Master50 said:
The trouble with a persecution complex is you start to see every story as validation for your particular paranoia!
I actually have no idea what that means.

Master50 said:
IS there any point where you start to think Cycling is getting better and has become a leader against doping? We pretty much have to lead since many other sports have yet to acknowledge their problem(s).

Mambo said it better than I and I am getting tired of connecting dots that don't connect except in your mind.

To the Blue - what dots did I follow? Did I make up Valverde? The donations, the hidden positives, the jobs for the boys??

To the highlighted - there has been a slight improvement in testing, and in information gathering but as it is the exact same people who are in control of that (and they have shown to be corrupt) then no, things will not improve significantly.

To your question - "is there any point where I think cycling might become better or a leader against doping , - yes, when the UCI have nothing to do with Anti-doping.
Apr 9, 2011
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Look the reason why I think this is important is

WADA - We are only catching people who are not smart or make a dumb mistake. but we believe more people are using PEDS but are getting away with it.

UCI - No positives so cycling is getting cleaner - we are winning the war.

No this is a cycling forum so while WADA is saying this about all sports if we just look at cycling, it comes back to who you believe.

We know of 1 rider as an example wo has said I was only caught because I was stupid and did not drink enough water.

Papp has discussed how to micro dope and get away with it

Landis spent a large amount of time with WADA I think it was explaining how to bet the system - these anti doping specialist were shocked at how to bet the system and how advanced the system is.

So where do you stand ie I believe cycling is clean so we don´t have a problem as big as before - so blood testing is not required ie Tour of Cali


We have a problem maybe not as obvious as the 90´s but much more advanced and we are not winning the war.
just some guy said:
Look the reason why I think this is important is

WADA - We are only catching people who are not smart or make a dumb mistake. but we believe more people are using PEDS but are getting away with it.

UCI - No positives so cycling is getting cleaner - we are winning the war.

No this is a cycling forum so while WADA is saying this about all sports if we just look at cycling, it comes back to who you believe.

We know of 1 rider as an example wo has said I was only caught because I was stupid and did not drink enough water.

Papp has discussed how to micro dope and get away with it

Landis spent a large amount of time with WADA I think it was explaining how to bet the system - these anti doping specialist were shocked at how to bet the system and how advanced the system is.

So where do you stand ie I believe cycling is clean so we don´t have a problem as big as before - so blood testing is not required ie Tour of Cali


We have a problem maybe not as obvious as the 90´s but much more advanced and we are not winning the war.

We can not even tell who's doping. Schlecks and Contador riding slow, a couple French dudes faster than usual.
Overwhelming performances in the USA, and "oops" we quarreled about the testing so just decided to not test at all, and apparently one team know about it. Oh well, we'll get them next time.

The bio passport seems like a better and better idea. If only they would actually collect data for it, among the top 20 riders on the planet...