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Official lance armstrong thread, part 2 (from september 2012)

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May 26, 2010
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mikkemus23 said:
Didn`t know Lance tried to harass Levi AND his wife. Page 150

Classy :(

Nothing compared to the harassment Besty Andreu received for years or insinuating that USPS Masseuse Emma O'Reilly was a prostitute to the team!
Aug 21, 2012
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Oh happy day! Armstrong has so much bad karma, this day of reckoning was inevitable.........Wonderboy has been exposed, the Myth is dead......now he will be known as Dunderhead!:D
Jun 29, 2010
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In all of this, and a quick skim of the "Reasoned Response", I cant see anything of substance from the ex "Armstrong ladies" - Kristin Armstrong and Sheryl Crow ? Or are they all of a sudden co-conspirators?
Jul 14, 2009
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FoxxyBrown1111 said:
Is that the day i was waiting for 12 years?


i think so. 1.000 pages should be enough. :):):)

holy sh!T!!! I made some rant about how the only thing that would be fair and satisfying would be for all participating athletes to get punished, well this was pretty close. I am super perplexed by the timelines provided but maybe the USADA has samples that allowed the riders to be very specific about when they doped. I think it's wrong to allow them to keep results and current titles but this monumental,

Lance read the statements, any of them ,,,could have been yours and still can be. You were and are part of a 75 year doping legacy that you couldn't have know when you were riding around in Ocean Beach 20 years ago. Just tell people your motivation for your actions up to today. Ditch lawyers and damage controllers,a waist .
Each of your cronies said he did it for reason X or Z ,given your charity work and motivation for a comeback nobody will fault the outcomes you wanted but your methods are completely f-cked up.

I write so many posts so fu-king angry that everybody is not being punished,WOW even Vaughters took his hit, The rest of you should step up,even if they don't have you on the radar,come forward and solve this sh!t.

Lance if you don't do anything else,look and the lawyers and loved ones that everybody else asked for advice. Drop your blood suckers and anybody that is still encouraging you to go on to act 69,drop the drama
The ship sailed a long time ago for any statement you could make about wanting to be part of solving this problem. Too late. Way too late.

fatandfast said:
holy sh!T!!! I made some rant about how the only thing that would be fair and satisfying would be for all participating athletes to get punished, well this was pretty close. I am super perplexed by the timelines provided but maybe the USADA has samples that allowed the riders to be very specific about when they doped. I think it's wrong to allow them to keep results and current titles but this monumental,

Lance read the statements, any of them ,,,could have been yours and still can be. You were and are part of a 75 year doping legacy that you couldn't have know when you were riding around in Ocean Beach 20 years ago. Just tell people your motivation for your actions up to today. Ditch lawyers and damage controllers,a waist .
Each of your cronies said he did it for reason X or Z ,given your charity work and motivation for a comeback nobody will fault the outcomes you wanted but your methods are completely f-cked up.

I write so many posts so fu-king angry that everybody is not being punished,WOW even Vaughters took his hit, The rest of you should step up,even if they don't have you on the radar,come forward and solve this sh!t.

Lance if you don't do anything else,look and the lawyers and loved ones that everybody else asked for advice. Drop your blood suckers and anybody that is still encouraging you to go on to act 69,drop the drama
Jul 12, 2012
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There can no longer be any doubt.

That reasoned decision summary is absolutely brutal. The full report is almost certain to be worse for Armstrong.

Great that they tracked the payments to Ferrari. And how dumb was Armstrong to leave that trail...

With regard to the guys who testified - I do have one reservation in that I feel that the 6 month suspension is bull****. These guys need longer bans, and there should be some financial penalty. I'm glad they stepped up, but this is weak.

The pontificating by Herman in the NY Times has been *****-slapped. Someone in the Lance inner circle needs to get to wherever he's at and make sure he doesn't do anything crazy.
Aug 7, 2010
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fatandfast said:
holy sh!T!!! I made some rant about how the only thing that would be fair and satisfying would be for all participating athletes to get punished, well this was pretty close. I am super perplexed by the timelines provided but maybe the USADA has samples that allowed the riders to be very specific about when they doped. I think it's wrong to allow them to keep results and current titles but this monumental,

Lance read the statements, any of them ,,,could have been yours and still can be. You were and are part of a 75 year doping legacy that you couldn't have know when you were riding around in Ocean Beach 20 years ago. Just tell people your motivation for your actions up to today. Ditch lawyers and damage controllers,a waist .
Each of your cronies said he did it for reason X or Z ,given your charity work and motivation for a comeback nobody will fault the outcomes you wanted but your methods are completely f-cked up.

