So far I think I'm the luckiest unlukiest guy here, Four crashes with cars. Unlucky. None serious luckiest.
1. very gentle. Car opened door on me to let the passenger out while stopped at lights and I was creeping between traffic to the head of the line. Was going slow enough to anticipate it hence very gentle.
2. Stopped at lights standing left leg of the ground right clipped in (we drive and ride on the left in Australia, provisional driver stopped the the lights, on top of my right leg. Reall just a nudge which put me down. Injuries were the same as tripping over.
3. Driver ran a give way sign and T-boned me. She looked my way, slowed, and then accelerated to hit me. I slowed when i saw her, and then accelerated as i was almost sure she noticed me, but it was raining and by the time she started to accelerate, my brakes hadn't dried. As she almost stopped I'd say she was going less than 30. Luckily it was a van, and made contact with my whole side so there were no places of high pressure, flew through the air to land on the opposite side of the road. Lot of blood not much else.
4. Least serious and most serious, least lucky and most lucky. Descending at night on a country road. Speed limit 110kph, Saw two cars approaching I thought one behind the other, worked out quite quickly that one was was overtaking the other and on my side of the road. Figured they'd see me and give me space. Then i hit a bump and my dodgy light went out...trouble, too late to stop and safely get off the road, my options were to ditch in to the gravel or take my chances. I only thought of the choices after as it happened pretty fast. They saw me too late, but I only collected the mirror on my arm, it came straight off. My arm was in pain but nothing more than being punched. I rode on, what else do you do? They drove after me to check I was ok, and I was really shaken and still numb. After the offer of a lift home and again checking I was ok, I was a smart *** nodded to the mirror that had been ripped off and was now sitting on the passenger seat, said "nah, its cool, I won".
The way I figure, that was 2 inches from absoultely certainly being dead.
I agree most accidents are avoidable, for mine...
1. don't ride between stopped cars at traffic lights no matter how slow.
2. Probably the least preventable, but maybe look behind you constantly and be reaqdy to move when stopped at lights...
3. Slow down and be absolutely certain you have been seen
4. BUY DECENT EQUIPMENT ESPECIALLY LIGHTS IF RIDING AT NIGHT. I think if I had a bright flasher or at least a good 5 Watt They'd have seen me in plenty of time, I think that light was too dim even if it didn't blink off last minute it wouldn't have been much help.