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Martinelli on lance & johan

Jun 15, 2009
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Martinelli............ shut up your big mouth please. You only speak trash and to speak about Lance and Bruynell you have to ask permission.
I hope to "El pistoletero" wins the tour again, Alberto has all the class for do it again, before that....
warm regards to Italia form México.
Wrangler said:
Martinelli............ shut up your big mouth please. You only speak trash and to speak about Lance and Bruynell you have to ask permission.
I hope to "El pistoletero" wins the tour again, Alberto has all the class for do it again, before that....
warm regards to Italia form México.

Wrangler said:
Martinelli............ shut up your big mouth please. You only speak trash and to speak about Lance and Bruynell you have to ask permission.
I hope to "El pistoletero" wins the tour again, Alberto has all the class for do it again, before that....
warm regards to Italia form México.

TROLL ANGRY!!!! TROLL SMASH!!!! :mad::mad::mad:


can we just delete the thread please?

Wow, scary stuff. In real life, Contador has been the victim of personal attacks by LA & JB for months. Armstrong has done it more actively recently in order to sell books, and because it's better press for Radio Shack if the general public has him trying to beat a champion for the Tour instead of "just" win it again. They call Alberto stupid, they said his press agent was stupid, thy give his brother fan a bad time. Bruyneel accused Contador of letting fame and money go to his head, while Armstrong posts twitpics of his personal soigneur holding plane, and had his personal photographer on a race moto with Astana credentials even though Graham Watson supplied the photos for the website.

These two guys have assembled "the best team in the world," with Bruyneel personally recruiting riders while taking an Astana paycheck (Rubiera & at least three others mentioned it in their announcements), and dragging out his own stay to keep new management from coming in, yet they're still obsessed with bullying Contador, who won't defend himself in the press. Here's the extent of his side of the "war of words":

"Well, my relationship with Lance is zero. My relationship with him is zero. I think that independently of what his character is, he is still a great champion. He has won seven Tours and played a big part in this one, too. But it's different to speak at a personal level. I have never really admired him that much, or will ever, but of course as a cyclist, he is a great champion."


A lot of us know the attacks will continue, because we understand the people making the attacks. Insult Sastre and Vande Velde in a book to make money, then try to make it go away by saying, not "I was wrong", but "that wasn't right". The can't insult an Australian rider, or a Brit, or an Italian, or a Schleck, without getting raked over the coals. But they think that they can keep going after Alberto. They don't even notice that a lot of people now refer to them as LA and JB so we don't have to say their names, or that decent people wonder why they're firing media attacks at someone they haven't seen in months.

I was ecstatic when I read the Martinelli quotes, because Contador has one more person to defend him from the nonsense. What the RS guys don't realize is that the new squad is going to rally around Alberto, and every personal attack will just make them a tougher team.
May 26, 2009
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It's ok Round 1 went to Contador, I mean he took a few months of "abuse" this year and won the Tour and without knowing Contador, if he ever needed any motivation for next year then this will be fueling the fire nicely.

Also I guess the more the comedy duo say things to the press every 3 seconds or is it 4 seconds and the more Contador ignores it the more Lance will whine like the little biatch he is. I try and miss his and JB's press crap, but any mention of Cancer of late(after all this is what the comeback is all about isn't it, not slagging off other athletes or did I miss something?)
Wrangler said:
Martinelli............ shut up your big mouth please. You only speak trash and to speak about Lance and Bruynell you have to ask permission.
I hope to "El pistoletero" wins the tour again, Alberto has all the class for do it again, before that....
warm regards to Italia form México.

And just when I thought I'd already seen the stupidest post of the day.:D


I think what Wrangler was trying to say is that there is no need to step down a level to the media and start talking about other riders.

Meaning AC and Astana should play it cool, not engage LA or JB through the media until he has firmly beaten them at their own game, which is winning a bike race on the road.

I didn't see it as trolling, but a little difficult to understand, Wrangler.

Personally I think the comments by the new director of Astana were fine and just.
Wrangler said:
Martinelli............ shut up your big mouth please. You only speak trash and to speak about Lance and Bruynell you have to ask permission.
I hope to "El pistoletero" wins the tour again, Alberto has all the class for do it again, before that....
warm regards to Italia form México.

Mountain Goat said:
I think what Wrangler was trying to say is that there is no need to step down a level to the media and start talking about other riders.

