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Landaluze and Serrano

And again it follows the trend of "get a few small names and it will look like we are cleaning up the sport". I'm all for getting the dopers out of the sport but it is never a big fish. Surely the lesser known usings PED's points to the logical idea that big fish are as well?

Didn't they have a list of 50(?) people with sus values?
Mar 18, 2009
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El Imbatido said:
Didn't they have a list of 50(?) people with sus values?

No. At all times there's a list of 50 riders to be subjected to extra testing because they're the top riders in the world. That's all. It always existed and it still does.

People who don't know about it misunderstood it and started spreading rumours that it was a list of 50 riders with suspicious values.

Eva Maria said:
supposedly a few more to come

Where'd you see that?

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Super Guanche said:
Yes, this is odd. Either they're dumb or they have reason to believe that most users don't test postive.

I would assume that CERA is cheaper on the blackmarket now that there is a test for it and that a Blood Doping programme has risen.
The detection time for CERA is quite small and a lot of the riders mentioned are in Pro Continental teams and they wouldn't be part of the bio-passport.
Agree with the good Dr.

Also, keep in mind what Kohl and Ricco both said. They were on CERA for a while and should have failed several tests for it, but didn't. This tells me some of these lesser riders doping with it are assuming they won't get tested very often, and if they do, the odds are that there will be a big enough gap between taking it, and any test, that they'll beat the test.
Jun 23, 2009
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My two theories pertain to the test, and feel free to shoot them down:

1. The test is not 100% fool proof and cannot see the traces from microdosing - therefore a lot of people can get away with using small amounts.

2. The test has been refined and is now 100% and can pick up even the smallest traces.

Does anyone know if the test is only positve if it meets a certain level say beyond traces? Or is it a positive if anything, even the smallest amount is detected?

A lot of people discount the bio passport, but at least they can use it in conjunction with the whereabouts system to set traps, or rather, pinpoint the ideal times where an athlete might use a banned substance.
Jul 17, 2009
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Landaluze has admitted to doping and has declined to have the B sample tested. He has also said that he did it individually and that Euskaltel have nothing to do with it.
Jun 22, 2009
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BroDeal said:
You know what they say: "The criminal always returns to the scene of the crime."

Ah, so that's how to achieve such an impressive number of posts - make a post, then make another one-line post one minute later instead of having the common sense to edit the previous post. Good effort.
Amsterhammer said:
Ah, so that's how to achieve such an impressive number of posts - make a post, then make another one-line post one minute later instead of having the common sense to edit the previous post. Good effort.

Looks like you are trying to boost your own post count with this useless post. :p

Of course if you knew anything about non-linear view mode then you might understand why creating one post that responds to multiple posts is a bad idea.
Jun 22, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Looks like you are trying to boost your own post count with this useless post. :p

Of course if you knew anything about non-linear view mode then you might understand why creating one post that responds to multiple posts is a bad idea.

I'm delighted that you can recognize other people's useless posts. It's a pity you don't have the same insight about so many of your own before you post them.

'Non-linear' view mode. :D

Making one post using quotes to answer several other posts is the standard, accepted, efficient method preferred by regular forum users the world over. Except, so it seems, in your forum world.
BroDeal seems to be the cycling posting king. I've never posted so much on any message board anywhere in my life, and he'll have me doubled here within a month or two. And he's got thousands of posts elsewhere on other boards I believe. :)

Guy must be an insomniac too. I have some nights where I can't sleep. I come on here, and he's on at 2am. Then I get up to watch the Tour four hours later, and he's on again and been posting for a bit. Whew! :cool:
Mar 18, 2009
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And for good measure, another Landaluze urine sample has come back positive for CERA. This one was taken out of competition after the Dauphiné.
Amsterhammer said:
I'm delighted that you can recognize other people's useless posts.

It is easy when it comes to your posts. I just have to wait for the incessant whinging about people not loving Armstrong enough.

Amsterhammer said:
Making one post using quotes to answer several other posts is the standard, accepted, efficient method preferred by regular forum users the world over. Except, so it seems, in your forum world.

AMSTER: What are you doing?
AMSTER: Did … did you just double-post that thread?
BRODEAL: Excuse me?
AMSTER: You double-posted the thread!
BRODEAL: "Double-posted"? What are you talking about?
AMSTER: You posted to the thread. You took a break. And you posted again.
AMSTER: That's like putting your whole mouth right in the thread! From now on, when you make a post – just make one post and edit it!
AMSTER: Well, I'm sorry, Ammy … but I don't post that way.
TIMMY: Oh, you don't, huh?
BRODEAL: No...You post the way you want to...I'll post the way I want to.
AMSTER: Give me the post! Give me the post!
BRODEAL: Douchebag!