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Italian rider Colo clenbuterol sentence...?!

Mar 17, 2009
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Apr 22, 2009
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mewmewmew13 said:

Potentially really bad news for AC. Colo got a one-year ban AND had his results at the Vuelta Mexico voided, despite the high prevalence of Clen-tainted meat in Mexico.

Of course AC is dealing with *much* more doping friendly national federation than Colo, but it's still a bad precedent if he hopes to hang on to that TdF title.

Here's the google translation of =1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=8705&cHash=8b3aedee2a]the CONI press release:

"The National Anti-Doping Tribunal, chaired by Francis Plotinus, in the disciplinary proceedings against Alessandro Colo, said that the athlete guilty of a non-significant under Article. 10.5.2 of the WADA Code and sentences him to disqualification for one year with effect from May 21, 2010 and expiring on May 20, 2011. Declare the invalidation of the result achieved in sporting competition on April 25, 2010 during the Tour of Mexico. Further condemns the Colò to pay the costs of the result to the extent of 1000 Swiss francs. It is stated that this decision be communicated to the Office of the Prosecutor-doping, WADA, the UCI, the FCI and to employer at the time (Dear Team Company ISD Blacks).

The National Anti-Doping Tribunal, also in the disciplinary proceedings against Frederick Dellai, having regard to Articles. 10.5.1 and 3.1 of the WADA Code, the athlete performs the same ascrittagli indictment for lack of valid notification and that the statements of the texts. It is stated that this decision be communicated to, the UPA, to WADA, the UCI, the FCI and to employer at the time (ASD Argentina Bike)."
Jul 16, 2010
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ultimobici said:
Yes but the difference is that official sources in Mexico put the level of contamination at 18%. It's a recognised problem in Central America but hasn't been in Spain for about 15 years.

In any event it sets a precedent for Contador's ban to be measured against. Any shorter than 1 year would be a joke.

Another difference which you so easily forgot is that Colo's levels of Clen were 4 times higher then Conti.
Dec 4, 2009
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Articles writen by several scientists point out that clenbuterol collects in animals organs, ie the liver and kidney. One went so far to say the if there was enough clenbuterol administered to the animal that the meat was tainted the cow would be dead before slaughter.

When the normal ban for illegal substance is two years as in Li's case it seems that this is setting up AC for a slap on the wrist. Especially in light of the 8 fold norm for plasticizer that indicates blood doping.

If this happens the the UCI will even have less credibility than currently... like 0.
Apr 22, 2009
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El Pistolero said:
Another difference which you so easily forgot is that Colo's levels of Clen were 4 times higher then Conti.

Meaningless. Both are very low concentrations. The only difference is an extra 48 hours or so from ingestion time to sample time.
Mar 17, 2009
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El Pistolero said:
Another difference which you so easily forgot is that Colo's levels of Clen were 4 times higher then Conti.
Hadn't read that as I saw the report on cyclingnews's site. Nevertheless, if he had 4 times the concentration, it still was 10 times lower than WADA requires a lab to be able to test for.

Anyway, the point I was making related to the incidence of contamination in meat being appreciably higher in Mexico than Spain.
Jul 16, 2010
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HoustonHammer said:
Meaningless. Both are very low concentrations. The only difference is an extra 48 hours or so from ingestion time to sample time.

Not meaningless when you know they found nothing in Conti's blood prior to his first positive Clen test.
The bad news for contador is that this is yet another rider who has been sentenced for clen positive without a special exception. This rider even used the meat defense. I don't know how they can make an exception for contador when they didn't make an exception for this guy.
Mar 17, 2009
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El Pistolero said:
Not meaningless when you know they found nothing in Conti's blood prior to his first positive Clen test.
Did all the tests get processed by the same lab or a lab with the same level of accuracy? If so, fair point, but if not, pretty meaningless.
Apr 14, 2010
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Will make an interesting comparison given the comments by McQuaid (I think) last week about the Spanish federation not penalising as harsh as other countries. This would make a pretty direct comparitor on how Italy is (now) approaching positives compared to Spain.
Apr 22, 2009
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El Pistolero said:
Not meaningless when you know they found nothing in Conti's blood prior to his first positive Clen test.

