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Jonas Vingegaard Rasmussen, the new alpha mutant

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Not if the majority of this current era are clean - then he & the other career dopers have no business even giving an opinion, IMO.

Honestly, can you take Rasmussen seriously in anything he says? Canine blood doping? Lol. He & other past dopers need to just shut up & go away enjoying their ill-gotten goods invisible from the cycling world.
We can't be naive about the sport but Rasmussen is in a world of his own. Easier to ignore that opinion, isn't it?
I'd be a bit more miffed about the inevitability of this miraculous comeback we are about to witness and the absolutely unbearable nonsense we will get from Plugge etc, but to be fair I've just watched his rival win the Giro by 10 minutes with 6 stages whilst looking around at the scenery so I'm going to try and enjoy it a bit more this year.
Ugh, Plugge really is quite unbearable isn't he?
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One of the most prolific dopers in the history of the sport commenting on the current era of riders? Lol.

A career doper who used a smorgasbord of doping products; EPO, HGH, testosterone, IGF-1, Insulin, DHEA, corticosteroids & transfusions. Lol
Isn't that a bit like saying Tyler Hamilton can't have a valid opinion on cycling?

Michael Rasmussen is in the all time top 3 of Danish GC riders, which funnily includes:

- Bjarne Riis ("Mr 60 %", limitless EPO use topped up with blood transfusions)
- Michael Rasmussen (all the stuff you mentioned; considered doping with his father's blood etc)
- Jonas Vingegaard (genetic freak who improved his diet, aerodynamics, and mental issues. Clean!)
Isn't that a bit like saying Tyler Hamilton can't have a valid opinion on cycling?

Michael Rasmussen is in the all time top 3 of Danish GC riders, which funnily includes:

- Bjarne Riis ("Mr 60 %", limitless EPO use topped up with blood transfusions)
- Michael Rasmussen (all the stuff you mentioned; considered doping with his father's blood etc)
- Jonas Vingegaard (genetic freak who improved his diet, aerodynamics, and mental issues. Clean!)
Tyler had a serious streak of personality shortcomings that had him doping for: Rock Racing?????!!!!
Add to that an ability to conjure up alternative reasons for his "chimera" positive and the lies, fundraising from fans that came from it.
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Well, according to Visma, a lot of Vingegaard's success has to do with improved eating habits. "We created him in the lab". And, as he said himself after the last time trial in the TdF 2022, he has worked a lot on his aerodynamics. "We're completely clean".
I feel sorry for Jonas after all. Whatever Visma is doing with him, it's tearing him apart. I see extremely unhealthy skin tone and strage emptiness in his eyes during the Tour. His moves are sometimes quite unnatural, he apparently feels no/ very little pain (almost as if he's using morfine during some key stages). His numbers are great but I'm thinking... how long will he be able to sustain it.
I feel sorry for Jonas after all. Whatever Visma is doing with him, it's tearing him apart. I see extremely unhealthy skin tone and strage emptiness in his eyes during the Tour. His moves are sometimes quite unnatural, he apparently feels no/ very little pain (almost as if he's using morfine during some key stages). His numbers are great but I'm thinking... how long will he be able to sustain it.
I noticed the thing with the skin too + he just gets skinnier and skinnier
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I'm very curious about Skeletor in the coming weeks. Will he make it to the Tour? Will he drop some ridiculous watt bomb there against all the odds? We have to believe in this honest and modest man, don't we?

Visma-LAB will postpone their decision to the very last moment to know if he's achieved good enough numbers - they won't take him to the Tour for training but for the victory (or not at all).
Deny, deny, deny or ... diversion! Netflix Season 2 - spolier alert!

The famous feud between Visma and Groupama-FDJ managers Richard Plugge and Marc Madiot was also tackled, regarding the comments of Plugge on the FDJ riders having beer during the race. The CEO of the Dutch team admits this was created to get the media to stop asking questions regarding Jonas Vingegaard and doping speculation following the stage 16 time-trial in which he put on an unbelievable performance. This came also because Madiot himself seems to insinuate that the Danish rider was not clean - to which Vingegaard himself also responds in this series.
Just re-watched stage 16. Jesus christ what the f#ck did they feed him

The password to activate the monster is: show the world who's the strongest.

This is what happened when they used the password in hospital after his crash:

I'm just waiting for the opportune moment to type "But Plugge..." just for lols in a full sentence unrelated to actual butt plugs.

I'm surprised I haven't seen that one yet tbh.

"Vingegaard starts the Tour with uncertain form but Plugge says Visma is a well-oiled team"

We won't find out about the squad until stage 1. During the presentation day they will be testing Skeletor's threshold. If he makes it, good for them. If not, at least they will have stressed Teddy for longer and then Kuss 3.0 will appear out of nowhere!
It's like.... anyone who speaks is in big trouble
Perhaps a bit more nuanced than that.

It is really, really weird for me watching the Netflix TdF thing and seeing vampy Mauro G being given air time. I mean, huge doper himself, head of multiple proven doped teams. Yet he *seems* to have had less flack and ostracization than the likes of Riis and Bruyneel when it comes to official cycling press (I say seems to because perhaps that is my own biased lens).

To be frank, I would say I trust more what comes out of Bruyneel's mouth than the folks I listed.
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Perhaps a bit more nuanced than that.

It is really, really weird for me watching the Netflix TdF thing and seeing vampy Mauro G being given air time. I mean, huge doper himself, head of multiple proven doped teams. Yet he *seems* to have had less flack and ostracization than the likes of Riis and Bruyneel when it comes to official cycling press (I say seems to because perhaps that is my own biased lens).

To be frank, I would say I trust more what comes out of Bruyneel's mouth than the folks I listed.
I don't think being kicked out for speaking is quite permanent, but if you want to be in you're absolutely expected to pretend like the current guys are cleanz.

I think this is also a way for the sport tobuy credibility. You take guys who did confess in the past, and told all the dirty stories of their era and have them say "but they so clean now"

Even *** Armstrong isn't even speaking out.
I don't think being kicked out for speaking is quite permanent, but if you want to be in you're absolutely expected to pretend like the current guys are cleanz.

I think this is also a way for the sport tobuy credibility. You take guys who did confess in the past, and told all the dirty stories of their era and have them say "but they so clean now"

Even *** Armstrong isn't even speaking out.
If you start from the basis that they are all doping then the worst types of people in the sport are the snakeoil salesmen types. The Vaughters, Brailsfords and Armstrongs of the world who either downright lie or try to insult peoples intelligence by selling an illusion.

Armstrong is back making money from the sport again so he’s not going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. Same with Horner.
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