I find it difficult to unpack what objectification means (under the constraints that it’s “problematic”) without sexuality.I read this as why we would deleted the threads fmk_RoI suggested and that's what we've discussed as mods. Dan's tweet says why he deleted the threads, he's not cited any forum rules, just that they were completely unacceptable. He's left a reason on the thread that does mention objectification and this can cross into comments that do not fall foul of the GRAPES rule. Generally yes, it'll be obvious, but there's always edge cases that need dealing with and when those edge cases can bleed into something that's fundamental to certain discussions it can be hard to navigate.
If it does not mean reducing a subject to an object of sexual desire, what does it then mean and how is it “problematic”?
EDIT: you could say that slavery is reducing a subject to an object of capital, but any such objectification is not done by posts on a message board, or in so far as it is, it’s not clear to me how it is harmful.
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