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How many of us are Jens Voigt fans?

Jul 14, 2010
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Dude almost fell over on his bike trying to pull Andy to the top yesterday...he gives it his all! If heart was a predictor he'd podium...
Aug 6, 2009
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El Imbatido said:
I'm a fan but i hate that people can't pronounce his name properly. It is not pronounced the way Phil and Paul say it. Watch this youtube video. He says his own name in the first few seconds. That is how it is said.


That's how I've always heard it pronounced too. Do you have a link to how Phil and Paul say it, I assume they pronounce the "V" like a well "V" rather than an "F"?
May 13, 2009
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the 'i' is silent, it just indicates a long 'o'. In modern German, that function has been taken over by the 'h'. However, proper names have retained their spelling throughout the centuries. One can find plenty of names with 'i', 'e', or even 'c' which indicate that the preceding vowel is a long one.
Mar 11, 2009
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Arnout said:
I don't like him.

He's always complaining.

Mar 11, 2009
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Who doesn't? Pretty much rides the way you'd like everyone to ride (typist included) and who could forget that moutnain stage in the '06 Giro where he sat on Garate and then let him go for the stage in the final few hundred meters b/c he felt it wouldn't be right of him to pip around Garate at the end and take the stage.
Cerberus said:
That's how I've always heard it pronounced too. Do you have a link to how Phil and Paul say it, I assume they pronounce the "V" like a well "V" rather than an "F"?


Cerberus, this is actually Bob Roll and Craig Hummer from Versus but Phil and Paul say it exactly the same as they do. I guess it is because they all work together so Roll and Hummer would have learnt their pronounciations from P&P machine.

They say his name at about 20sec into it
Aug 6, 2009
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El Imbatido said:

Cerberus, this is actually Bob Roll and Craig Hummer from Versus but Phil and Paul say it exactly the same as they do. I guess it is because they all work together so Roll and Hummer would have learnt their pronounciations from P&P machine.

They say his name at about 20sec into it

That's painful, the pronunciation as well as the crash

Reminds me of the Van Helsing movie, among the many horrible things about that movie was how they pronounced "Van".
Jun 9, 2009
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Jens is an awesome rider. I think it would be interesting to poll all of the pro riders and DS's and ask them if they would like to have Jens as a part of their team. My guess is that there would be a unanimous "Yes" from everyone polled.
He's just one of those riders who is difficult to dislike unless you're one of those people who dislike people simply because everyone likes them. (Did that make sense?)

Did it seem like Vino was similar, to a lesser degree, before his drug bust?
Oct 29, 2009
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A committed, never-say-die competitor who gives his all for his team mates, for sure.

However, anyone who declares themself a 'genius on the Nintendo DS' should try reading a book for a change and get a bit of perspective. There's more to life than screwing up your face.