A lie by any other name
Im sure one of the things that Landis is mad about is that he got pinched for doing the same as all the other successful riders. He knows, as does JV, that if he played ball with Armstrong he would have been protected and it never would have happened. This is the source of Armstrong's power - the fact that cheating is illegal and he can manipulate the system so that he can get away with it(and do it better) than others without getting caught. Make doping legal and it might be a little more fair.
A better analogy than guns might have been pot, or prohibition of alcohol. Those that are willing and better able to manipulate the system by violence and intimidation, among other things, are more successful - not necessarily those with the best pot. Legalize it, he seems to argue, and maybe we can have good, safe, regulated pot available to people. I myself find this argument dubious because you are swapping one form of corruption for another.
What's the answer? I don't think any of us knows. Start a new league where the governing body is set up differently? Total regulation of the human body?Is there a clean professional sport even out there to use as a model?
Any way you slice it just because you may not agree with his solution doesnt mean you have to disagree with his contention, based largely in fact, that there is a major problem.
Finally, I'd like to point out that if you lie, and dont get caught lying, it doesnt mean what you said was true. Its still a lie.