But I don't know that. The presence of the plasticizers suggests that he took the Clen sometime out of competition, so the only people who would have been testing AC's blood would be his medical team. And since they don't publish their results, I have no idea whether or not they found Clen.

Don't get me wrong. I sympathize with you. I didn't want Landis to be positive back in '06 because I liked the guy and his win was exciting. But he was. Not wanting your guy to be positive is natural. But once the bad news comes from the lab, the athlete almost never wins, and you have to recognize there's a good reason for that.
Jul 16, 2010
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HoustonHammer said:
But I don't know that. The presence of the plasticizers suggests that he took the Clen sometime out of competition, so the only people who would have been testing AC's blood would be his medical team. And since they don't publish their results, I have no idea whether or not they found Clen.

Don't get me wrong. I sympathize with you. I didn't want Landis to be positive back in '06 because I liked the guy and his win was exciting. But he was. Not wanting your guy to be positive is natural. But once the bad news comes from the lab, the athlete almost never wins, and you have to recognize there's a good reason for that.

My name might be El Pistolero, but Boonen and Gilbert are still and always have been my favorite cyclists you know(OK, Gilbert since 2008) ;)

But they can't ban him for blood dope unless he fails a blood doping test. I think the case from Contador will only be Clen related, but I could be wrong. Doesn't matter much anyway, he'll go down.

I need more information of this plastic test to give it more importance. I'll wait until it's made public by an official cycling related organisation. Always be critical, even if it's highly likely the test is true and he is guilty. All I know is that if I was Contador and they used this test against me to ban me for blood doping I'd destroy cycling and take down everyone. Won't be hard for someone in Contador's position, just demand the top 10 of all GTs to be tested for this test and make the results public.
Apr 22, 2009
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El Pistolero said:
My name might be El Pistolero, but Boonen and Gilbert are still and always have been my favorite cyclists you know(OK, Gilbert since 2008) ;)

But they can't ban him for blood dope unless he fails a blood doping test. I think the case from Contador will only be Clen related, but I could be wrong. Doesn't matter much anyway, he'll go down.

I need more information of this plastic test to give it more importance. I'll wait until it's made public by an official cycling related organisation. Always be critical, even if it's highly likely the test is true and he is guilty. All I know is that if I was Contador and they used this test against me to ban me for blood doping I'd destroy cycling and take down everyone. Won't be hard for someone in Contador's position, just demand the top 10 of all GTs to be tested for this test and make the results public.

That's fair - I agree about being critical. It's just that no matter what excuses these guys come up with, and how much I want to believe them sometimes, it always seems that in the end they really were doping.

I seriously doubt they'll try to go after AC for blood doping. With the Clen result in hand, they just don't need to. If they really do have the plasticizer result, they'll just use that as rationale to reject the 'beef defense'. His position is really hard.
Jul 16, 2010
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HoustonHammer said:
That's fair - I agree about being critical. It's just that no matter what excuses these guys come up with, and how much I want to believe them sometimes, it always seems that in the end they really were doping.

I seriously doubt they'll try to go after AC for blood doping. With the Clen result in hand, they just don't need to. If they really do have the plasticizer result, they'll just use that as rationale to reject the 'beef defense'. His position is really hard.

But that's when you're coming in an interesting area for big lawyers.

Simple logicial facts:

- Contador tested positive on the rest day for Clen
- Contador was clean the day before.
- The level of Clen was too small to inject him self with
- There are only 2 explanations on how the Clen got in his body:
- He ate contaminated meat.
- He blood doped.
- He didn't test positive for the blood doping test.
- WADA is not going to ban Conti for blood doping.
- That means they can't claim Clen get in his body through blood transfusion.
- One possibility remains if they don't take him down for blood doping.
- Contador ate contaminated meat according to whatever instance decides.
- Gets a one year ban dating back from the positive test.
- Contador wins the Giro di Lombardia in 2011.

