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Official lance armstrong thread, part 2 (from september 2012)

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May 27, 2012
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May 27, 2012
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I'm kinda sad this is all coming to a close. I think of the years I have been acting like a fool about all of this. I remember the ferns, the unicorns, having my wife threatened with rape, and me threatened with death. I remember "No Positives," "Chris H," that idiot moderator at DPF who love Di Luca, "BPC," "Polish," trolling the Paceline forum so hard with a couple of other people that they shut the place down for awhile, Cyclingforums having no language filter, "Campy Bob" "Ali" "schadenfreude" and many, many more.

Most of all, I will always remember my friend Jeff Vader. Jeff was the greatest internet personality in the history of the internet. He totally crushed any cat video ever. Jeff Vader really won the internet. I'm gonna pour out some Schlitz Malt Liqueur Bull onto my keyboard for my old homie.

He's older, but still the same old Jeff...FID FOREVER!!!!!

Mar 13, 2009
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armstrong said:
'If you're racing, mate, I'm racing.'"

actually, a bit is left out.

O'Grady had a dig at Macca when they were in Monaco after watching the ride and then the run. He asked Macca,"is that it? You call that sport." So Macca knew SOG thought it was Mickey Mouse when they were palling around in Monaco.

And there is another line

"I see your doping Lance, and I raise you".

Ozzies can match it with the best in that field.

I note Floyd is no longer "disgraced". He's just plain old Floyd Landis now.

That may also help to explain the apparently genuine indignation expressed by many riders like Floyd Landis, who were stripped of titles after failing drug tests, only to see the victories awarded to fellow dopers who had evaded detection. When ABC News asked Landis in 2010 if he was calling Armstrong a fraud, he replied: “Well, it depends on what your definition of fraud is. I mean it — look, if he didn’t win the Tour, someone else that was doped would have won the Tour. In every single one of those Tours.”

Armstrong is now known as "the creep".
Aug 13, 2009
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ChewbaccaD said:
Most of all, I will always remember my friend Jeff Vader. Jeff was the greatest internet personality in the history of the internet. He totally crushed any cat video ever. Jeff Vader really won the internet. I'm gonna pour out some Schlitz Malt Liqueur Bull onto my keyboard for my old homie.

Jeff Vader, one of the greats.

You have to take some credit for your classic engagement with House. Starting with the story that you said you had talked to the guys on his group ride and they all hated him because he crashed all the time....then of course the stuff with the kids :eek:

And of course this gem

Maybe you should start a forums follies thread here?
May 27, 2012
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Race Radio said:
Jeff Vader, one of the greats.

You have to take some credit for your classic engagement with House. Starting with the story that you said you had talked to the guys on his group ride and they all hated him because he crashed all the time....then of course the stuff with the kids :eek:

And of course this gem

Maybe you should start a forums follies thread here?

Good old House. The link for the jemison thread won't work because it has the word sh!t in it.

Good times.:)
blackcat said:
I liked House.

He was harmless.

A little like Whareagle

Coach Whareagle. What a clown. I wonder whether he survived Hamilton's confession or waited for the book before committing hara-kiri.

Has anyone who uses eBay spotted Hombre selling the table and chairs that were used to hatch Livestrong.

Campy Bob has gone crazy on cyclingforums. No more humor, just denial of reality.
Jul 28, 2009
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ChewbaccaD said:
Good old House. The link for the jemison thread won't work because it has the word sh!t in it.

Good times.:)
House was posting here too though I can't remember the username now. I didn't think that DPF was too bad although most seem to have moved here at the same time.
I take that back maybe it was Hombre some people use the same usernames other not so much TFF, D-Q and BroD are pretty consistent also maybe I was wrong about DPF just went back there and can't beleive Ali is still spouting the same bollox. Completely ignored as usual of course.
Jun 15, 2009
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One guy who is barely mentioned (if at all) in all the congratulations for bringing the file to where it is today:

His name is Damien Ressiot

Without him we would have had nothing in the dark days. He took all the risks and work to bring up the 6 postive Armstrong Epo-Samples from the 1999-TdF to the public.

Thank you Damien!
Jul 19, 2010
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So when is this sad excuse for a d0uchebag going to come out and say something about the USADA report? Doesn't he know he owes his diehard fans an explanation? At least thank them for their support even if he doesn't want to address it. What a coward.
rata de sentina said:
House was posting here too though I can't remember the username now. I didn't think that DPF was too bad although most seem to have moved here at the same time.
I take that back maybe it was Hombre some people use the same usernames other not so much TFF, D-Q and BroD are pretty consistent also maybe I was wrong about DPF just went back there and can't beleive Ali is still spouting the same bollox. Completely ignored as usual of course.

I was a little slower to move over than others. Felt a bit of loyalty to the site given that they had been an early venue for open dialog. Even though they provided Floyd with a pulpit, it was still possible to actively engage with 'the dark side'.

When I did move over, fortunately someone (I think it was Chris T, or possibly BroDeal) provided a much-needed cross-reference for usernames. Had more than one case of mistaken identity, though, and needed a few PM's to get past it.

Speaking of the '12', though, we haven't heard much from MacRoadie lately - over two weeks and during the biggest news ever.

Charles Pelkey story of the terrorist:

Later at the Vuelta, where I had the pleasure of taking my son with me, I tracked down Michael Barry for a quick post-stage interview. With young Philip at my side, we chatted about the race and the Postal team’s hopes for the Spanish Tour. We were just getting to the interesting part about the apparent tension between Floyd Landis and team management when Johan Bruyneel walked up, grabbed my press badge, glanced at the name and flicked it back into my chest.

“Pelkey, eh?” he said. “So, how’s your little Irish friend?”
“Excuse me?” I asked.

“That ****in’ troll, Walsh,” Bruyneel growled. “David Walsh … what did you do to get mentioned in the acknowledgments of that piece of **** book of his?”
“I’m not sure,” I said. “We’re friends and we trade information now and then, but ….”

Suddenly Philip piped up and said “Mr. Walsh was at our house for dinner! Dad gave him a ride in our Army jeep. Maybe that was it.”

That made me smile. Bruyneel didn’t see the humor of the moment. He grunted, walked away, taking Barry with him. From that point forward, I had no access to Postal riders for the duration of the Vuelta, save for sitting in on press conferences … and it really didn’t matter.

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