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Ever been hit by a car?

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It is good to know that bike-car crashes are always the bike rider's fault and that riders can always avoid them. All those years of worrying about being juiced by a car, and I could of rested easy knowing that it could never happen if I just followed all the rules of the road.

I guess it was my friend's fault that he got creamed from behind by an underage drunk.

BroDeal said:
It is good to know that bike-car crashes are always the bike rider's fault and that riders can always avoid them. All those years of worrying about being juiced by a car, and I could of rested easy knowing that it could never happen if I just followed all the rules of the road.

I guess it was my friends faults that he got creamed from behind by an underage drunk.

I did not mean to imply that it's ever, much less always, the cyclist's fault. This isn't about fault at all.

My intent is to show that almost always the cyclist could have done something to avoid a crash, regardless of whose fault it was. That is the essential point of defensive driving, which should apply even more to motorcycle and bicycle riders than it does to "cagers".

If you think it's "luck" that keeps you from getting hit, or you ride in a manner that relies on strangers driving cars, trucks and buses to never overlook you, and never make a mistake, you're probably doomed to get hit.
Mar 13, 2009
So far I think I'm the luckiest unlukiest guy here, Four crashes with cars. Unlucky. None serious luckiest.
1. very gentle. Car opened door on me to let the passenger out while stopped at lights and I was creeping between traffic to the head of the line. Was going slow enough to anticipate it hence very gentle.
2. Stopped at lights standing left leg of the ground right clipped in (we drive and ride on the left in Australia, provisional driver stopped the the lights, on top of my right leg. Reall just a nudge which put me down. Injuries were the same as tripping over.
3. Driver ran a give way sign and T-boned me. She looked my way, slowed, and then accelerated to hit me. I slowed when i saw her, and then accelerated as i was almost sure she noticed me, but it was raining and by the time she started to accelerate, my brakes hadn't dried. As she almost stopped I'd say she was going less than 30. Luckily it was a van, and made contact with my whole side so there were no places of high pressure, flew through the air to land on the opposite side of the road. Lot of blood not much else.
4. Least serious and most serious, least lucky and most lucky. Descending at night on a country road. Speed limit 110kph, Saw two cars approaching I thought one behind the other, worked out quite quickly that one was was overtaking the other and on my side of the road. Figured they'd see me and give me space. Then i hit a bump and my dodgy light went out...trouble, too late to stop and safely get off the road, my options were to ditch in to the gravel or take my chances. I only thought of the choices after as it happened pretty fast. They saw me too late, but I only collected the mirror on my arm, it came straight off. My arm was in pain but nothing more than being punched. I rode on, what else do you do? They drove after me to check I was ok, and I was really shaken and still numb. After the offer of a lift home and again checking I was ok, I was a smart *** nodded to the mirror that had been ripped off and was now sitting on the passenger seat, said "nah, its cool, I won".
The way I figure, that was 2 inches from absoultely certainly being dead.

I agree most accidents are avoidable, for mine...
1. don't ride between stopped cars at traffic lights no matter how slow.
2. Probably the least preventable, but maybe look behind you constantly and be reaqdy to move when stopped at lights...
3. Slow down and be absolutely certain you have been seen
4. BUY DECENT EQUIPMENT ESPECIALLY LIGHTS IF RIDING AT NIGHT. I think if I had a bright flasher or at least a good 5 Watt They'd have seen me in plenty of time, I think that light was too dim even if it didn't blink off last minute it wouldn't have been much help.
Jun 13, 2009
A small truck pulled out from the left (same as pulling out from the right in the US) and I ended up T-boning it. I took the impact mainly with my head and knuckles. I maintained consciousness long enough to stumble off the road, took a ride in an ambulance, and escaped with a broken nose, a messy scar on my forehead, a few neck muscle strains sort of like whiplash and some pretty bad bruising. I feel quite lucky. It could have been much worse ie. if the truck had hit me rather than the other way around.

I can't count the number of near misses I've had, mostly because I am pretty cautious now and start with the assumption that other road users are going to be idiots (which, sadly, turns out to be true all too often).
Mar 11, 2009
A few times. Hit a car entering a roundabout when I was already on it. The little old lady says she saw me but didn't realise how fast I was going. While I was already on the roundabout and she should've given way I could have been going slower so I was also at fault. Went over the bonnet of a car when a young girl cut me off turning into a car park - definitely her fault. Hit a furiously barking dog that bounded onto the road. Heard it barking and saw it coming so took measures to avoid it but it obviously didn't account for the steepness of the embankment it was running down because I collected him right in the ribs with my front wheel. Chunk out of my hand (first time I hadn't worn gloves on a ride - go figure) and I would imagine very bruised ribs on the dog. This morning I had three near misses. 2 were my fault so clearly an indication that I'm getting cocky and had better calm down. The other one though - some w@nker in a souped up Holden pulled right out in front of me - had to slam on the breaks to avoid the d!ckhead. Gave him any number of rude hand gestures (pedestrians must've thought I was a bit of a loon) but I think he was oblivious on account of paying more attention to his filthy bogan car.
Jun 13, 2009
I've had a few 'moments' with cars. Nothing serious thought.

