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Hamilton caught again!

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BroDeal said:
Willingness? Dope and race in Europe for decent money or race clean and eek out a living on a crappy U.S. domestic team, making $14K a year. Some choice.

Well isn't that what it all boils down to?
Peanuts for blood sweat and tears, at one end of the spectrum. $2.6 million for spending a month in early summer, sightseeing in Italy.
Two guys who's professional paths are historically entwined.
Same decisions, vastly different outcomes........to date.


Mar 17, 2009
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I still believe in Tyler and I’m prepared to donate to the Tyler Hamilton fund to help his next defence. I can’t believe the way that Tyler has been victimised by the USADA. Like it’s not like he kept the tester waiting whilst he had a shower for gods sake. I mean Tyler gave his sample and admitted to his depression. You don’t need to fill out a TUE for that ! You should be able to take what ever you need.

The reason I believe in Tyler is that I saw him race in the UK once and I walked up to him with my family and my son said “Yo Tyler” and Tyler high-fived my young son. That’s the mark of man who is honest.

Tyler I still believe you and tell me where to send my money to help you mount the next defence.
Mar 19, 2009
whiteboytrash said:
The reason I believe in Tyler is that I saw him race in the UK once and I walked up to him with my family and my son said “Yo Tyler” and Tyler high-fived my young son. That’s the mark of man who is honest.

........or a pedophile.;)
whiteboytrash said:
The reason I believe in Tyler is that I saw him race in the UK once and I walked up to him with my family and my son said “Yo Tyler” and Tyler high-fived my young son. That’s the mark of man who is honest.

Tyler I still believe you and tell me where to send my money to help you mount the next defence.

Man, your standards are pretty low.:confused:
Mar 17, 2009
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Excuses, to the end.

He took the suppliment, knowing it had a banned substance, to alleviate depression. Yeah, right. If you were that depressed, did it ever occur to you to go see a doctor? To get in a proper treatment program? That would not only have been far better than taking some over the counter quack substance, it would have been very legitimate grounds for a TUE. In fact the TUE (abused as it has been) was designed to handle cases like this.

Okay, maybe you're so depressed you wanted to get caught, but must you further disgrace the sport in the process? Think about something other than yourself, for a change. At the very least, show a bit of character on the way out the door.

That being said, I have to agree with BD - in most doping cases, it isn't a question of making a choice, it's more why they have to face that sort of temptation at all. Don't dope, and you're a club rider. Dope, and you're in the club, with only a one chance in four of being caught. With those odds, who would turn down that proposition?
Apr 9, 2009
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Makes me laugh when I read all the slagging off all of you are giving him. Yes he cheated big deal so did a big number of others. It makes no difference to me if people get caught cheating or own up. they should all get the same treatment. But they dont, Hamilton,Basso - Badboy's yet people forgive Dave Millar??
Will you all be slagging off Armstrong If (when) he gets caught?
I doubt it.
Typical American single-mindedness im afraid. How many non americans have slagged him off on here? not many I bet.
Well he's done for good this time - no way the powers that be don't come down hard on him given the current state of pro cycling. He'll be scapegoated as the riders always are, you know, Hamilton was "just one bad apple in the peloton, most riders are clean, blah blah blah."

I don't believe for a second that he took the medication only for depression - why not take a medication that DOESN'T have steroids in it or SIMPLY SEE A DOCTOR FOR A MEDICAL EXEMPTION. But yeah, I'm a cynical *******, sorry but life has made this way, of which 10 years of amateur racing while closely following pro cycling is a big part.

If Tyler has any bit of honor left in that burned-out brain of his, any bit of the true spark that first drove him to become the competitor that he WAS, he will come clean with THE WHOLE TRUTH of the drug culture in cycling. It is only by exposing the problem that we can cure it and move on. The sport has already made some strides in recent years, just look at how riders will vilify drug cheats where in the past they would not comment on the situation at all.

Cycling at its core is such a wonderful sport; it is about personal improvement and development both mentally and physically. It can give you a healthy lifestyle and a strong body and mind. It can also corrupt you and destroy you if you put results in races above all else. Hamilton is yet another sad example of the latter.
ukpaul said:
No your right I don't, But i'd bet alot of money that I'm right.

I'd take that bet if it were possible to collect. I'm in Michigan and a strong majority of cyclists that I know had written Tyler off long ago. I personally never cared for him. His doping issues just cemented it all for me although I am somewhat sympathetic to his personal issue with his mother's cancer.
Apr 15, 2009
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ukpaul said:
Makes me laugh when I read all the slagging off all of
Will you all be slagging off Armstrong If (when) he gets caught?
I doubt it.
Typical American single-mindedness im afraid. How many non americans have slagged him off on here? not many I bet.

what is this slagging off thing.... sounds dirty:eek:

are you even speaking (writing) American?
Apr 9, 2009
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Verb: slag off
Usage: Brit, vulgar

(informal) criticize, insult, talk down
Derived forms: slagging off, slags off, slagged off
Apr 1, 2009
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This dude has problems that go beyond than cycling. Now, cyclingwise, he needs to be out of the sport asap just because all the baggage he brought to the sport.
Certainly I hope he gets better, depression is a pain of a sickness.


