Photo Copyrights at FPCN
Well, I call it FPCN now. It's now really CN anymore now is it?
I heard through the grapevine, can't confirm, that when you sent photos to CN, they become the property of CN more so then before. What I mean by that is that they also have the right to sell those photos for profit. I'm not sure if that's true, but that would seem to explain why you are seeing much fewer photos on CN. Indeed, since the site change, not one single person I know are sending photos to CN anymore, and I know a hell of a lot of people in the business worldwide. Even single one of them tell me they hate the site totally and they won't be sending anymore photos to CN!
In fact I also heard one person who used to send them a heck of a lot of photos from races worldwide are not sending hardly any now, because they also sell photos for profit. That would explain why I don't see a lot of the old big contributors sending only a few photos now, as where in the past they send tons more to CN. I'm betting that they all feel they were sold out as a cycling community. I know a lot of people felt CN was part of cycling community, and that trust was betrayed when they said they were listen to users about the new design, and clearly they didn't.
So what you have now it seems is a site run by FP with a staff who are paid to completely disconnect from the users wishes, and just turn it into a corporate cycling site for profits via those hideous click through and ads. Its very clear CN is gone. This site is not CN, CN is dead (IMO)!
CN is gone guys, and the best thing you can do is bookmark all the best sites worldwide and get your news there. That's what I do because CN no longer offers content I seek. They have no photos to speak of for me personally, their stories and race reports seem to really lack content, details, and are no where near as rich and robust as past years. I believe in the end, its arrogance and unwillingness to listen to users will be its demise, but hey, what did you expect when a corporate raider like FP buys it?
This all could of been avoided if CN was sold to a grass roots community representing the cycling community at large. If you haven't seen the documentary called (The Corporation), go watch it. I sort of figured this might happen in time, but I never expected the site to become such a train wreck for users. RIP CN.