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The Hitch said:
Ok ill bite.

Maybe there are advantages to having a system where there are no bans, mods, warnings, posters write what they want and people decide who the trolls are and dont take them seriously.

But on these boards there are rules, there are mods and there are bans.

Scot Socal is a poster here, redtreviso insults him and insults him and insults him in the most vile ways, even when Scot isnt even taking part in the thread.

It is strictly against the rules to insult other posters. this is what happens to everyone else when they break this rule. -


so as much as redtreviso might just be making a fool out of himself, and i do hope others see it that way, what he is doing is against the rules.

It's allowed because I have conservative political views. I have asked 3 mods and Daniel Benson to kill my account... apparently this is a difficult thing to do.

I'll spend a few minutes a day deleting my posts until my account is either closed or I am on a perma bann.

It has been entertaining at times but lines have been crossed and I want no further association with this board whatsoever.

I'll still read though.:) Take it easy Hitch & Krebs.
May 23, 2010
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The Hitch said:
Ok ill bite.

Maybe there are advantages to having a system where there are no bans, mods, warnings, posters write what they want and people decide who the trolls are and dont take them seriously.

But on these boards there are rules, there are mods and there are bans.

Scot Socal is a poster here, redtreviso insults him and insults him and insults him in the most vile ways, even when Scot isnt even taking part in the thread.

It is strictly against the rules to insult other posters. this is what happens to everyone else when they break this rule. -


so as much as redtreviso might just be making a fool out of himself, and i do hope others see it that way, what he is doing is against the rules.

Can't handle the truth can you hitch? Your opinions are no less insulting in reply to anyone who disagrees with you... You're a commie socialist if you don't click your storm trooper boots like I do blah blah blah..
Here's the home turf of the socal types..You'd fit right in if you aren't already there.*** edited by mod ***
Apr 20, 2009
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The Hitch said:
Ok ill bite.

Maybe there are advantages to having a system where there are no bans, mods, warnings, posters write what they want and people decide who the trolls are and dont take them seriously.

But on these boards there are rules, there are mods and there are bans.

Scot Socal is a poster here, redtreviso insults him and insults him and insults him in the most vile ways, even when Scot isnt even taking part in the thread.

It is strictly against the rules to insult other posters. this is what happens to everyone else when they break this rule. -


so as much as redtreviso might just be making a fool out of himself, and i do hope others see it that way, what he is doing is against the rules.

you are right. there are rules. he broke the rules. he deserves to be banned.

however, my position, aside from my well-known views which you alluded to, is that his posts display a pattern and manic pathology and therefore are not and should not be taken seriously. it is kind of like when a homeless schizophrenic shouts at people on the sidewalk; while technically he is breaking the law, it is a more effective use of resources to pity than punish.
Apr 20, 2009
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Scott SoCal said:
It's allowed because I have conservative political views. I have asked 3 mods and Daniel Benson to kill my account... apparently this is a difficult thing to do.

I'll spend a few minutes a day deleting my posts until my account is either closed or I am on a perma bann.

It has been entertaining at times but lines have been crossed and I want no further association with this board whatsoever.

I'll still read though.:) Take it easy Hitch & Krebs.

seriously? that is a shame. you are a popular and valuable contributor to this forum. i hope you reconsider.
Scott SoCal said:
It's allowed because I have conservative political views. I have asked 3 mods and Daniel Benson to kill my account... apparently this is a difficult thing to do.

I'll spend a few minutes a day deleting my posts until my account is either closed or I am on a perma bann.

It has been entertaining at times but lines have been crossed and I want no further association with this board whatsoever.

I'll still read though.:) Take it easy Hitch & Krebs.

Why don't you try just staying out of the political disucssion threads? ;)

The mods will not delete an account simply because a user no longer wishes to participate. If a user wishes to leave the forum, they should simply do so. The user him/herself can delete their own posts if they wish to.

Apr 20, 2009
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Alpe d'Huez said:
In the event anyone is curious, redtreviso has been banned for one month. It wasn't just one post, but a culmination over time, especially after being warned both in the open, and directly.

hate to say it as i am generally opposed to banning, but he deserved it.
Jul 23, 2009
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gregod said:
hate to say it as i am generally opposed to banning, but he deserved it.
He sure did... he's extremely lucky they didn't make it permanent. One of the most insulting tirades I've ever seen on this forum, considering the event being discussed and that it was completely unprovoked.
Mar 16, 2009
Honest truth tell I stopped reading the politics thread because of red. I pm'd scott months ago how he could put up with the venom that was spewed against him.
Scott I would hope you would reconsider. The beer thread needs you:D
Mar 17, 2009
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gregod said:
you are right. there are rules. he broke the rules. he deserves to be banned.

however, my position, aside from my well-known views which you alluded to, is that his posts display a pattern and manic pathology and therefore are not and should not be taken seriously. it is kind of like when a homeless schizophrenic shouts at people on the sidewalk; while technically he is breaking the law, it is a more effective use of resources to pity than punish.

good post. red is a bitter, crazy, buffoon, and he's probably sitting on a street corner muttering to himself and picking imaginary lint off his shirt. that's why i've tolerated his diatribes for the most part.

