To answer a few:
1. I have no idea if what I was sent re Kohl was fraudulent or not. What I didnt like was that it came from his manager, not the UCI. That was enough to stop me from going further.
2. I've never seen Contador's blood values. Of course I need to see these with any rider who wants to race for Garmin-Slipstream. I am Jeffersonian in my approach to this. I negotiate in good faith, assuming the values will be good. If when revealed they are not suitable for our team, then I end the final part of negotiation. This applies to any rider.
3. Re Wiggos change in hemoglobin in the Tour: He has the exact same profile in the Giro: 15 at the start, drops to 14 after 10 days, then up to 15 at two weeks, then down to 13 for Ventoux (or last day of Giro). I'm not sure what this is about, but there is no correlating change in retics, mcv, or mch, so I dont think much of it.
Sometimes transport or different analysis machines (Coulter vs Sysmex) can cause changes in hct and hb. Its only when those changes correlate to a change in retics, mcv, etc that I get concerned. The interesting part with Wiggo is that his profile is the same in both 3 week Tours. One in which he was riding for GC, the other which he was just riding grupetto the last 10 days. It may be some shift in plasma volume that Wiggo has as he adapts to the load. Another factor may be that the other tests were taken on race days, the "jump" one was on a rest day. I also dont have know what time these tests were taken, so AM vs PM plasma volume changes quite a bit, hydration status aside. Ever notice how you feel stiff and puffy in the AM, but then that clears out by the afternoon? Thats water shifting from under your skin/in your muscles to in your bloodstream. Its more pronounced in athletes that are undergoing extreme inflammation. Not saying I have any specific information that any of these things caused this, I'm just thinking out loud.
In my experience in viewing a lot of these profiles, this is not an "at risk" profile, but of course I understand the concern that a 1pt hb jump would cause you guys. Its not an invalid concern. However, I have seen a lot of these and I just dont have that concern.