So we've gone from athletes having no idea about their TUE status, which is demonstrably false, to a doctors note with medical history being enough. So let's look at that. Froome would have required an abbreviated TUE form in 2008 (where a doctors note would be sufficient and he would still have to fill out the form, submit it and keep a copy), but in 2009 the rules around Salbutamol changed and he would have required a full TUE form with the appropriate medical history and testing. No one has to take my word for this, the change is detailed in the introduction here:
Luckily WADA keep archived documents and this 2010 version of the TUE guiidelines shows what was removed from the 2009 version:
If Froome had a TUE for Salbutamol in 2009 issued after these changes, this is the minimal requirements that would have had to be satisfied for it to be granted. That's something I thnk most people would remember. If he didn't have one issued once the more rigorous testing was introduced, this would either be because the testing showed he didn't actually have asthma, or they decided not to test him. Again, that is something that, I think, most people would remember.
I know people love to group posters together, but I've been on the opposite sides of discussions within the clinic many times and I think I've probably been on the "anti-doping" side of such discussions more times than I've been on the "doping" side. So how about you address a post without creating strawmen arguments?
This ignores the fact that we are talking about a time period where full TUEs were required for IBAs and those are clearly the guidelines I'm referring to. As can be seen from the reference above, there was a drop off in athletes claiming TUEs for asthma by approximately 1/2 (unless you think Portugal wouldn't be representative...), when these guidelines were brought in. My actual experience, whatever that might be, is irrelevant, because I can back up what I've said with documentation easily accessible online. Any experience I may or may not have just lets me post initially from knowledge. Again, lets have a look at the current guidelines for asthma related TUEs:
These discuss things in more depth but essentially ask for the same things that were asked for in 2009. Again, my experience is irrelevant, because the documents exist to back up my assertions. So yes, there's the evidence.
Because the form, literally, asks if the athlete has applied for a TUE in the past and what it was for. Again, I'll refer you to the referenced WADA documents above (it's in Annex 2), but I'll also refer you to the current form template from WADA. It's section 6, on page 3:
So, as I stated before, Froome not previously mentioning a TUE for salbutamol because he didn't think it was at all a big deal? Yeah, I can buy that.
Froome forgetting he had a TUE for Salbutamol, neglecting to maintain his own records, not declaring it on future TUEs and not remembering any of that when his own team mate from that time period, Steve Cummings, has his Salbutamol TUE released by Fancy Bears? I don't believe that.