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Federal case


Sep 24, 2009
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Jeff Novitzky formerly of the IRS and now with the FDA, chief investigator of Balco and Bonds is on the case.

The fanboys are about to find out what the word "evidence" means.

Which of the dopers will lie to Novitzky?

Will Novitzky force Juliet Macur to out JV as the unnamed Postal rider in addition to Frankie?

What will JV say to Novitzky?

Will emails be subpoenaed?

Do the fanboys believe that Novitzky is going to be satisfied with the stonewalling bs which has taken place?

I say the Po lice don't like to be lied to.

It's over for Pharmstrong and the Hog.
May 6, 2010
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Armstrong Anti Doping Foundation?

Look at it on the positive side, Buckwheat. After cancer, LA started a foundation to combat cancer. If he finally admits to doping, LA will also turn it into a tale of darkness and redemption. He will admit his wrongdoing, beg forgiveness, and swear to devote his enormous energy and fundraising talent to the fight against doping. Imagine LA as an anti doping crusader ... fearsome. Regardless, if he does admit to doping, you can expect a skillfully orchestrated campaign, including Oprah and talk shows, with carefully calculated displays of remorse and promises to be morally upright in the future.
May 21, 2010
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please no

Love the Scenery said:
Look at it on the positive side, Buckwheat. After cancer, LA started a foundation to combat cancer. If he finally admits to doping, LA will also turn it into a tale of darkness and redemption. He will admit his wrongdoing, beg forgiveness, and swear to devote his enormous energy and fundraising talent to the fight against doping. Imagine LA as an anti doping crusader ... fearsome. Regardless, if he does admit to doping, you can expect a skillfully orchestrated campaign, including Oprah and talk shows, with carefully calculated displays of remorse and promises to be morally upright in the future.

I am afraid your right, excuse me i need too vomit:(
Jun 26, 2009
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Exactly: I've been saying that for the last three years. LA is already working on the redemtion contigency plan - America loves that kind of sh*t - I'm sure that Nike is working with him right now, using the Tiger/Kobe/Vick/Rothleswatever model that's worked so well up until now...
Apr 20, 2009
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It will be interesting to watch the maneuvering related to a potential federal investigation, especially since most of any potential evidence would need to be procured from Europe.

As for this strategy:
Regardless, if he does admit to doping, you can expect a skillfully orchestrated campaign, including Oprah and talk shows, with carefully calculated displays of remorse and promises to be morally upright in the future

I think David Millar and Ivan Basso already have a copyright on that.
It has amazed me that Armstrong has never thought of going down the A-Roid, McGwire, Tiger Woods line, and having a tearful 'confessional' interview with an ill-informed softball hack.

Soft focus, a few tears, maybe talk about god, his children, something along those lines. Landis not being French means he can't blame the French this time around, which is unfortunate. Maybe Landis is bitter about the War on Terror or something unpatriotic.
Feb 21, 2010
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buckwheat said:

Jeff Novitzky formerly of the IRS and now with the FDA, chief investigator of Balco and Bonds is on the case.

The fanboys are about to find out what the word "evidence" means.

Which of the dopers will lie to Novitzky?

Will Novitzky force Juliet Macur to out JV as the unnamed Postal rider in addition to Frankie?

What will JV say to Novitzky?

Will emails be subpoenaed?

Do the fanboys believe that Novitzky is going to be satisfied with the stonewalling bs which has taken place?

I say the Po lice don't like to be lied to.

It's over for Pharmstrong and the Hog.

The list of witnesses that could be approached is quite long.

Any and all US riders on USPS/Discovery through the years of which FL alleges would need to risk contempt or a "Lying/Perjury" charge. This is doubtful.

The possible crimes which they are investigating is key to what type of evidence they need to get warrants/phonetaps/subpoena's for records.

If they do look at the federal issue of using Fed funds, via USPS sponsorship, for criminal behavior, then that is a doozy.

If they do look at interstate/international wire-fraud, money laundering for the purpose of purchasing illegal drugs, this may be less burdensome for evidence.

If they look at Fed employment issue of performing illegal acts as a condition of employment, meaning dope or you have no job, this is a different burden of evidence.

Bottom line: the evidence will be testimonial. Under the pressure of the feds, if all the current an former riders and staff clam up, then the prosecution is dead.

This, I highly doubt. I sense this is simply the beginning of the end.
Nov 24, 2009
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Love the Scenery said:
Look at it on the positive side, Buckwheat. After cancer, LA started a foundation to combat cancer. If he finally admits to doping, LA will also turn it into a tale of darkness and redemption. He will admit his wrongdoing, beg forgiveness, and swear to devote his enormous energy and fundraising talent to the fight against doping. Imagine LA as an anti doping crusader ... fearsome. Regardless, if he does admit to doping, you can expect a skillfully orchestrated campaign, including Oprah and talk shows, with carefully calculated displays of remorse and promises to be morally upright in the future.

Nah, don't buy it. Don't think the public will swallow a second dose of Armstrong's pablum. Like Icarus, the higher you fly, the harder you will fall. Once the 'superhuman will' of Armstrong is exposed to be as durable as a third grader's papier mache art work filled with syringes, his ability to stand truthfully behind anything will be put into doubt. It's not just the fact that his accomplishments have been consumated in a bed of lies, but that he screwed over people's trust as well and never even bothered to offer so much as a cigarette afterwards.

I think that once the sh!t starts to seriously hit the fan some may even start to question if the whole point of donating for the sake of 'awareness' makes any sense at all when they were already aware of the problem in some way to begin with. To have a charity is one thing, but to have one that prima facie looks slightly nebulous is another.


Sep 24, 2009
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Will Pharmstrong be arrested in France if he rides the TdF?

The Hog?

Doesn't Floyd have some outstanding charges against him by the French authorities. Maybe he wants to wrap that up and will cooperate, so he can travel to Paris on his honeymoon, when he gets married again.