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Is this place an Armstrong fan forum?

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Jul 22, 2009
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One of those livestrong sites has a forum. I noticed it when we were digging to see if Armstrong was up to scurrilous financial activity. I'd bet that is a fan friendly environment.
Apr 9, 2009
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Alpe d'Huez said:
It's a funny place. Reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode with Bill Mumy, where he has the power to condemn people to oblivion and Cloris Leachman is his mother. Everyone was eventually terrified of him, so tip toed around every last thing he did for fear of being vanquished.

Wow, I remember that. Turned his dad or someone into a jack in the box.

This thread reminds me of another that used to be at CF called Other Forum Follies.


Kennf1 said:
Wow, I remember that. Turned his dad or someone into a jack in the box.

This thread reminds me of another that used to be at CF called Other Forum Follies.

I loved that thread.
Kennf1 said:
Wow, I remember that. Turned his dad or someone into a jack in the box.

This thread reminds me of another that used to be at CF called Other Forum Follies.

I was saying in the "most passionate Armstrong fan" thread that we should start a "Foreign Forum Follies" thread in the general forum. We can keep track of the hilarity that takes place on other cycling forums.

Example: RTT had her moderatorship yanked at DPF. Yet, somehow, ChrisH still has his.
Apr 9, 2009
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BroDeal said:
I was saying in the "most passionate Armstrong fan" thread that we should start a "Foreign Forum Follies" thread in the general forum. We can keep track of the hilarity that takes place on other cycling forums.

Example: RTT had her moderatorship yanked at DPF. Yet, somehow, ChrisH still has his.

I saw that on the Diluca thread, and noticed on her maniacal post that it said "unregistered." About time.

Eva Maria

May 24, 2009
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RTT was truly unstable.

Did anyone see when she wrote that the reason why Steffen was let go from Postal was because he was a junkie. A completely invented story they let sit up there for a week.


Eva Maria said:
RTT was truly unstable.

Did anyone see when she wrote that the reason why Steffen was let go from Postal was because he was a junkie. A completely invented story they let sit up there for a week.

I got banned for a couple of weeks because I flamed the hell out of her and ChrisH over those posts. What a couple of tools.


Kennf1 said:
I saw that on the Diluca thread, and noticed on her maniacal post that it said "unregistered." About time.

Wow, I just went an looked at that. I guess when they took away her moderation privileges she quit completely. She has issues...
Digger said:
Just been in RBR, obviously only to read the posts, being banned and all that. Basically there are no people posting views which are of the view that Lance isn't a walking saint, or that Lemond isn't a nutcase. Great discussions.:(

Does anyone know why RBR started banning everyone? Did Coolhand crack up? Does it have anything to do with The Paceline going down and RBR hiring the person who used to run The Paceline?

We should grab the last few valuable members of RBR. Blackhat would be a nice addition. Dwayne Berry used to post occasionally at CF before that forum fell apart. He still posts at DPF. If anyone has contact info for lookrider then PM me. I might be able to recover the username of his email because it is a term from a movie, but I cannot remember the domain name.

Eva Maria

May 24, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Does anyone know why RBR started banning everyone? Did Coolhand crack up? Does it have anything to do with The Paceline going down and RBR hiring the person who used to run The Paceline?

We should grab the last few valuable members of RBR. Blackhat would be a nice addition. Dwayne Berry used to post occasionally at CF before that forum fell apart. He still posts at DPF. If anyone has contact info for lookrider then PM me. I might be able to recover the username of his email because it is a term from a movie, but I cannot remember the domain name.

I emailed Lookrider but did not hear anything back. Dwayne was good as is Blackhat. Sherpa was also good guy. Won't say his name but he is a Domestic US Pro, I'll email him.

I will invite some other friends as well. Betsy Andreau is a cool chick. Next time some fool her tries to call her a liar I'll give her a call and she will introduce him to the truth.

It would be good if they added more sub forums here, like more tech and travel, as those were the best parts of RBR.


I got banned in one day at RBR and all because I was posting as a racist from Idaho. Those people have NO sense of humor.


BroDeal said:
You came on way too strong. You would have done better to have praised Lemond at any and every opportunity. Coolhand would have gone crazy.

I know, but I couldn't figure out how to do a subtle racist...

I will file the Lemond thing away though because there is more than one way to skin a cat.
Aug 8, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Does anyone know why RBR started banning everyone? Did Coolhand crack up? Does it have anything to do with The Paceline going down and RBR hiring the person who used to run The Paceline?

We should grab the last few valuable members of RBR. Blackhat would be a nice addition. Dwayne Berry used to post occasionally at CF before that forum fell apart. He still posts at DPF. If anyone has contact info for lookrider then PM me. I might be able to recover the username of his email because it is a term from a movie, but I cannot remember the domain name.

I was a user, and personally know of others who were regular RBRers for years. This isn't anything new. That one mod in particular was doing this ages ago. He is just more brazen now to the point of deleting posts he doesn't like and then claiming that the user violated a terms of service agreement.
What is RBR?

This site has a very large Lance following. Which I find comforting.

