El Imbatido said:Don't know if you ment it but if you did that is classic. Saustre That would be an awesome nickname if he is actually on the sauce. Bit obvious but still awesome.
But in regard to Evans and Saustre's bad performance the idea posted above crossed my mind too. Maybe the big GC guys are on new juice, because of positives last year + from Giro + widespread Italian doping culture being busted + Kohl talking etc etc and some teams aren't as adapted to the new juice as others ie . Astana. Or possibly he got a bad bag.
I meant it!
The way I see, the doping is a rather intricate process that has to be refined in technique every year and modified to adapt the changing controls. So when guys go from road kings to road kill (Evans, Saustre ), my suspicion is that their doping plan did not work out very well this year (or, yes, just a bag bag, God knows it's happened before). The thing with Astana guys etc is that their doping is always state of the art...