Scott SoCal said:
It's allowed because I have conservative political views. I have asked 3 mods and Daniel Benson to kill my account... apparently this is a difficult thing to do.

I'll spend a few minutes a day deleting my posts until my account is either closed or I am on a perma bann.

It has been entertaining at times but lines have been crossed and I want no further association with this board whatsoever.

I'll still read though.:) Take it easy Hitch & Krebs.

i hope you reconsider. without opposing viewpoints the forum ceases to exist as anything but a bunch of smug idiots that think they must be correct in their opinions because opposition doesn't exist. don't let a nut like red win.
May 18, 2009
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Scott SoCal said:
It's allowed because I have conservative political views. I have asked 3 mods and Daniel Benson to kill my account... apparently this is a difficult thing to do.

I'll spend a few minutes a day deleting my posts until my account is either closed or I am on a perma bann.

It has been entertaining at times but lines have been crossed and I want no further association with this board whatsoever.

I'll still read though.:) Take it easy Hitch & Krebs.

Regardless of disagreements, everybody can learn from others and I personally appreciate your POV, which I agree with more than you probably realize.

redtriviso is a whackjob. If somebody is gonna pis you off enough to make you leave at least make it somebody doesn't act like they are on crack. I never took you for a coward, so don't let me and others down by leaving.

Take care.
May 18, 2009
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pedaling squares said:
I think was more than just red that got Scott upset. Hope you stick around Scott, the race (esp RVV) threads and the beer thread just wouldn't be the same.

Scott just wants attention. "Look at me! I will leave if people keep being mean to me". Then, we go into the stage where we ask him not to leave, validating his importance in his mind. I know this tactic, even as I was typing my previous post. I just wanted to publicly say his input is valuable, and I respect it, and how he is more valuable than red in terms of rational debate. That is a pretty low bar but any ego-stroking crumbs should be appreciated during a cry for attention.

He will be back, and I just wanted him to know what a personal blow it would be to me and how his stature would lower several notches if redtreviso affected him in this manner. :cool:
Red wasn't the only one who pushed Scott, I did it as well in the politics forum, probably others as well, as Chris and those that visit there can attest. I encouraged Scott to take a break, and avoid the politics forum, though of course the decision is his to return or not.
May 18, 2009
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Alpe d'Huez said:
Red wasn't the only one who pushed Scott, I did it as well in the politics forum, probably others as well, as Chris and those that visit there can attest. I encouraged Scott to take a break, and avoid the politics forum, though of course the decision is his to return or not.

He pushed back as well. Nothing wrong with that.

I agree he should take a break from there, and not post as much. You notice I only do it in spurts, mainly to keep my sanity and the arguments are always the same in general.

I seem to be hung up in a religious fundamentalism discussion with rubarb on the Oslo thread right now. Right about now I think I will take my own advice and try to mentor Scott by example lol.

Thanks for all of your tolerance, alpe. It doesn't go unnoticed.
You're welcome. But your doing it as well in that your posting is also more reasonable than a year ago when you were getting yourself into trouble.

I understand what you mean about taking breaks from various forums. I go in and out of the politics forum as well for the same reasons, and haven't been posting much in the Clinic of late.



Scott SoCal said:
It's allowed because I have conservative political views. I have asked 3 mods and Daniel Benson to kill my account... apparently this is a difficult thing to do.

I'll spend a few minutes a day deleting my posts until my account is either closed or I am on a perma bann.

It has been entertaining at times but lines have been crossed and I want no further association with this board whatsoever.

I'll still read though.:) Take it easy Hitch & Krebs.

Take it easy Scott. I quit posting there because of red mostly. You and I don't agree completely on anything, but I think we have found some common ground, and I have always found you pretty thoughtful even when I didn't agree. Good luck man.
Jun 22, 2009
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Alpe d'Huez said:
You're welcome. But your doing it as well in that your posting is also more reasonable than a year ago when you were getting yourself into trouble.

I understand what you mean about taking breaks from various forums. I go in and out of the politics forum as well for the same reasons, and haven't been posting much in the Clinic of late.


I more or less avoid the political forums for such reasons.
Such topics can become too much.
That and I already spend enought ime here :eek:
Jul 28, 2010
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craig1985 said:
And give perma bans for all the haterz? This person might be you :p

Not perma bans, just bans from posting whenever Andy is actually trying to race**, that way whenever he predictably fails, I can read in peace. :D

**So only 4 weeks, don't you worry! :p
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