Here, here. But 80's styel cycling, to me, was the golden age because it was the beginings of modern cycling with still, however, the appeal of the old school . That's when you still could be reckless! By contrast today, all we get is super trained martians with radios in the ears, jacked on god knows what, going at ridiculous speeds where not even a super strong rider can do anything but try to gain a little time at the end of a wicked hard mountain stage. They've scientifically perfected training, race corespondence between riders and coaches, doping, tactics, "the train," to say nothing of the aero and light weight equipment, etc...but there's no damn romance in the sport anymore! They've just killed it and, to me, Armstrong and Bruyneelhave gone the furthest in this annihilation than anybody else with their corporate riding style. Long gone are the days of the Badger and Kelly and the first lycra!! and leather helmets, toe clips, cycling caps and normal eyeware! Not even that, there's not even any more normal ****ing eyeware these days!!!