First was when I was on a round-about and the car ignored the fact I was turning. Fortunately I slammed into the side of the car, not the other way round. After sitting in the middle of the round-about shaking for 15mins while a kind bypasser bought me a drink I was able to ride home on a buckled wheel.

Another time I got side swiped going round a bend. I have no idea how I could've avoided this one other then to not be on the road at all. The guy's passenger door hit me on the hip and shunted me 3 feet sideways. It taco'd my front wheel, but I didn't actually get hurt, which was lucky since I was on my way to my Organic Chem exam (which I still got an A in :D). Needless to say the driver didn't stop.

My favorite clash was when a car turned in front of me and I hit it just above the front wheel. I went up onto the bonnet and slid all the way across until I fell off the other side onto the road. Some how I avoided injury again. The driver stopped and proceeded to get hysterical and burst into tears. I had to calm her down.

My worst injury's came from crashing my bike down some stairs in the bush whilst doing some XC riding.
Jun 13, 2009
PACONi said:
The driver stopped and proceeded to get hysterical and burst into tears. I had to calm her down.

The guy driving the truck I hit was the same. I was pretty messed up (there was a lot of blood coming from my head/face and it would have looked a lot worse than it was). After I got myself off the road, I had to ask him if he had anything to wipe away the blood, and then ask him if he could call an ambulance, and then he was so freaked out he had to ask me what number to dial for emergency services. At least he stayed with me and didn't drive away (which he could have done - it was a pretty isolated road).
Jun 13, 2009
Marmot said:
The guy driving the truck I hit was the same. I was pretty messed up (there was a lot of blood coming from my head/face and it would have looked a lot worse than it was). After I got myself off the road, I had to ask him if he had anything to wipe away the blood, and then ask him if he could call an ambulance, and then he was so freaked out he had to ask me what number to dial for emergency services. At least he stayed with me and didn't drive away (which he could have done - it was a pretty isolated road).

A couple of my mates were riding when a passenger in a car opened her door. My mate took the top corner of the door in his shoulder. It 'filleted' him open across his chest. Basically, he got speared on the edge of the door. The woman when hysterical with all the blood and my second mate (a rather large lad) was only moments away from decking her just to shut her up. Fortunately, the police and ambo's turned up pretty quickly.
I guess my point is it really ****es me off when the person who isn't bleeding gets upset!
Mar 11, 2009
karlboss said:
4. BUY DECENT EQUIPMENT ESPECIALLY LIGHTS IF RIDING AT NIGHT. I think if I had a bright flasher or at least a good 5 Watt They'd have seen me in plenty of time, I think that light was too dim even if it didn't blink off last minute it wouldn't have been much help.

Check out these. http://www.ayup.com.au/index.php They are great value for money, don't look too bad, small batteries (3 hr, 6hr) and very bright (LED). I'm always getting high beamed - which I suppose at least means that I'm seen. Personally I'm very paranoid about been seen from behind. I've got 2 red flashies - perhaps I need more - will end up looking like a Xmas tree.
karlboss said:
4. BUY DECENT EQUIPMENT ESPECIALLY LIGHTS IF RIDING AT NIGHT. I think if I had a bright flasher or at least a good 5 Watt They'd have seen me in plenty of time, I think that light was too dim even if it didn't blink off last minute it wouldn't have been much help.

I won't ride at night or even any time approaching night. I also will not ride late on a Friday or Saturday evening. Riding at those times is asking to be hit by a drunk.
Mar 11, 2009
BroDeal said:
I won't ride at night or even any time approaching night. I also will not ride late on a Friday or Saturday evening. Riding at those times is asking to be hit by a drunk.

Personally I think that in some situations (e.g. quiet rural roads) riding at night might actually be safer. Provided you've got got good lights (front and back) you stand out like dogs b@lls. Riding at night in built up areas may be another thing all together - hard to distinguish bike lights from all the other flashy things for instance. I hear you though about not riding during certain times to avoid the drunks. The other thing that I like about riding at night (in my situation) as opposed to early morning is that vehicle users are more likely to be more awake and alert - provided they haven't just come off a 16hr shift...
Mar 13, 2009
I have decent lights now, I was hit...14 years ago and actually earn money now so can buy decent equipment.
Won't ride at night? Some jobs don't allow that attitude in some parts of the world. Unless you are distinguishing between dark in the morning and evening.
Jun 29, 2009
Yep in Sydney,

The mofo P later was coming in the other direction (front on) and decide to pull a U Turn. Hit me head on - over the bonnet , up the windscreen, over the roof. Still have a sore back 1 year later.

But hey, " She did'nt see me ".... even though I had Nightrider MiNewt lights on.... wtf
Mar 19, 2009
PACONi said:
My favorite clash was when a car turned in front of me and I hit it just above the front wheel. I went up onto the bonnet and slid all the way across until I fell off the other side onto the road. Some how I avoided injury again. The driver stopped and proceeded to get hysterical and burst into tears. I had to calm her down.

