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Floyd Explains How to Beat the Passport

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Jul 13, 2009
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Fourier said:
odd that Flandis is describing how to beat the passport since if I recall correctly, the passport was not in effect in the years before his suspension.
He describes how they used microdosing and transfusions but that was done even pre-passport.
Sure there has to be more to it now.

Before the passport, riders were already checked for 'irregular values'. In Hamilton's case, this led to confidential talks with the UCI (or WADA, I don't remember), before he tested positive. Perhaps Landis was referring to methods to avoid rousing suspicion.
Sep 19, 2009
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Jonathan said:
Before the passport, riders were already checked for 'irregular values'. In Hamilton's case, this led to confidential talks with the UCI (or WADA, I don't remember), before he tested positive. Perhaps Landis was referring to methods to avoid rousing suspicion.
It would be interesting to know more about the methods from a rider that raced (at the top level) under the passport program such as Frei.
hell, he even raced for Astana and rode for a long time without being caught. Plus he is in a confessing mood.
Jul 13, 2009
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Fourier said:
It would be interesting to know more about the methods from a rider that raced (at the top level) under the passport program such as Frei.
hell, he even raced for Astana and rode for a long time without being caught. Plus he is in a confessing mood.

Indeed! Sorry, but I have to make an off-topic remark here. What has struck me in both the accounts by Frei and Landis is how open they were about doping in their personal lives. Frei told his family, and Landis apparently injected himself with many others present. The same openness would hold true for Armstrong - assuming that all the negative testimonies, like those of Emma O'Reilly and Betsy Andreu, were right. It seems like people around a particular pro cyclist more often than not know he is doping, and condone it. Frei indicated that this doesn't hold true for every doper, but I still think there is a pattern.
May 6, 2009
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Fourier said:
odd that Flandis is describing how to beat the passport since if I recall correctly, the passport was not in effect in the years before his suspension.
He describes how they used microdosing and transfusions but that was done even pre-passport.
Sure there has to be more to it now.

Hasn't Landis been part of the programme since his suspension ended? He's been around the Rock Racing team and isn't Team Ouch on the Bio Passport?
thingswelike said:
What a thoroughly miserable life being a pro cyclist must be. All this cloak and dagger stuff!
Imagine a good junior who managed to stay sheltered from it all, then they try and turn pro and the reality hits them. They start to hear whisperings of what's going on. Then they get to the realisation that "everyone's doing it". Truly tragic.

Ashenden's comment of "we knew they were doing something" is very telling. It could even mean that profiles previously allowed will be re-examined. That could be pretty dangerous though - too many sanctions all at once.

I wouldn't be surprised if they drew a line under everything just before the tour and wiped the slate clean.

Papparrazzi said:
These microdoses are supposed to be undetectable after a few hours. Could this throw a new perspective on that LA test by the "incompetent" official that was waiting for him to return from a training ride, and LA stalled him by taking a 20 minute shower? Mabye LA wanted those extra minutes for a greater margin of security?

Just my uninformed speculation.:confused:

Sounds like the 20 mins were for ingesting a lot of water or saline. It was absurd at the time, we just didn't know what he was actually doing during showergate. Now it looks like we do.


Aug 17, 2009
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MacRoadie said:
Yep, Floyd laid out the hard part.

Now, all they have to do is find a preparatore to plan a program, secure a safe and anonymous source for EPO, purchase transfusion equipment, learn how to draw and re-infuse their own blood, purchase and learn how to operate a flow cytometer, purchase a microscope and learn how to manually count reticulocytes, and learn how to dose EPO and infuse saline solution as necessary.


The problem I have are those who self administrate without a doctor. If what Floyd said about his being the babysitter of blood bags, well that is dangerous. What if Floyd got drunk one night and accidentlly unplugged the fridge. Or some joker decided to change the names on the blood bags playing russian roullete.
Sep 9, 2009
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Thoughtforfood said:
I am printing up some "I Heart Floyd Landis" tee shirts. Anyone want one?

Haven't read the whole thread yet, but I want one that says BELIEVE FLOYD in the style of those BELIEVE TYLER t-shirts from a while back.
Sep 22, 2009
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Sounds like the 20 mins were for ingesting a lot of water or saline. It was absurd at the time, we just didn't know what he was actually doing during showergate. Now it looks like we do.

But are you sure it's enough time for the water to completely absorb? From what I understood, Thomas Frei had the time to drink but it would've done nothing because it takes some time to have an effect on the blood.
FKLance said:
But are you sure it's enough time for the water to completely absorb? From what I understood, Thomas Frei had the time to drink but it would've done nothing because it takes some time to have an effect on the blood.

I don't know, maybe someone else can comment. Seems like a saline injection would get in the bloodstream quickly enough. I mean the idea of an OOC test is that once the tester arrives, they do not leave the sight of the athlete. If LA/Bruyneel had legitimate questions about the identity of the tester, they call while the tester is present and sort it out.

The obvious answer is that it was an excuse for Lance to get out of the sight of the tester. What he did in that time, no one but them know, but it's obviously not allowed, and the reason why you can't leave the sight of the tester.

He's a doper and a liar.


FKLance said:
But are you sure it's enough time for the water to completely absorb? From what I understood, Thomas Frei had the time to drink but it would've done nothing because it takes some time to have an effect on the blood.

IV vs drinking=not the same thing.
red_flanders said:
I don't know, maybe someone else can comment. Seems like a saline injection would get in the bloodstream quickly enough. I mean the idea of an OOC test is that once the tester arrives, they do not leave the sight of the athlete. If LA/Bruyneel had legitimate questions about the identity of the tester, they call while the tester is present and sort it out.

The obvious answer is that it was an excuse for Lance to get out of the sight of the tester. What he did in that time, no one but them know, but it's obviously not allowed, and the reason why you can't leave the sight of the tester.

He's a doper and a liar.

Yep saline injection is what does it according to Floyd in the most recent ESPN article.

BTW, where is BigBoat? He was telling us a year ago on this forum they were all using saline to dilute the blood; and he knew this from his own experience doping as a USA domestic semi-pro.

Everyone who was flaming BigBoat a year ago owes him an appology as it now seems he was dead right.
Mr.38% said:
Everyone with a half brain may read freely available information on the net in order to know:...

I wonder how naive people (incl. Ashenden) are, I really do.

Hopefully Floyd wrote EVERYTHING down like he said. Day by day, full disclosure.
I don't know, but maybe he just want to be politically correct or play on the Landis side.;)


Bump so that moronic threads like those titled "Confused" and "landis" do not fulfill their purpose of pushing real threads to the second page.
Mar 22, 2010
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Alpe d'Huez said:
Interesting thought, BroDeal.

I tried. I also tried sending him to RBR, or CF. Or CEM if he wants to argue with opposing views. He said he doesn't like it there, and wants to be here.

He'll be banned shortly, and all of his posts deleted. Just so you know.[/

As for Floyd, it's his word, not worth much against the powers that be. (also not worth anything, imo) UNLESS 1 of 2 things happens, another person or people corroborate what he says and most importantly, some sort of evidence is uncovered. I think the best evidence would be the paper trail from Discovery/USPS to UCI to McQuaid.

That type of conspiracy could land hardest on McQuaid's head and wouldn't it be interesting to hear what he could possibly divulge if they could flip him?

As for the troll... why the eff is a banning/deletion even necessary? If some of the chuckleheads here would just stop feeding him he would die of starvation in his infancy. Otherwise, he just comes back like Jason in Friday the 13th (or was that Halloween? Who the hell cares?) again and again.

RR and BD, I am talking to you.