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Official lance armstrong thread, part 2 (from september 2012)

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PCutter said:
In the 3rd Facet they include lack of long term goals. He had long term goals and the ability to plan how to get there...its just that this included cheating.

In the 4th Facet it includes early behavioural problems and Juvenile delinquency, I have no idea about what he was like in his childhood.

But as you note, he only needs to score 30 to qualify

Illegal means to achieve long term goals does not qualify as a viable plan.

In terms of juvenile delinquency (Facet 4), he likely wasn't a juvenile when he beat up the motorist as described in Tyler's book. Thus, we have to look elsewhere.

There is an interesting anecdote in 'It's About the Doping' (aka "It's not about the bike").

He (through his ghost writer) describes one activity he pursued to to get over boredom (Facet 3). He describes soaking tennis balls in kerosene, lighting them on fire and then smashing them with a tennis racket into the nearby neighborhood.

That probably qualifies as a delinquent act as a juvenile.

Hopefully he didn't cause any house fires or serious property damage.

Given that he put it in his book, among other things, he obviously is bragging about getting away with it.

We didn't touch on 'Other', but there shouldn't be much controversy there.

That he went on record stating he "likes women hotter than donut grease" kind of says everything you need to know about his sexual promiscuity.

I score him a 40 of a possible 42.

A Glasgow Charity shop making a point

Jul 19, 2010
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melak1 said:

Well since I can't make it perhaps we can help by flooding their customer service with emails.

One day maybe they will get the message that people like LA should not be anyone's mentor. then again...

Don't give a rat's a$$ about any company that sticks with Armstrong. Obviously they are not interested in corporate moral compass. Just the dollar sign. Nike lost my respect a long time ago. This just reinforces it.
Armstrongs interns have been VERY busy updating his wiki page.

They have removed all of dims updates, marginalised doping references, maximised his achievements, and any reference to any doping has been rebutted at length (with complete tripe).

You couldn't dream this $hit up. Its laughable.
This is funny.

Confessions of a former fanboy: http://www.cycleboredom.com/confessions-of-a-former-fanboy/

I believed in high-cadence, extraordinary VO2, smarter training, higher aerobic thresholds, anger as motivation, and weighing food. I even faltered slightly as Greg LeMond was painted as vindictive and crazy.

I read that book. I believed that book. I even bought Carmichael’s book. I can’t believe I bought Carmichael’s book.

I saved all the magazines. I saved newspaper clippings. I saved signed posters.

The pervasiveness of the Yellow spread into non-cycling areas of my life. I’m ashamed to admit I was wearing the disgraced bracelet LiveSTRONG during my wedding. It haunts me every time I see images or video of that day. Also, when my grandmother passed due to cancer, I was ****ed they removed the disgraced bracelet I gave her when she was prepared.

Ahh, those were the days.
Aug 27, 2012
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sittingbison said:
Armstrongs interns have been VERY busy updating his wiki page.

They have removed all of dims updates, marginalised doping references, maximised his achievements, and any reference to any doping has been rebutted at length (with complete tripe).

You couldn't dream this $hit up. Its laughable.

It's an attempt at re-writing history. A la Goebbels. Sorry for being repetitive, have posted on this in other threads, but important people are aware. Paid service by Reputation.com. Similar forces at work with team Sky wiki pages.
May 1, 2012
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If everyone in US Postal doped, what about other names that have not yet been mentioned. Looking at the roster, Tom Boonen and Ryder Hesjdal are still very much current, guilty too?
cineteq said:
I'm kind of skeptical on this confession, but tweeted it anyway. :)

For the ones who realize what a hoax they bought into and how they were duped, it's so sad, and I was almost one of them, some little voice stopped me from buying into the myth but I still bought into the clean story for a long time.

I think, like I have said in countless posts is that a lot of these robots are just so deeply emotionally invested in the myth they are pretty much stuck. That's how you get some of these mindless posters and people on slowtwitch and elsewhere. They have a chronic cancer of integrity. But it isn't terminal, it's their choice. They can stop when they are ready.

' Do I throw more good "emotional/psychic" capital after bad or just stop digging? ' What a cr@ppy position, but that's what you get for having stuck your head in the sand for sooooo many years in the face of so many facts.
This has probably appeared elsewhere but printed today:

During a 2006 deposition related to the suit, Kathy Lemond testified that Julian Devries, a mechanic for Armstrong’s team who was once close to her husband, had told her and others that Nike and Thom Weisel, a Bay Area banker who sponsored Armstrong’s team, had wired $500,000 to a Swiss bank account that belonged to Verbruggen.

In an interview with the Daily News on Monday, Kathy Lemond said she stood by her testimony. “I’m sure Julian was telling the truth,” she said. Greg LeMond also testified in the suit.

The money, Kathy Lemond said Devries told her and several others, was sent to cover up a 1999 positive drug test for corticosteroids, which Armstrong had used to treat saddle sores. Devries, Kathy Lemond said during the deposition, had been disgusted by the way performance-enhancing drugs had polluted cycling.

But Devries ultimately “went to the other side” and even began transporting drugs for cyclists in the hollowed-out heels of his clogs, both Kathy and Greg LeMond testified.
I believe the way the USADA has built this entire thing up as “the most sophisticated doping program in sports history” is overblown and hyped out of proportion.

So we basically have LA, Bruyneel and Ferrari, then a few other people going along with this.

If this is so sophisticated, why would LA and other guys involved sit right in front of people like soigneur Emma O’Reilly and the mechanic and talk openly about this stuff to hear about doping/payoffs/bribes etc?

That would be D-U-M-B and the opposite of sophisticated IMHO.

Sophisticated is not running with a bag of saline under your armpit past a tester. Sounds like mass confusion and OH MY GOD I HOPE I SNEAK PAST type of operation to me.

Sophisticated assumes a level of cleverness, great execution and planning. 90% of the crap the USADA has is the dossier on all of these guys is stupid common sense and I wonder how it lasted this long.

The answer is simply the omerta. All of these guys stood to profit and make money and a living off of the situation, otherwise, they are out of the sport, suspended etc...and have to go get a real job like the rest of us.
Jul 14, 2009
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just listened to prof. Ian Robertson on WNYC and his book on the brain function of winning and losing was really great. I was a bit disappointed that he said most often psychopaths seldom win. I will buy "The Winner Effect" and see if lance is mentioned
Lance is due a public appearance this Friday at the Livestrong 15 event. Ben Stiller will be there so it should be a great night out. Looking forward to it. Hopefully it’s a soft crowd which will give him the respect he deserves.

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