DirtyWorks said:
WADA would be the one holding samples.
I did not say decades. You are blowing my opinion out of scale to make it sound ridiculous. This is a common tactic to shout down reasonable discussion. Please stop it. If I ever mention a time span, then it is ten years.
You are using a false constraint and again blowing my opinion up to make it sound ridiculous. This is weak.
Instead of shouting me down, how about discussing the following:
-What are the costs of storage? It's freezer space.
-What would most riders do if they knew today's advanced drug is tomorrow's positive?
Besides calling the idea fecal matter, how about a well reasoned reply? So far, you it doesn't look like you are capable of reasoning well or discussing, or agree to disagree and move on.
You need to check your history. The sport has been there already. Check out the law suit against chris carmichael and Rene Wenzel. The U.S. was not the only place the under-23's and younger were being doped. Doping the young-uns for fun and profit. That's what you are advocating because there's no boundary to your ideal.
Perform sport within human limits is the ideal and rules should be enforced accordingly. No one dies of an overdose that way.
Wow! It appears that your flair for sensationalism is apparently only to be outdone here by my own. It is an interesting distraction to break a fully formed thought down into it's contributing factors and dispute them out of context, but we see a lot of that here so I will rebut in kind and try to be less petty.
I have no interest in shouting down your opinion, there is far too much of that here already, and it is not my game. But if your sensibilities are not up for having your opinion challenged then you are undoubtedly in for a rough ride with some of the regulars here. My advice would be to sharpen your argument and try to stay on point. It will serve you better than playing victim does.
As to the points in question:
You seem pretty sure that WADA would maintain custody of these samples. Especially when you consider that they maintain no custody of any sample at present. However they have licensed laboratories all over the world who do for a fee. With a radical expansion of the inventory due to expanded testing, cataloging, monitoring, and holding all those samples for ten years, while guaranteeing incontrovertibly that their stability and security, sounds kind of expensive to me. Especially when you consider that since you have now made this a WADA program, it will also have to be expanded to all sports under their jurisdiction, which includes every Olympic sport and athlete. Sounds like a budget buster to me
You are correct in that you did not say decades. What you said is ten years, so I will admit to that gross exaggeration... I think...
As to false constraint: please do tell me, in all seriousness, who is going to fund your idea? Unlike other professional sports their is no price of admission to be a cycling fan. There is no revenue stream like other professional sports. Is that burden going to be put on the team sponsors along with all their other costs? Gee... I wonder how they will feel about that.
You really think the cost of a program like this is "freezer space"? As an athlete whose career, reputation, current and future livelihood depends on this accuracy and validity of this program, you had better be able to show me flawless documentation, iron clad security, and unbroken chain of custody that guarantees against tampering, contamination, and aging... or don't even get started. My lawyers will eat you and this program alive. So... thousands of athletes... ten test per year each... ten years worth of storage... sounds kind of spendy doesn't it?
So... what would most riders do if they know that their results would be expunged from the records nine or ten years from now?... Hmmm... Well the punishment for testing positive today is a two year ban, public shame, loss of income, future discredit. That doesn't seem to be a strong enough deterrent in today's peloton. Do you really think the threat of post retirement disgrace will have more impact? I don't!
I will gladly retract my fecal matter comparison since you obviously view it as inflammatory and see it as directed at your proposal as opposed the the greater context of these harebrained ideas for which it was intended.
And finally as to checking my facts; you will have you expand as to what I am checking my facts is search of. "Been there already"...huh? Do under 23's dope? uh... yeah. What's in dispute here? I think that you are trying to make the point that doping would get much worse under a program that I allude to, and which you do not completely comprehend. But as to saving lives... prior to the 50% hematocrit rule established in the 90's there was a significant number of young cyclist deaths Belgium and the Netherlands. They died mysteriously in their sleep. In the decade or more since then, there is only one I can think of. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I would welcome the discourse.
I hope this sufficiently meets your standard for reasonable discussion. I will be glad to agree to disagree with any well constructed argument you may care to make. And I would suggest that before you attack another poster's position on any topic, that you ask sufficient questions to accurately comprehend what their position is. You did not do it in this instance. Hopefully you will in the future.