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Jun 20, 2009
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Has anyone ever considered that Greg Lemond has consistently and vociferously complained about doping in the peloton invariably without a shred of evidence to back him up as he defames specific individuals other than his paranoid assumptions such as in the Landis case where he "volunteered " to be a professional witness against Landis for USADA(translation -character assassin) based upon what evidence he knew to be true which was absolutely none.
He has attacked Lance Armstrong repeatedly stating that it is "obvious" he was doping since he was beating other known dopers such as Ullrich...
(rather thna coming to the more logical conclusion that they doped to try to compensate for their imnherent inability to keep up with Armstrong)
If that is true then we must reconsider Lemonds own 1989 Tour de France performance when he beat Fingnon in the final time trial and set the record for fastest speed in a time trial in the TDF that was only recently bested.
We have to reconsider it because Fingnon has revealed that he was doping during that time. So if Greg beat a self confessed doper in a time trial by over a minute (and Fingnon was a great time trialer)then he "obviously" had to be on dope himself. This is according to Gregs own logic so it must be true. If it is true for Armstrong it is certainly true for him. He beat a doper so he was a doper. This isnt even to mention beating Hinault who was famous for his "steroidal" rages on the roaqd but being the french darling he never tested positive(wink wink)...As I remember Greg also bested him in 1986. Seems like good logic to me. Given that we accept Gregs premise we have to askl ourtselves what is Lemond trying to hide? he knew Fingnon was doping and has undoubtedly cast the blame on others to try to keep the light off that fact and then the arrival at the simple conclusion that follows.
Greg it seemeth to me thee protesteth too much.
Now when is Greg going to send that yellow jersey back?

Green Tea

Apr 14, 2010
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So you think that LeMond didn't take drugs?

I don't recall anyone even alluding to Greg Lemond's drug intake, it seems he has had serious alcohol problems he has dealt with.

Explain then, how in the course of a couple of days, mid 1989, he could go from being shelled out the back at even dropped by the sprinters in the mountains of the Giro to finishing on the podium during the final time trial - and then going onto win the Tour and the Worlds. Seeing Greg go up the final climb in the worlds just made a complete mockery of everyone in the race. An impressive piece of big gear climbing.

A lot of people have suspicions on him as well.

Armstrong. Not just the greatest US cyclist, but the greatest cyclist of all time IMO.

Greg Lemond should have, could have, would have... Armstrong did.

I happen to believe Greg LeMond was a first class doper, just not with EPO.

Green Tea

Apr 14, 2010
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Its gonna be laughable listening to guys believing Greg was clean & the sun shines out of his a$$, due just to his anti-doping stance. Also have to laugh at the jealous rabble he comes out with towards Armstrong about his non-existant doping.
Jun 20, 2009
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youre right! Lemond is...
fyi-this is the first time I have posted a thread not that I care what witless cretins who can only offer insults think because obviously if that is their Mo...they are incapable of thinking ;-)
Jun 20, 2009
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lardcheeks redoux

Funny how lemond cliamed that there were two speeds in the pelo back then. His and the "dopers" Funny thing is his record setting time trial time was also faster than ANY ever posted by Indurain whom he accused of doping. The ten pounds overweight lardcheeks condition he showed up in had nothing to do with his abysmal performance...it was the "dopers"
Sep 18, 2009
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roadfreak44 said:
Funny thing is his record setting time trial time was also faster than ANY ever posted by Indurain whom he accused of doping.

The record breaking TT was a point to point finishing some 40 metres below the start and there was a tailwind. No doubt he was motivated

He was using tri-bars which explains his ease beating Fignon

I wouldn't claim that he is clean but the above argument is weak.

I care more about who is cheating at my local races.

For the haters: CADEL IS CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
roadfreak44 said:
Funny how lemond cliamed that there were two speeds in the pelo back then. His and the "dopers" Funny thing is his record setting time trial time was also faster than ANY ever posted by Indurain whom he accused of doping. The ten pounds overweight lardcheeks condition he showed up in had nothing to do with his abysmal performance...it was the "dopers"

so the LA/trek PR is back on CN... how much are they paying for word this time around?:rolleyes:
Jun 20, 2009
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FYI- this si my first time posting. I broht the lemond thing up having read an interview with fignon recently in whiche saide doped...things clicked and i was under the imnpression that this is a forum where people discuss
(as in intelligently) viewpoints or opinions and not just offer oddly inappropriate insults but then these seem to come from "senior" members so perhaps they aremerely the manifestation ofhe onset of senile dementia?
as a new member am i supposed to ask each of these guys that dislike my viewpoint for permission to present a viewpoint before i do so?
If i have trampled any cherished ideals or lofty rules into the gorund with my declaration of opinion i apologize and perhaps i should be sent the properforms to fill out before offering an opinion so it can be " checked' for political correctness etc before i offer it?
stupid me i thought forums were for offering differing viewpoints.
obviously this is not one of "those kndve forums but perhaps a private club..
please enlighten !

