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Hamilton caught again!

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Apr 19, 2009
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Come on

whiteboytrash said:
The reason I believe in Tyler is that I saw him race in the UK once and I walked up to him with my family and my son said “Yo Tyler” and Tyler high-fived my young son. That’s the mark of man who is honest.

Tyler I still believe you and tell me where to send my money to help you mount the next defence.

Whiteboy. Seriously? He gave your son a high five so he is honest? Do you think Vino ever gave a high five? Jan? Ricco? Should I keep going? It's cool if you are a fan of him but you should try harder to come up with a reason for it.

He's a cheater. He's been a cheater for a very long time and is very good at coming up with odd stories to try and mask his true intentions. I don't trust this clown any further than I could throw him. The sport is better off without him, it's just too bad he didn't go away sooner.

Stay tuned. Before long he'll say the depression is really related to the sudden "vanishing" of his "twin".
Hey. Maybe we could just start up another thread, only call it Ricco?
He's as deserving of our sympathy. Even got a nice police escort.
High profile victim of the system.
Just another foot soldier, put up against a French wall and shot.
Why no thread on him?
Mellow Velo said:
Hey. Maybe we could just start up another thread, only call it Ricco?
He's as deserving of our sympathy. Even got a nice police escort.
High profile victim of the system.
Just another foot soldier, put up against a French wall and shot.
Why no thread on him?

Let's shift our simpathy to Valverde, no? Alejandro Valverde races today the Amstel Gold race and, next week, Fleche Vallone and Liege organizzed by the ASO, that is le Tour, of which his team is a sponsor. Yet nobody as asked the question: is it right that Valverde is at the start? Neither the teams, nor the organizers, nor the UCI. Yet the Investigation Office of Coni, which is not a private group, has defered the Spaniard to the Coni Court requesting a two year disqualification in Italy: for involvement with Operacion Puerto and blood bag number 18 (Valv-Piti in code), which pertained to him as confirmed by a DNA analysis. As far as the ill-treated Ethical Code goes, that cost the 2006 Tour of Basso and Ullrich, the Caisse d'Espargne team should have signed it. That Code, however, exists no more.

The UCI took Valverde to the TAS court in Swizerland before the 2007 Worlds in order to not allow him to start: the judges said, however, that the governing body of cycling was wrong. Now the situation has radically turned. There are documents, proofs (that need to be verified by a judge, of course). Let's say that in this affair that cycling has gone astray (and not for the first time) from the spirit of the ethical code. And let's say that in this case it has let another occasion slip by, which could have acted as a tremor to resolve an ambarassing situation (and perhaps much more). In the mean time, at Madrid, judge Serrano has once again negated as proof the arguments supplied by the investigation into the National Spanish Soccer League, which wanted to open disciplinary proceedings against the players involved in OP. And on March 23 the statute of limitations gets unleashed.

For those that don't believe it's all about money and that Spain is a big problem, then perhaps we should wonder why Tyler Hamilton is so depressed?:mad:
Apr 17, 2009
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Hamilton argubly the biggest fraud of the last 10 years. People who supported him have their head in the sand. Depression? I don't buy it. Seldom does an athlete come clean. He is a liar and a cheat. Former wife figured him out before we all did.
Apr 19, 2009
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Tyler Hamilton Tests Positive For DHEA

Tyler stated that he was taking DHEA to treat depression. Supplemental DHEA has been used as a treatment for depression. Tyler is now in his late 30s, the age at which declining DHEA levels often become evident. I was not aware that DHEA is a banned substance by the UCI. I find this hard to believe. This is a legal substance readily available from nutritional supplement suppliers. While providing many health and anti-aging benefits, DHEA does have a direct impact as an athletic performance enhancing agent Tyler's previous doping offense was real, but this is ridiculous. While doping is real issue in cycling, the list of banned substances has to be questioned.
Mar 19, 2009
For Pete's sake, here we go again.:( Greg or any other Admin., here's another thread to move. Maybe a new section entitled "doping" under "Form & Fitness" would be prudent. After all, this is about "Who's riding where and who's winning what? This is the place to talk about it".