Mixed feelings on this one... I feel bad for him if the depression is really that much of an issue. But on the other hand, the evidence against him sure does make his past look suspect. Add to it this positive and it really isn't helping his case.

It's funny (or sad) how doping has created lots of doubt. You want to believe in these athletes but you really can't commit to believing in anyone 100% these days. That goes for any sport.
Mar 11, 2009
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Dr. Wattini said:
This dude has problems that go beyond than cycling. Now, cyclingwise, he needs to be out of the sport asap just because all the baggage he brought to the sport.
Certainly I hope he gets better, depression is a pain of a sickness.

IF you believe his story, that is....I'm sorry, I don't. I know it sounds harsh, but that is what his past actions lead me to believe. This is, IMO, another tale in a long line of them....the chimera, the Tugboat saga, Haven, etc. It's not like we have not known him to try and exploit public sympathy in the past.
Apr 8, 2009
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To draw conculsions that his past doping had anything to do with this recent affair doesn't work for me. His OpPuerto convection was do to the culure of cycling, his recent positive has more to do with someone struggleing to maintain postitive mental health than winning races. I would really like to read the book as well, and I hope that a tell-all is in the works. Living a lie can't be that good for anyone, much less someone who is suffering from depression. This outcome is far better for him than what the public did to MarcoP, turning our collective backs and leaving him to suicide. His self treatment for depression was a tragedy for cycling. Tyler can now get help, and get away from the haters.
Too bad. I feel sorry for him, if he's telling the truth. If he's lying, I feel even more sorry for him for hiding behind depression as an excuse.

Either way, it's always too bad for the sport when a story like this comes up.

Ah well, he still rode the Tour with a broken collarbone. Doping or not, props for that bit of gutsiness.

I hope he gets the help he so obviously needs.
Mar 11, 2009
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Isn't(wasn't)he the current US national road champ?
He has used up all the excuses in the book. Depression is no good, i can only imagine this will make it worse.
Mar 11, 2009
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sbsbiker said:
To draw conculsions that his past doping had anything to do with this recent affair doesn't work for me. His OpPuerto convection was do to the culure of cycling, his recent positive has more to do with someone struggleing to maintain postitive mental health than winning races. I would really like to read the book as well, and I hope that a tell-all is in the works. Living a lie can't be that good for anyone, much less someone who is suffering from depression. This outcome is far better for him than what the public did to MarcoP, turning our collective backs and leaving him to suicide. His self treatment for depression was a tragedy for cycling. Tyler can now get help, and get away from the haters.

Well, except he wasn't convicted for Puerto, he was convicted for blood doping. And spare me the "culture of cycling" excuse....the rules are there for everyone to see. Hey, why not let guys hang on cars going up climbs? "Everyone else is doing it."
Bro Deal,

Bro Deal, -from the 1st page.

It isn't just snowboarders who are punished for smoking weed.

At the MTN. Bike National Championships in Mammoth, in 2004, the downhill national champ lost His winnings due to THC detected in His sample.

If what Tyler took has no cheating benefit then for the WADA or what ever to persue it discredites the whole effort.

Persecuting people for using cannabis (marijuana / weed) is a political issue and has no place in a credible effort to stop cheaters. Government persecutes chess players etc. for using cannabis while they also say cannabis messes up the thinking process. Which is it?

Weed can not help a cyclist win the Tour but can get them thrown out.

I say if a bike racer can drink beer, wine or any booze after a race, they should be allowed to smoke a joint.

The governing bodies of cycling should not do anything which compromises the effort to clean up the sport.

Banning substances for political reasons which have no enhancing qualities, compromises the sport.


As for Tyler, I'm going to leave it alone...

Right or wrong...

The bottom line; He's out.

The bottom line; We all should be concerned for any citizens with mental health issues and give them room with out attacking them at every oppertunity.

He's out.

*We should be better people than posting things here that may actually harm His mental health more.
I don't say this much out in the world, but when I was younger I suffered from depression. I could write a long post on it, suffice to say I'm fine now and have been for years. As much as anything else, what helped me came down to one quote from Aristotle:

The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later by a thousandfold.

The only way out of this for Tyler is the same. He must tell the truth. There is no other way. And I don't only mean about his dark past in cycling, about his whole life. His family, his failed marriage, and his career as a racer in the most dirty time of the sport's history. There is absolutely nothing to fear in the truth. Nothing at all, and I hope once he gets help, he can come clean about his career.
Mar 11, 2009
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I really don’t care what reason he had. He got caught now and he got caught back then. He's a cheater and a disgrace to the sport. I'm just glad he's out. When Norwegian TV interviewed him during ToC he was acting like a jackass and furiously denying any previously doping.

It's good getting rid of riders like him. I hope he gets treatment for his mental health and in the process understands that he should stay away from the sport for good.