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Kit Thread


So it seems to me that cycling is as much about love for the sport as it is about style, so ITT:

Kits you like and kits you hate

Lampre's goofy color combination has always appealed to me, especially their newest iteration. How do they make purple and pink look SO cool? :cool:

Mar 18, 2009
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I have always liked the AG2R kit as well as the previous iterations of CSC, before Saxobank got involved.

Not so keen on the Credit Agricole gear - too green and monotone

My $0.02
Mar 14, 2009
bend in the wrist

someone posted this on our local cycling forum a couple months ago. really, analyzing teams kits? next wee will be discussing the decor of team buses
Mar 19, 2009
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My favourite team kits are the old ones

1. Mapei-GB
2. Ariostea
3. Roslotto
4. Gewiss-Ballan
5. Z
6. Lotto-Domo (the 2002 sky blue kit, not the grey one)
7. MG-Maglificio
8. Hitachi

Apparently dopers wear the most attractive shirts :)
Mar 29, 2009
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the old liquigas gas (black) was great. So was Refin, Banesto, Batik, and the orange kit guidi used to ride. cant remember name of the team.
Mar 12, 2009
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Laurent said:
the old liquigas gas (black) was great. So was Refin, Banesto, Batik, and the orange kit guidi used to ride. cant remember name of the team.

Showing my age here too but I only remember Guidi riding for Polti -shocking yellow kit:eek:


of old shirts we have knocking about...

the lurid yellow kas canal shirt..
and the what i thought was classy at the time pdm shirt...
used to love the old kelme shirt as well...
and the z-peugot shirt with the horrendouse splash of explosion or whatever it was..

from the current ones i do like the new saxobank shirt, looks kinda smart...
and the "vintage" quick step...

think we are sticking with the pdm and kas shirts again for the tour this year.. a certain mr kelly seemed most excited to see being paraded a couple of years ago.. although we did get some strange looks when we bumped into a couple of brothers drunkenly walking home past the csc hotel.. must have been before there time...
A little known gem I like is the An Post-Sean Kelly team, a much better use of yellow and green than the Polti nightmare. Caisse D'Epargne & Cervelo are also kits I like.

I think the worst kit ever was the short lived Le Groupment team circa 95 as worn by then world champion Luc Leblanc & Robert Millar, if you dont know it, make sure you look it up & be prepared to hide your eyes. Of current teams, Lampre is pretty awful & the sponsor happy Serrementi-Diquigiovanni team.
Mar 10, 2009
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Rock Racing, my closet has alot of their gear in it. Skulls, barbed wire and all black how can you go wrong!!

I also like Caisse D'Epargne & Cervelo but I don't own any of it.
Mar 17, 2009
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slowoldman said:
If we are talking back through time and not just present day, you can't have this discussion without mentioning the La Vie Claire kit.

La Claire Vie kit is back on the market. S/S jerseys, musette, socks... Can't advertise here, but if anyone is interested, drop me a note.
Mar 10, 2009
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Thanks to that link above, I can add the Renault, La Vie Claire(in a wierd way I like it) and the BiC kits. BiC is funny as hell, but would look cool. Had never seen any of those kits before, didn't get much cycling coverage at that age growing up in WV..just knew the riders names.

Aqua Sapone had the original zebra stripes with a bubble on it, I have the whole kit from them as well. I have a huge banner of Cippo winning a race wearing that kit, in my bike room in the house.

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