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Sep 29, 2012
Just because I thought this was humourous... and contemporaneously relevant...

Pediatric Research (1998)

Human Milk as a Potential Enteral Source of Erythropoietin
In simulated digestion at physiologic pH levels of 3.2, 5.8, and 7.4, milk-borne Epo resisted degradation at 1 and 2 h, compared with baseline. Therefore, we conclude that human milk contains considerable amounts of Epo which resist degradation after exposure to gastric juices at physiologic pH levels. These results support continued investigation into the fate and developmental roles of Epo in human milk.
Sep 29, 2012
You don't need to inject EPO?

The oral administration of cow milk containing 4 IU human erythropoietin (Ep) to 10-day-old normal neonates for 4 days induced a reticulocytosis. Significant amounts of Ep appeared in the plasma of 1-day-old rats nursed by mothers bled 3 days prior to delivery as compared to nondetectable levels in 1-day-old control rats of normal mothers. The data suggest that Ep is transmitted to neonatal rats via maternal milk, and escapes inactivation, at least to some extent, in the process of absorption from the gastrointestinal tract with consequent stimulation of erythropoiesis in these animals.

Reticulocytosis is a condition where there is an increase in reticulocytes, immature red blood cell
Oct 14, 2012
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Dear Wiggo said:
Just because I thought this was humourous... and contemporaneously relevant...

So drinking cows milk spiked with Erythropoietin, and eating steak contaminated with Clenbuterol, leaves you with the following result.......:D

Oct 14, 2012
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Adamastor said:
Already posted on this forum, but worthwhile watching again. Appeared on the net during the Tour de France 2007. Funniest song ever written on EPO.

No time to translate lyrics, but if anyone knows French, feel free to do it


Source : http://www.greatsong.net/PAROLES-LA-PLAGE,EPO-TE-QUIERO,102724559.html

Lyrics Epo Te Quiero:

El Don Pedro is your secret to go so fast?

would like you to know I'll tell you.


COOL Te quiero
With you I'd be numero Uno
EPO Te quiero
With you I ' have the best jerseys

on the roads of France
I enjoy sunny days
Is not I spend too
If I want to win the round

I ride a bicycle
without effort and without complex

pellotons Far before
I hum a song

Te EPO quiero
With you I'd be numero Uno
La la la la ...
With you I'm faster than tornado

When I have a little bit of pump
A bike
I stopped playing in the edge of a field
Then I get out of my gourd
A good old remedy of yesteryear

And when it comes to the end of stage
I hailed as a hero
Champagne I do not care
I prefer my EPO

EPO Te quiero
With you I'd be numero Uno
La la la la ...
EPO Te quiero
With you I have the best jerseys

in the saddle Attention All
The EPO preneez morning ahead of
a product that the world we want
for you and your bike
It is that EPO you need

Thank you my EPO

EPO Te quiero
With you I'd be numero Uno
La la la la ...
EPO Te quiero
With you I have the best jerseys

than Laurent Fignon
and stronger
than Poulidor
Much crazy
that Virenque
and more than Bernard Hinault

Thank you my EPO.
Sep 29, 2012
I am curious.

From Tyler's book we know:

1. He starved himself
2. He injected EPO

EPO is injected in the hopes of creating more red blood cells. But RBCs require iron. Without sufficient iron, EPO is wasted.

Starving himself, I would have thought his iron supplies would be low.

Never in his book does he discuss iron tablets, injections, etc in relation to taking EPO to create extra RBCs. It's mentioned once post-transfusion, and once as his first injection with Vit B - before he started actually doping, but EPO is always mentioned as just EPO.

March 30th:
Hamilton's natural Hct was 42.
Hgb: 14.1 g/dL

May 31
Weight: 60.8kg
Hct: 50%
Hgb: 16.4 g/dL

(Very rough calculation follows):

To increase his Hct to 50%, he would need:
Hgb: 2.3 g/dL
Volume of blood: 44dL (Nadler's equation)
Total Hgb mass: 2.3 x 44 = 101g Hgb
Total extra iron: 101g x 3.3mg/g = 333mg of Fe.

So in 2 months, he needs an extra 333mg of elemental iron.

I'll see what he says...
Adamastor said:
Already posted on this forum, but worthwhile watching again. Appeared on the net during the Tour de France 2007. Funniest song ever written on EPO.

No time to translate lyrics, but if anyone knows French, feel free to do it


I’d say the second funniest song about EPO. My favorite was the creation of someone over at Podium Café. I’ve modified it a bit. To the tune of Que Sera, Sera:

When I began to race
I asked my DS, how will I do?
Will I win classics? Even GTs?
Here’s what he said to me:

Whatever you want, you’ll win
The future’s yours to determine
And you’ll win, you’ll win

Then I became the leader
I said to my teammates, how will we do?
Will we win stages, the whole freaking race?
Here’s what we sang as we paced:

Whatever you want, you’ll win
The future’s yours to determine
And you’ll win, you’ll win

Now I have riders of my own
They ask their DS, how will I do?
Will I win classics? Even the Tour?
Here’s what a DS is for:

Whatever you want, you’ll win
The future’s yours to determine
And you’ll win, you’ll win
Jul 9, 2010
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Dear Wiggo said:
I am curious.
Never in his book does he discuss iron tablets, injections, etc in relation to taking EPO to create extra RBCs. It's mentioned once post-transfusion, and once as his first injection with Vit B - before he started actually doping, but EPO is always mentioned as just EPO.

Maybe he didn't want to write a doper's handbook..
Dec 18, 2009
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He will have used iron injections pre-EPO to build his iron stores. Maybe he didn't want to get into the boring specifics about iron loading.
Sep 29, 2012
alvynmcq said:
He will have used iron injections pre-EPO to build his iron stores. Maybe he didn't want to get into the boring specifics about iron loading.

Don't need specifics. If you do in fact need iron, it's a gaping hole in the narrative - sure it's helpful to not give all the info re: doping, but also seems....

He describes the EPO as adding "sparkle" to his blood - but EPO's effect takes many hours before retics are created, and they then need to mature into Hgb, so it's very much a placebo effect at first.