Oxlabs, you make a valid point, right or wrong. I'm not trying to discourage you from posting. Cool?:cool: There's just too much divisive discussion when it comes to this topic, and it needs to have it's own section on the forum. I think it's on the Admins to correct this, because it won't go away, part of the sport.
For Pete's sake, here we go again.:( Greg or any other Admin., here's another thread to move. Maybe a new section entitled "doping" under "Form & Fitness" would be prudent. After all, this is about "Who's riding where and who's winning what? This is the place to talk about it".

Oxlabs, you make a valid point, right or wrong. I'm not trying to discourage you from posting. Cool?:cool: There's just too much divisive discussion when it comes to this topic, and it needs to have it's own section on the forum. I think it's on the Admins to correct this, because it won't go away, part of the sport.

Or we could just hope for a little maturity when it comes to hijacking threads. Reading the existing threads before posting new, duplicate ones might also be helpful.
Mar 19, 2009
I don't know. Just a suggestion for a really annoying problem. I know one thing for sure, I'm going to plead ignorance from now on when it comes to le dopage. It just ain't worth it, unless you've got something completely and utterly constructive to add.
I propose a new thread called "Vino & Kashi" about the unfortunate Kazak born Ruskies, who gave their blood and skin for their sport, yet were unfairly singled out by the sinister French gendarmes, and abandoned by their own country.

Yes, it has all the makings of a modern Tolstoy novel.

Having grown up pale and blond in a region of Asians who would rather speak their own tongue (Kazak) instead of the gravelly language the Soviets forced upon them, it turns out poor Kashi wasn't even welcomed by his own courts back home in his lawsuit against his human rights being violated, just like the Russian peasants of days of yonder. Now, it looks like their own brethren who created a team for them, Astana, spent all their money on a bunch of Yanks and are now going broke, leaving them only crumbs to scrounge on next year when they try to return.

Living in such cold darkness, these guys must be truly depressed, and I'm sure they tried high-fiving Kazak kids back home who probably only looked at them and saw little Putins, still suppressing them from their true independence.

Vino & Kashi just need a little love. Someone to hear them out, someone who will understand their situation. Won't you lend a hand like this nice fellow, and give them a chance.

Mar 19, 2009
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After all, this is about "Who's riding where and who's winning what? This is the place to talk about it".

That is almost competely, 99.8% determined by doping.

Who is even available to rider the big races for their teams depends on where they are in their drug cycle.
Mar 19, 2009
He:eek: Very true. From now on I say ignorance is bliss for me when it comes to doping programmes. I use Enervit and Endurox products, that's where the buck stops for me. You can find me in the gear section usually giving hyper critical advice on the toys of our trade. That's all I really know anything about on a professional level anyway.................Gone.:)
My last post on this thread before I promise to let it die.

I think we're going to have a problem though because probably every other day some troll will make a new thread filled with accusations and misinformation regarding some doping case, and it's human nature to rebut such a thing and set the facts straight.
Mar 3, 2009
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For Pete's sake, here we go again.:( Greg or any other Admin., here's another thread to move. Maybe a new section entitled "doping" under "Form & Fitness" would be prudent. After all, this is about "Who's riding where and who's winning what? This is the place to talk about it".

Oxlabs, you make a valid point, right or wrong. I'm not trying to discourage you from posting. Cool?:cool: There's just too much divisive discussion when it comes to this topic, and it needs to have it's own section on the forum. I think it's on the Admins to correct this, because it won't go away, part of the sport.

Agreed on, well, all points. I'll merge this one and see if we can't create a doping corner, so we keep the discussion on road racing clean...bad pun.

Greg Johnson
Mar 11, 2009
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As a sufferer of depression I find his story plausible at the least - it's probably the first time the guy's been honest in years. I've considered taking that supplement (but it was too hard for me to get) and didn't realise it was on the banned list either (and a vaguely remember looking for it as I have a slim chance of getting tested). I can't imagine a doctor agreeing to it as an 'alternative' treatment even though there is lots of ancedotal evidence that it works let alone getting a TUE for it. To simply say go see a doctor and get therapy - it doesn't work for everyone. I've seen MANY MANY doctors and therapists, I've tried medication and none of it ever did anything positive for me. The only thing that has ever worked was support and compassion from family and friends - but it's very hard on them. Yeah others out there have had different experiences but it just gives more credibility to Tyler's story because everyone deals with things differently. You would be surprised how many people (doctors included) who have their own opinions on depression that are just plain wrong! You just can't understand how it will affect someone.