Almost the same exact thing happened to me, except I didn't go over the car's hood. The young girl that hit me was both paralyzed with fear and hysterical at the same time. It's a very good thing I wasn't hurt because she would not have been able to call for help.
Jun 10, 2009
**Uru** said:
Having considered riding for years, I just got a road bike and started 6 weeks ago. On my first significant ride (25 miles), a guy in a Ford F150 tried to run me off the road. A couple of weeks ago I got run off the road by a van passing an oncoming car up hill on a double yellow line road. Pretty sure I avoided death on that second one.

But there is a slight chance you're posting from the grave? ;)
I got hit by a car once when I was in the middle of a 4-way intersection. Some lady rolled her stop sign and T-boned me while I was right in front of her in the intersection, just did not see me at all. I unclipped my foot that was on the car's side as I saw it approaching and her bumper hit my bike right on the crank. I got launched off my bike and actually managed to land on my feet so I was not hurt at all. She ran over my bike though and completely destroyed it. There were 4 witnesses so I got a new bike with much help from her insurance company who was very relieved that I was not physically hurt.
Mar 10, 2009
Smeared when I was sixteen.

A week in the ICU, three more weeks on the general ward, five more months in various casts. Two years later I said no more to the surguries.

I've been hyper cautious when riding in traffic, yet strangely reckless on open road downhills ever since.


Nov 22, 2009
Bala Verde said:
No hits (yet, knocking on wood), but since I moved to the US I have been "fingered, honked at, cutt off, insulted, forced into the gutter and almost hit" more often than ever in my entire life...:(

If you give a friendly wave after that, it's like the rocket boosters going off on the space shuttle. this sends them completely berserk usually. Best to do nothing, but I confess to still occasionally doing it.

I'm nuts, so don't do this unless an LAB instructor tells you to. When they think they can scare me into the gutter, I pull a couple of feet into their lane. They have already seen me and are intentionally trying to intimidate me. I'm belligerent as cr@p.

If they are barreling down the road (not because of me, just because it's a wide country road) I will gradually drift into their lane. I listen for the sound of their foot coming off the gas, if I don't hear it, I prepare for a sudden move to the right if it's gonna be close.

I am not trying to justify my stupidity or belligerence. I am an old motorcyclist who has seen more than my share of close calls on two wheeled transportation. I have had many more close calls on a motorcycle than a bicycle, prolly for a variety of reasons. Speed, where I rode and total time on the road being chief among them. I was also trained by professional delivery companies (fedex). There are times when the low road IQ of the motorist requires me to drive in such a way that they must respond to my driving. I refer to this as "Driving their car for them."

There's an old axiom: Learn all the rules, then break a few.

PS, Don't know if this is a dead thread or not, I was searching for the pdf of streetsmarts. (No Kidding!)
Oct 29, 2009
Wow I can't believe some of these stories. I've had three friends/teammates hit; sadly, one was killed. Fortunately, I have not been seriously hit. I'm very careful and pick my routes with caution. I seldom ride alone and at busy times. In fact, I may only ride once a week and am on the trainer 4-5 nights with Sat morning being a large group ride along uncongested roads.
One "good one", early on in my riding experience. Cruising at close to 40 kph through an intersection. Light was green for me. A car decided he had to make that left turn while he was speeding. So he did and, well luckily he didn't run me down. But, I hit him, bounced off the rear side of his car, summersaulted over his roof, and landed on my back at the other end of the intersection. Other than a totalled bike and helmet, a number of bumps and bruises, and a mild concussion, I ended up OK (and real lucky).

Since then a number of close calls, usually with drivers just zipping right through stop signs :eek:
Oct 16, 2009
Thankfully, no. The closest I've been was a couple of years ago when a milk truck (not one of those cute Postman Pat-style things, mind you, the huge tanker ones) ran me into the gutter on a QUIET COUNTRY ROAD WITH NO OTHER CARS AROUND going at least 10 km/h over the speed limit of 80 km/h! :mad: I didn't crash though...just rode a few meters on the dirt, then stopped and pulled a rocket launcher of doom out of my pocket and blasted the driver and his cow juice into oblivion...

(The last part may or may not be true.)
Aug 25, 2009
To be fair only time I actually contacted a car it was my fault, drink or two, steep hill, too fast, couldn't make the corner and sideswiped a car coming the other way, fractured an ankle trying to land on my feet to avoid being down in the opposing lane.

Hit pedestrians a few times when doing courier riding- occupational hazard, would get hit once a month if I assumed right of way at roundabouts. My golden rule is never ever assume anyone sees you, no matter how obvious you should be, you can assume no rights on a bike because so many people are incapable of perceiving your existence, let alone acknowledging their mighty car could ever possibly have to give way to a worthless cyclist or pedestrian

My 'favourite' car move is the one where they pass you then promptly turn in to a parking area/side road etc a few metres on cutting straight into your path- that's a hard one to avoid.


Nov 22, 2009
progressor said:
To be fair only time I actually contacted a car it was my fault, drink or two, steep hill, too fast.

You can drink and ride? what are you, from the future or something?

I can barely keep from toppling over when coming to a stop when I am sober.