Mar 10, 2009
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No wonder Rasmussen trained in Mexico so much, he was getting the benefits of the tainted meat for years, and of course the altitude. Too bad he decided to not go in 2007, he might of faired much better. Didn't DiLuca also train in Mexico, we should get a list of riders who train in Mexico in the off season... ;)
May 24, 2010
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So then....

You know,

There is a possibility that he got tainted meat.

That said you would think that at his level his cook would have been purchasing organic or at least a very solid source of beef? I mean apparently they went through all the trouble to purchase it and transport it? Seems strange, and he known better than to eat strange meat as he knows about the tests.

Further to this even though the test for plastics is not approved it appears to be a solid test and that alone is what leads him into all sorts of perils.

Wasit not the 09 tour there was reports of IV and transfusion gear found in the garbage of Astana? Can someone confirn this, I think I read somthing on it?
May 14, 2010
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El Pistolero said:
My name might be El Pistolero, but Boonen and Gilbert are still and always have been my favorite cyclists you know(OK, Gilbert since 2008) ;)

But they can't ban him for blood dope unless he fails a blood doping test. I think the case from Contador will only be Clen related, but I could be wrong. Doesn't matter much anyway, he'll go down.

I need more information of this plastic test to give it more importance. I'll wait until it's made public by an official cycling related organisation. Always be critical, even if it's highly likely the test is true and he is guilty. All I know is that if I was Contador and they used this test against me to ban me for blood doping I'd destroy cycling and take down everyone. Won't be hard for someone in Contador's position, just demand the top 10 of all GTs to be tested for this test and make the results public.

You mean Contador would join Landis in some inner ring of Hell? Maybe, but I can't see it. Frankly, I can't even see Contador making good on his threat to retire. I don't think it'll happen.

Contador dropped out of school at sixteen in order to ride. Bike racing is the only thing he knows, and very likely it's the only thing he cares about. Also, he is still young, so he could take a ban of one or even two years and still come back and have a long career. Even banned, he will be a national hero in Spain.

The unsanctioned autologous blood doping test result could be a problem for him; the result certainly makes it look like he has been blood doping (and let's face it, he has been). And I don't think the UCI, WADA, or the national federations are bound to the same standards of evidence as an EU court of law, so they very likely
can take into account (or infer guilt based in part upon) this appearance of impropriety, can they not? I mean, when you have the Clen result (which is all you need for a ban), and lurking in the background is this adverse autologous finding, it's hard to see how they can let him off, even if they want to.

Maybe someone has already explained this, but I'd like to know how this autologous test ended up being given to Contador in the first place. Whose idea was it? Was Contador the only one given the test? If so, why him? If others were given the test, how many were there and what were the results? Why
don't we give the test to, say, the top twenty-five? Not just from this year but from the past five years? What would be the result of that? I think we'd find that there is something about riding a grand tour that causes plastic blood levels to skyrocket. Anything less than this mass test would be unfair to Contador and unfair to us.
May 24, 2010
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Found It

Here it is... I mean this is not new news but it links to AC regarding blood dopeing. Things that make you go hmmm Same year Conti was 1st and Lance was 3rd hmmmm


The two former Astana sports directors met with investigators of the Central Office against Environmental Damage and Public Health (OCLAESP). Its investigators claimed to have uncovered syringes of various sizes and infusion equipment in the medical waste disposed by the Astana team last July.

Both men left Astana with Lance Armstrong over the winter to form team RadioShack. Belgian Bruyneel met with investigators one month ago and Frenchman Gallopin met with them nearly two months ago.

"They were questioned at length on what constitutes a breach of sporting code, the use of drips for emergency situations, regardless of their content," reported L'Equipe. "They both said that they were not aware of anything."
Oct 8, 2010
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ultimobici said:
Yes but the difference is that official sources in Mexico put the level of contamination at 18%. It's a recognised problem in Central America but hasn't been in Spain for about 15 years.

In any event it sets a precedent for Contador's ban to be measured against. Any shorter than 1 year would be a joke.

I don't buy this and neither will CAS. If what you say is true, then Central American and Mexican athletes would be testing positive for Clenbuterol all the time.

We don't see that.