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Jayco al-'Ula and its GreenEdge predecessors

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Jul 8, 2009
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greenedge said:
Us younger generations prefer other Aussies, like Kerr, Hawkins and Gomez.

Gee whiz Edgy.. Tough marker when you don't rate Elle.

Can you just pop over to the "babes on bikes" thread and post a picture of your GF...
May 25, 2010
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May 25, 2010
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Spider1964 said:
Gee whiz Edgy.. Tough marker when you don't rate Elle.

Can you just pop over to the "babes on bikes" thread and post a picture of your GF...

Yep, as part of the "i" generation even I would pick her over those three. Actually, I have nfi who the last one is. :D
Tuarts said:

So this never actually eventuated I guess? They are actually fully signed up as of now? Wasn't one of the theories they weren't being signed until then so they could race in the SA-AIS composite squad?

I think that was the case. Either that or so they could cleanup in the U23 races at the Nats and therefore have "four" national champions in their squad. I guess they saw the light and realised that it would have been poor form on their behalf.
Apr 14, 2010
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Ferminal said:
Ok, back to our thoughts on TTers/leadout men/sprinters please.

OK, on that front, given I assume the likes of Durbridge, Bobridge, Myer, Hepburn won't be riding a GT prior to the Olympics.....Vuelta starts with a TTT, GE basically turns up with the (gold medal winning :D) teams pursuit squad, plus the rest of the squad they plan on taking to the Worlds TTT. GE grabs the Red jersey (or whatever colour the Vuelta goes with this year) on day one.
I think Sky might have a chance of winning the Vuelta TTT ( over GE ) if only because GE will be sending a few sprinters/ they might not want riders like Hepburn/ Durbridge doubling up after the Olympics. Sky will want to get big time gaps for Froome so will probably take riders like Dowsett, Rogers, Knees and maybe Porte ( if he wants to do the WC ) and will have decent other riders like Pate, Zandio who can contibrute on the mountains/ flats.
Apr 14, 2010
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greenedge said:
I think Sky might have a chance of winning the Vuelta TTT ( over GE ) if only because GE will be sending a few sprinters/ they might not want riders like Hepburn/ Durbridge doubling up after the Olympics. Sky will want to get big time gaps for Froome so will probably take riders like Dowsett, Rogers, Knees and maybe Porte ( if he wants to do the WC ) and will have decent other riders like Pate, Zandio who can contibrute on the mountains/ flats.

Sky is the obvious threat to my plan, but the length of the TTT (12k I think) probably helps GE - if it were a long TTT, the advantage would definately be with Sky. My thoughts would be post Olympics GE will want to get a GT into the legs of the young guys so throw them at the Vuelta (as I assume the TP team wont do Giro or Tour).
Jun 16, 2009
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GreenEdge jersey reveal soon!

No naming rights sponsor for GreenEdge which is disturbing considering the high amount of coverage Cadel Evans' tdf victory has brought to the sport.
Oct 25, 2009
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auscyclefan94 said:
Their website is all over the place and really bad. Hopefully the current one has an error on it.

It is quite embarassing and has been so for 2 hours now. They should take it down until it is fixed. Let us hope it is only a traffic issue.
auscyclefan94 said:
Hawkins is not that hot. Megan Gale is quite hot although Elle is still hotter than most of those girls at her current age.

Rachael Taylor says hello :D


What the flying **** have they dont to their website

its like a whole bunch of js is missing.

edit: just gone through the source, all the js is present. I have a feeling its meant to look something like that or theres a scipt error... awful.
Jul 30, 2009
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TeamSkyFans said:
What the flying **** have they dont to their website

its like a whole bunch of js is missing.

edit: just gone through the source, all the js is present. I have a feeling its meant to look something like that or theres a scipt error... awful.

Agreed. Looks cr@p on my browser too.

Alby looks like a little mouse in black and white
Oct 25, 2009
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TeamSkyFans said:
What the flying **** have they dont to their website

its like a whole bunch of js is missing.

edit: just gone through the source, all the js is present. I have a feeling its meant to look something like that or theres a scipt error... awful.

It seems to work on Firefox OK (and with great potential if still work in progress) but with Explorer it is a disaster. Last time I looked IE had a fair slice of the market unfortunately.