PCutter said:
On current splits Menchov would be second, and possibly Sammy climbing to 3rd. But Andy has shown he's much faster in the mountains than either of these two and possibly today, or more likely Tourmalet, he will just pin the ears back and turn on the after burners and hope Conti can't go with him as he needs to gap AC and can't spend the whole tour playing with each other. AC may be able to hold his wheel, but DM and SS have always only made it back once AC and AS start track standing with each other.
b-i-n-g-o ! particularly the last fattened sentence.
i replayed that stage several times, the gap between 'dancing' andy and berto otoh and menchov/samu on the other reached 40 seconds at one point. once andy and berto stopped dancing
they closed on menchov/samu at the rate of around 8-10 seconds per km.
all 4 know who's who on the steep inclines.
the itt battle will come to who's nurtured his reserves the best and the russian is known for not making his legs to deliver a pedal stroke too many.
in the rested state, given their record in long itts it would be reasonable to expect the following sequence:
menchov/berto about even or denis slightly faster
samu up to a minute back
andy 2-3 minutes back.
now, looking for clues who's fresher is helpfull too. so far, menchov was the first to react to several accelerations by either andy or contador, he was also the protagonist during their dance. otoh, dinis has shown some weakness when he could not stick it samu on the flat final part in the stage he was 2nd.
could be because he's too thin atm and THAT is not a good sign for a flat itt but a gift for the remaining mountain stages.