Meaning AC and Astana should play it cool, not engage LA or JB through the media until he has firmly beaten them at their own game, which is winning a bike race on the road.

I didn't see it as trolling, but a little difficult to understand, Wrangler.

Personally I think the comments by the new director of Astana were fine and just.

AC is playing it cool.

As far Martinelli, my guess is he was asked about the weakness of the squad since LA and JB made a point of gloating about taking the best of the squad at their press conference (the press loves conflicts). I also think Martinelli is trying to establish TRUST with AC. They don't have history and he's got to demonstrate to AC that he's got his back and his interest at heart. Martinelli has stepped into a difficult situation and is going to need to spend some time motivating these guys to believe they on any giving day that can ride with the best and deliver AC to victory.

As for Wrangler, I just called I like I saw it. New forum participant. Nothing thought provoking about the post. Certain attempt to stir ***. No subsequent post. That amounts to a troll in my book.
Oct 29, 2009
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Mountain Goat said:
I think what Wrangler was trying to say is that there is no need to step down a level to the media and start talking about other riders.

Meaning AC and Astana should play it cool, not engage LA or JB through the media until he has firmly beaten them at their own game, which is winning a bike race on the road.

I didn't see it as trolling, but a little difficult to understand, Wrangler.

Personally I think the comments by the new director of Astana were fine and just.

Thanks for the translation. I was a little confused.
Oct 6, 2009
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theswordsman said:
Wow, scary stuff. In real life, Contador has been the victim of personal attacks by LA & JB for months. Armstrong has done it more actively recently in order to sell books, and because it's better press for Radio Shack if the general public has him trying to beat a champion for the Tour instead of "just" win it again. They call Alberto stupid, they said his press agent was stupid, thy give his brother fan a bad time. Bruyneel accused Contador of letting fame and money go to his head, while Armstrong posts twitpics of his personal soigneur holding plane, and had his personal photographer on a race moto with Astana credentials even though Graham Watson supplied the photos for the website.

These two guys have assembled "the best team in the world," with Bruyneel personally recruiting riders while taking an Astana paycheck (Rubiera & at least three others mentioned it in their announcements), and dragging out his own stay to keep new management from coming in, yet they're still obsessed with bullying Contador, who won't defend himself in the press. Here's the extent of his side of the "war of words":

"Well, my relationship with Lance is zero. My relationship with him is zero. I think that independently of what his character is, he is still a great champion. He has won seven Tours and played a big part in this one, too. But it's different to speak at a personal level. I have never really admired him that much, or will ever, but of course as a cyclist, he is a great champion."


A lot of us know the attacks will continue, because we understand the people making the attacks. Insult Sastre and Vande Velde in a book to make money, then try to make it go away by saying, not "I was wrong", but "that wasn't right". The can't insult an Australian rider, or a Brit, or an Italian, or a Schleck, without getting raked over the coals. But they think that they can keep going after Alberto. They don't even notice that a lot of people now refer to them as LA and JB so we don't have to say their names, or that decent people wonder why they're firing media attacks at someone they haven't seen in months.

I was ecstatic when I read the Martinelli quotes, because Contador has one more person to defend him from the nonsense. What the RS guys don't realize is that the new squad is going to rally around Alberto, and every personal attack will just make them a tougher team.

+1 on the whole post. I'm long past sick of the mud-slinging towards AC, and glad to see him just riding his bike and getting with life. It's going to be interesting to see if Vino comes out and says anything as all this rolls on.
Mar 18, 2009
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I'm delighted that there are people in cycling who are quite happy to speak out about Hogstrong and dismiss their rather childish and pathetic modus operandi. Contador will be in safe hands with support around him that has Hogstrong's silly little mind games well and truly sussed and aren't afraid to out them as the puerile pair they are.
Nov 17, 2009
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One thing I find interesting is how much the return of Lance has increased the support of Contador.

In 2008, all I read about Contador was talk about how he was a doper and people cheering for him to lose. He essentially inherited a lot of the dislike that was formerly directed toward Lance because he was with Bruyneel (or that's how it seemed).

Now that Lance was back and he and Contador had their little snit... Contador is a great guy.
kurtinsc said:
One thing I find interesting is how much the return of Lance has increased the support of Contador.

