The funny thing is that when I started this thread, the title was just a sarcastic comment on what JV said about Walsh. I really didn't think there was much in the idea of Contador going to Garmin because I figured Caisse would be the only real player and that Astana were most likely going to play hard ball and keep him. However, as this thing continues (irrespective of JV's current protestations) it appears maybe I was closer to the heart of the matter than I initially believed because lets face it, if you called for a voice vote (yea or nea) on whether Berto is "enhanced," I don't think a roll call follow up would be needed. Some pre run interference would be logical on the part of any team wishing to sign him even though according to McQuaid (I believe he was the source), Berto is the new face of clean cycling. If it walks like a duck...