Yeah he was a cheat but it's pretty obvious that many if not all the top riders from that time were on something. He's not any worse than the others who also denied/deny it or really those who were open about it. Yeah, he could be lying again - but frankly if he's that desperate I'd be concerned about his mental health anyway. I hope he doesn't end up like Dajka. I'll try and remember him for being able to do the things that I could never do in the same way I'll remember Ullrich, Vino, Zabel etc.
Apr 20, 2009
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Read what was really said.

Come on people. Pull your heads out of the sand.

Tyler said:
The 38-year-old Hamilton confirmed that he had tested positive for Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) a multi-functional steroid he said was in an herbal remedy he took after he had stopped using prescription anti-depressants.

USADA said:
USADA chief executive Travis Tygart said that the case is an ongoing matter and that he wasn’t prepared to comment beyond confirming “that Tyler Hamilton tested positive for testosterone or its precursors through carbon isotope analysis by the WADA-accredited laboratory at UCLA.”

Funny. Another lie from Tyler just like the first time. This time rtying to get sympathy and retire with some sort of grace. Not to be had. He should go in flames and I hope he does. He has hurt everyone in the sport and in the industry. Shame on him.
Chowdahead said:
USADA said:
USADA chief executive Travis Tygart said that the case is an ongoing matter and that he wasn’t prepared to comment beyond confirming “that Tyler Hamilton tested positive for testosterone or its precursors through carbon isotope analysis by the WADA-accredited laboratory at UCLA.”

Funny. Another lie from Tyler just like the first time. This time rtying to get sympathy and retire with some sort of grace. Not to be had. He should go in flames and I hope he does. He has hurt everyone in the sport and in the industry. Shame on him.

DHEA is an indirect precursor of testosterone.
Apr 21, 2009
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Tyler Hamilton Depressed

Tyler Hamilton - give me a break. Obviously he wasn't good enough to start with so he became depressed. Then when he started taking drugs he was really depressed knowing he was cheating. Then when he got caught for doping that made him really depressed. After serving his sentence and presumably clean again, he found out he wasn't good enough which made him depressed again. You get the picture. In Tyler Hamilton's case depression is just another word for cheating!
BigChain said:
Tyler Hamilton - give me a break. Obviously he wasn't good enough to start with so he became depressed. Then when he started taking drugs he was really depressed knowing he was cheating. Then when he got caught for doping that made him really depressed. After serving his sentence and presumably clean again, he found out he wasn't good enough which made him depressed again. You get the picture. In Tyler Hamilton's case depression is just another word for cheating!

Yeah, sure. Because clinical depression is caused by guilt instead of chemical imbalance in the brain. The guilt was so powerful it must have affected his mother and sister and maybe also his grandmother, who committed suicide.

If that cockamamie theory had any validity then Armstrong had better get to a shrink fast.
Apr 21, 2009
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Tyler Hamilton Depressed

So if someone has Clinical Depression then, that would give them a good reason to cheat then?! Fair dinkum - clinical depression or just plain old depression and cheating or doing something illegal are not mutually exclusive. It's about time someone who cheats takes responsibility for their actions.
Mar 10, 2009
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At this point its all over for him, he's gone from aspiring US based rider on a ProTour team to a team leader, Classic Winner, Olympic Medalist, then banned. Back from the ban minus a wife, wins the US Pro Title, hovers in the top placings at the races, then re-banned.

He needs at this point to spill the beans, so to speak and not in a book which no one will read. Once in print/video/audio hopefully he can breath a sigh of relief and move on without the monkey on his back.

The truth is all we (or some of us) want, not more spin doctoring. Till then, well he'll always be the double backstabber US based rider who is now the VDB of the USA.