In 2008, all I read about Contador was talk about how he was a doper and people cheering for him to lose. He essentially inherited a lot of the dislike that was formerly directed toward Lance because he was with Bruyneel (or that's how it seemed).

Now that Lance was back and he and Contador had their little snit... Contador is a great guy.

but he has a lot to learn.....
kurtinsc said:
One thing I find interesting is how much the return of Lance has increased the support of Contador.

In 2008, all I read about Contador was talk about how he was a doper and people cheering for him to lose. He essentially inherited a lot of the dislike that was formerly directed toward Lance because he was with Bruyneel (or that's how it seemed).

Now that Lance was back and he and Contador had their little snit... Contador is a great guy.

It really is as simple as: compare and contrast.

Here's a good example from the press conference today:

Contador and Armstrong clashed over the role of team leader at Astana during this year’s Tour de France. However, Contador said on Friday he had put their differences behind him.

“I want to think about sport, I’m not interested in he polemics. For me 2009 is finished. Now I want to think about training for my own goals,” Contador, in Italy for an Astana training camp, told a news conference.

Things were difficult during the Tour de France and it was very stressful but it was also good experience for the future. I matured a lot and learnt to stay cool.

“It’s possible that I could be friends or an ally with Lance in the future. In sport you can never say never.


LA & JB are heavily investing in building up the rivalry and with a couple of meaningless sentences, AC takes the legs away from under them. Who's going to play Lance's boogeyman now? Jan Ullrich there is a call for you on line 2....:rolleyes:
Publicus said:
“Things were difficult during the Tour de France and it was very stressful but it was also good experience for the future. I matured a lot and learnt to stay cool.

“It’s possible that I could be friends or an ally with Lance in the future. In sport you can never say never.”

Contador may be stronger mentally than Armstrong was in his heyday. That's frickin' scary. There is no question that Armstrong used to be the master of psychological warfare - he dominated Ulrich, Heras, and Belokki with it among others. But Contador is like an Aikido Master or something, blocking Armstrong's jabs and redirecting them right back at him.

I will say that this is pleasant surprise because my initial impression of Contador when he won that first TDF 3 years ago was that he was a bit of an arrogant ***. Could be back to the Indurain days for the sport where everyone likes the champ! :eek:


Publicus said:
AC is playing it cool.

As far Martinelli, my guess is he was asked about the weakness of the squad since LA and JB made a point of gloating about taking the best of the squad at their press conference (the press loves conflicts). I also think Martinelli is trying to establish TRUST with AC. They don't have history and he's got to demonstrate to AC that he's got his back and his interest at heart. Martinelli has stepped into a difficult situation and is going to need to spend some time motivating these guys to believe they on any giving day that can ride with the best and deliver AC to victory.

Good summary. Spot on. He's got a long road back.

Motion said:

Liquigas Rider: Can someone pass me my glasses?
Vino: Say please.
Liquigas Rider: How bout you give it too me before I transfuse your *** back to KazyLand... Idiots.. (reaches to get glasses)
Alberto: (flinches) ahh. watch my latte.. idiota

Yeh Martinelli needs to motivate that lot, ASAP!


BikeCentric said:
Contador may be stronger mentally than Armstrong was in his heyday. That's frickin' scary. There is no question that Armstrong used to be the master of psychological warfare - he dominated Ulrich, Heras, and Belokki with it among others. But Contador is like an Aikido Master or something, blocking Armstrong's jabs and redirecting them right back at him.

I will say that this is pleasant surprise because my initial impression of Contador when he won that first TDF 3 years ago was that he was a bit of an arrogant ***. Could be back to the Indurain days for the sport where everyone likes the champ! :eek:

Contador knows he can beat Lance in any situation. I think to someone like Lance, that is an affront because he is the one who gets to think that way. Unfortunately for him, Contador isn't really being an *** about it. He just knows Armstrong cannot beat him, and no matter how much The Uniballer butts his head against Alberto, he will never win the contest. It obviously drives Armstrong crazy, and he feigns acceptance, but in reality, his ego is to fragile for him to cope with something like that. So he twitters and makes snide comments, and tries to beat his better in the only way he can. Contador's response is the same as it was before he was subjected to the adolescent psychological onslaught, "I will beat you." There is nothing Armstrong can do to change that. It is the beginning and end of the subject.