Green Tea

Apr 14, 2010
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Ferdinand Artichoke said:
For the haters: CADEL IS CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So many haters round here. Escarabajo, BroDeal, hfer07 etc etc... Quite funny, there views on some riders is utter nonsense.

I agree Cadel is clean, as is case with many other riders. Only the haters have a differnent view. To say Cancellara is a doper is absolute dribble.
Jun 20, 2009
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hfer07 said:
so the LA/trek PR is back on CN... how much are they paying for word this time around?:rolleyes:

sorry to burst your bubble my friend but this is about lemond not LA.
lemond has accused La contador landis indurain ...all without proof..where and when does it stop?
I have no way of knowing if lance or any other winner has doped...that is another discussion entirely...
Jul 25, 2009
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This post is for any noobs or new lurkers that might wonder why this guy is getting flamed.

roadfreak commented on thoughts so here's mine.... I THINK anyone who knows that amount of detail Lemond and Fignon is fully aware of the other reasons that people THINK that Lemond didn't dope. I THINK roadfreak's choice to ignore all those other reasons means he is not here to discuss the subject, but merely to troll.
roadfreak44 said:
sorry to burst your bubble my friend but this is about lemond not LA.
lemond has accused La contador landis indurain ...all without proof..where and when does it stop?
I have no way of knowing if lance or any other winner has doped...that is another discussion entirely...

right...but who are the ones trashing Lemond all the time?;)
how much is it again?
Mar 18, 2009
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roadfreak44 said:
FYI- this si my first time posting. I broht the lemond thing up having read an interview with fignon recently in whiche saide doped...things clicked and i was under the imnpression that this is a forum where people discuss
(as in intelligently) viewpoints or opinions and not just offer oddly inappropriate insults but then these seem to come from "senior" members so perhaps they aremerely the manifestation ofhe onset of senile dementia?
as a new member am i supposed to ask each of these guys that dislike my viewpoint for permission to present a viewpoint before i do so?
If i have trampled any cherished ideals or lofty rules into the gorund with my declaration of opinion i apologize and perhaps i should be sent the properforms to fill out before offering an opinion so it can be " checked' for political correctness etc before i offer it?
stupid me i thought forums were for offering differing viewpoints.
obviously this is not one of "those kndve forums but perhaps a private club..
please enlighten !

There are differing viewpoints and these will be accepted or not depending on how they are presented. Ferdinand Artichoke hit it on the head. Lemond more than likely beat the previous TT speed record because of the course, tailwind, and use of tribars and thus a more aerodynamic position. Because you have not considered this point of view and dogmatically stick with a myopic and misguided argument, then yes your point of view is going to be questioned.

I don't mind you claiming that Lemond was a doper, but you need more proof than he doped because he broke a TT speed record. EPO or blood products were not in use in the professional peloton in 1989, at least in an organized fashion. While being experimented with in the 1984 Olympics by the US cycling team, the practice was widely condemned at the time and subsequently. If Lemond were doping, then it would have been amphetamines or cocaine, perhaps steroids. None of which are going to give the dramatic leaps in performance as enhanced oxygen carriers will give an athlete.

If this is an attempt to discredit Lemond to booster LA, then there is a whole thread in the Clinic where conclusive and supporting evidence of LAs doping practices have been repeated ad nauseum.
Jun 19, 2009
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elapid said:
If this is an attempt to discredit Lemond to booster LA, then there is a whole thread in the Clinic where conclusive and supporting evidence of LAs doping practices have been repeated ad nauseum.

We are definitely approaching full bulemic level starting this again.
Jun 20, 2009
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I didnt know about the downhill tailwind aspect of the time trial that would explain a lot unless of course there are other time trials set up like that ?
Nonetheless Greg also beat Fignon goign uphill on one fo the stages.,..no tailwind there..
I am not trying to discredit anyone just wondered when i saw fignons confession how greg was able to beat a doper when he has argued time and time again that you cant beat a doper without doping yourself?
as for my being a pr frontman for La since you bring iut up i am of the opinion he shoudve moved on a long time ago...he had his day in the sun. To badmouth contador the way he has is incomprhensible to me.
Lance is the past Ac is the future...as with greg...your not the king anymore..get over it and move on..
Jun 20, 2009
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ps-pardon my ignorance and my profound apologies-but, what is trolling? I will do my level best to avoid it if it is anathema to everyone but what does the process entail?