It's not as though Greipel had been conducting a graceful silence over the matter, is it? And to some extent, can you not see where he's coming from - if Greipel is going to go into the media and say "I should be chosen over Cav", he should hardly be surprised when it comes right back to him. In that case he was probably right, but it's another one of those cases where if the roles had been reversed, it would be being held up in this thread as another case of arrogant Cav.
He's almost the perfect cocktail of factors to make him unpopular to some fans, I think. His wins are boring, he's not the safest rider, he's arrogant and he's outspoken. You only have to look at the way he behaves after winning to see that he's clearly a man who wears his heart on his sleeve, for better or worse.
Being British, I sort of end up supporting him, but if I weren't, I probably wouldn't.