It’s important for everyone to understand the way Lance thinks to really know him then you can become a fan:

The 2008 Tour de France was a joke. As were Carlos Sastre and Christian Van de Valde.
The French want to line the street and knock me from my bike.
As do the French Director Sportifs.
The French anti-doping labs governed by WADA are corrupt and fraudulent even though I've "never tested positive".
The French riders are lazy and don’t train hard enough.
No other rider trains hard enough or smart enough even though I was beaten like a redheaded step child by a Luxembourger and Spaniard.
5 time Tour winner Bernard Hinault is a w*nker.
3 time Tour winner Greg LeMond has sour grapes and is a s*it stirrer.
I have no conflict with him but I will ruin his business and him.
He has a conflict with me.
It’s ok to belittle and berate your own team mate who is winning the biggest stage race in the world.
It’s ok to completely ignore their victory not turn up their winning celebration and then accuse them off not being a proper team mate.
You should only congratulate your team through the media. Never do it one on one and in personal fashion – its less genuine.
You should also chastise in the media those who are better riders than you.
The Spanish press don’t know reality.
The French Press are nothing but gutter journalism and tabloid.
As is the Italian press and should not be spoken to.
Any UK press featuring either Kimmidge or Walsh should be sued and anyone else quoting them.
The US press is good bar the Wall Street Journal.
The US press is even better when I provide the copy.
The Giro d’Italia is too dangerous for most riders to ride even thou it’s been staged for 100 years with minimal complaints.
However it’s ok to accept 2 million euros to ride the dangerous race.
The Spanish riders are too nervous and have lots to learn even though I broke my collarbone in a Spanish race and was a labelled a “neo pro” by the Spanish riders.
Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that when there is wind you should be up the front of the peleton.
You also need ESP so you have the tip-off from other teams that they are going to force a break.
I’m doing this for awareness even thou I’ve had a book commissioned, a documentary being filmed and agreed a fee for the film rights about my career.
Remember what the NIKE commercial told you – I’m doing it for them.
It’s ok to leave a drug testers sight for 20 minutes.
It’s also ok to call the head of the UCI direct and find out why you’re being drug tested. Every rider has this privilege.
WADA are a joke.
I’m sorry for the cynics who don’t believe in cycling, this is a tough sport and hard work wins it.
Mar 18, 2009
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What am I doing wrong? Can't seem to get banned from RBR for love nor money...

Agreed about Betsy - sooo looking forward to the Trek/Lemond show coming soon.
Jul 21, 2009
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thehog said:
What is RBR?

This site has a very large Lance following. Which I find comforting.

It’s important for everyone to understand the way Lance thinks to really know him then you can become a fan:

The 2008 Tour de France was a joke. As were Carlos Sastre and Christian Van de Valde.
The French want to line the street and knock me from my bike.
As do the French Director Sportifs.
The French anti-doping labs governed by WADA are corrupt and fraudulent even though I've "never tested positive".
The French riders are lazy and don’t train hard enough.
No other rider trains hard enough or smart enough even though I was beaten like a redheaded step child by a Luxembourger and Spaniard.
5 time Tour winner Bernard Hinault is a w*nker.
3 time Tour winner Greg LeMond has sour grapes and is a s*it stirrer.
I have no conflict with him but I will ruin his business and him.
He has a conflict with me.
It’s ok to belittle and berate your own team mate who is winning the biggest stage race in the world.
It’s ok to completely ignore their victory not turn up their winning celebration and then accuse them off not being a proper team mate.
You should only congratulate your team through the media. Never do it one on one and in personal fashion – its less genuine.
You should also chastise in the media those who are better riders than you.
The Spanish press don’t know reality.
The French Press are nothing but gutter journalism and tabloid.
As is the Italian press and should not be spoken to.
Any UK press featuring either Kimmidge or Walsh should be sued and anyone else quoting them.
The US press is good bar the Wall Street Journal.
The US press is even better when I provide the copy.
The Giro d’Italia is too dangerous for most riders to ride even thou it’s been staged for 100 years with minimal complaints.
However it’s ok to accept 2 million euros to ride the dangerous race.
The Spanish riders are too nervous and have lots to learn even though I broke my collarbone in a Spanish race and was a labelled a “neo pro” by the Spanish riders.
Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that when there is wind you should be up the front of the peleton.
You also need ESP so you have the tip-off from other teams that they are going to force a break.
I’m doing this for awareness even thou I’ve had a book commissioned, a documentary being filmed and agreed a fee for the film rights about my career.
Remember what the NIKE commercial told you – I’m doing it for them.
It’s ok to leave a drug testers sight for 20 minutes.
It’s also ok to call the head of the UCI direct and find out why you’re being drug tested. Every rider has this privilege.
WADA are a joke.
I’m sorry for the cynics who don’t believe in cycling, this is a tough sport and hard work wins it.

Thanks for keeping me amused - you just need to put a melody to it and you have a No.1 ;)
Jul 11, 2009
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thehog said:
What is RBR?

This site has a very large Lance following. Which I find comforting.

It’s important for everyone to understand the way Lance thinks to really know him then you can become a fan:

You forgot:

Lance can cure the sick with a single touch
Lance is saving the WORLD from global warming, the French and Greg Lemond
TrudyTas said:
Thanks for keeping me amused - you just need to put a melody to it and you have a No.1 ;)

I did forget:

All donations to go through my charity LAF.
All profits to myself from LAF.
The private jet? It’s used for fundraising purposes.
Charity work done through Livestrong with for profit work done through Livestrong with exclusive content appearing and Livestrong. The accounts for Livestrong are available whilst Livestrong is a private company and thus the accounts are private. I have no idea why you guys ask so many questions. It really is simple.
This comeback is about awareness therefore I will ask for $0 salary from Astana. That’s the fairest way to deal with the situation.
I have a few speaking engagements whilst at the Tour Down Under therefore the $1 million AUD for riding the TDU will go to myself.
I have some public speaking engagements at the Giro therefore the €2 million will not go to the charity.
I’m not speaking to the press.
It’s about awareness.
Jul 1, 2009
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LOve the Cancer Awereness card. Just lets you get away with everything.

Loved the "watch me bath in cancer awereness" comment in another tread.

By the way - Contador has a lot to learn. About c a.