FoxxyBrown1111 said:
Yes, that´s a longtime problem in the NFL. The scouting of college QB´s (and of course other position players) is overrated and leads to some real draft busts (Shuler, Mirer, Akili Smith, Leaf, to name a few).
Mirer was actually rookie of the year - it was downhill from there. But yes, plenty more than what you list. Ja Russell obviously. But also Andre Ware, Joey Harrington, Todd Blackledge, Cade McNown, Tim Couch, Jim Druckenmiller, David Klingler, Todd Marinovich, etc. All came into the league with high hopes, all were mediocre at best.
Speaking of Harrington. He's from my home town and was recently badly hurt when hit by a car riding his bike. Broken collarbone, broken ribs, punctured lung. Hit his head but had a helmet on which saved him at least a severe concussion. Is recovering well at home.
But of course team chemistry and coaching have a lot to do with how well a QB lasts and adapts. Take a look at Alex Smith. Taken #1 by SF, huge talent. Huge. But after five years and about 4 head coaches, 5 OC's, and 6 different offensive schemes - all of which were failures - plus an undiagnosed broken bone on his throwing shoulder for a year, it's amazing that the guys confidence wasn't completely shattered. I still think on a solid team with a solid program, the guy could be a Pro Bowl QB...maybe.
With Jim Claussen, the guy was Carolina's #1 pick last year, hardly played that much as the entire team stunk, and they already have given up on him in favor of Newton. I just hope they trade Claussen and given Cam more of a chance.
Regarding that Titan team:
FoxxyBrown1111 said:
...I highly doubt they beat the Cardinals in the SB (or even Pitt´s Pass-D)
You're forgetting they pulverized that same Pittsburgh team in week 12 of the regular season, 31-14. Kerry Collins was no worse than the 2000 Trent Dilfer of the Ravens, who won a SB.
I had forgotten the calls in that Superbowl between Pitts and Ariz. I'd like to see that game again, mostly for Warner's heroics too. He really played like the MVP in that game if I recall.
Good for the rapist QB, bad for the real fans. Thanks god GB prevailed last season.
I think the Steelers were lucky and got some bad calls their way, and get tired of them winning, but I don't dislike them that much. Sheesh!
The 2005 Steelers stormed trough the playoffs behind Roethlisbergers super efficient passing. Again, people are trapped and only remember the (lousy) last game vs. Seattle.
Actually, wasn't that the year they should have lost the game against the Colts but Vanderjack missed a gimmie FG at the end, after making some 30 in a row in the regular season? I remember that game being close and filled with penalties and mistakes, though in the end the Colts "should" have won with that FG.
Good stats and comments on the 2007 Giants. Like I said before (or someone said before me) if they played the Patriots 10 times, the Giants would have lost 9 of those games. But on that day they won. As the old saying goes, I'd rather be lucky than good.
Anyway, great to discuss some good old football.
Indeed! Makes me excited for the season!