I write so many posts so fu-king angry that everybody is not being punished,WOW even Vaughters took his hit, The rest of you should step up,even if they don't have you on the radar,come forward and solve this sh!t.

Lance if you don't do anything else,look and the lawyers and loved ones that everybody else asked for advice. Drop your blood suckers and anybody that is still encouraging you to go on to act 69,drop the drama

Sandeep said:
With regard to the guys who testified - I do have one reservation in that I feel that the 6 month suspension is bull****. These guys need longer bans, and there should be some financial penalty. I'm glad they stepped up, but this is weak.

I agree, it is pretty lame. Essence of UCI, as much as I hate to say it.

Still, the truth coming out is no skin off these guys' asses, they've already made their millions.

Maybe this will be a true turning point for the sport, time will tell.
Jul 7, 2009
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Johnny Rotten said:
Well is there any possibilty that Lance will get in front of a camera now and do the teary eyed confession to try and save some of his bacon??

Oh damn if that happens I will have to open that 25yo bottle of single malt I have stashed away!

Does anyone think he will do it?

The only thing Lance Armstrong will confess to is that he's passed over 500 drug tests and this is all a witch hunt and a kangaroo court ( no offense to our Aussie members ).
Lance's m. o.
Deny, obfuscate, deny, obfuscate, deny.
From http://www.vancouversun.com/sports/Lance+Armstrong+naked+exposed+author+scam/7370253/story.html

Lance Armstrong naked, exposed as the author of his own scam


VANCOUVER — When Hans Christian Andersen wrote The Emperor’s New Clothes in 1837, he never could have envisioned that one day there would be a Lance Armstrong, let alone his army of LiveStrong true believers.

But he understood the phenomenon well enough.

He understood a scam, and the lengths to which those taken in by one would go, once fooled, in order to perpetuate the lie.

The difference, of course, is that the vain emperor of Andersen’s tale was, before anyone around him, the scam’s first victim, given non-existent finery to wear, told that only the stupid or unworthy would be unable to see it and reluctant to admit that he couldn’t, either.

Armstrong, it now seems undeniable, was the author of his scam. He made his own invisible clothes. In the fairy tale he constructed and fought like a demon to protect, only the stupid and unworthy would believe the doping allegations against him, would believe that he won all those Tour de France titles while cheating.

The media, the anti-doping agencies, the jealous teammates, the laboratories: they were the liars, and he was the truth. He destroyed those who got in his way, bullied, intimidated, bluffed his way past every new wave of circumstantial evidence as the net closed around him.

And the townsfolk, the loyal citizens of his empire, the Live Strong crowd who first didn’t believe and later didn’t care that the foundation of his fundraising for cancer was built upon a monstrous and persistent lie, clung to his fiction and pooh-poohed anyone and anything that threatened it.

But today, Lance Armstrong is every bit as naked as the foolish emperor.

Wednesday the United States Anti-Doping Agency released details of its 1,000-plus pages of damning evidence, “sworn testimony from 26 people, including 15 riders with knowledge of the US Postal Service Team (USPS Team) and its participants’ doping activities,” according to a statement by CEO Travis Tygart on USADA’s website.

“The evidence also includes direct documentary evidence including financial payments, emails, scientific data and laboratory test results that further prove the use, possession and distribution of performance enhancing drugs by Lance Armstrong and confirm the disappointing truth about the deceptive activities of the USPS Team, a team that received tens of millions of American taxpayer dollars in funding.”

It listed the 15 riders (including Toronto’s Michael Barry) who admitted to doping and gave testimony under oath. Armstrong has accused many of them of jealousy, of opportunism, of coercion, of all kinds of motives in refuting their statements — but never before has one of the witnesses been his close friend through all the years of deceit, George Hincapie, whose testimony is finally the one Armstrong will find it impossible to discredit.

“About two years ago, I was approached by US Federal investigators, and more recently by USADA, and asked to tell of my personal experience in these matters,” Hincapie said, in a statement on his own website that admitted using performance-enhancing drugs. “I would have been much more comfortable talking only about myself, but understood that I was obligated to tell the truth about everything I knew. So that is what I did.”

The USADA statement called the USPS Team’s actions and coverup “the most sophisticated, professionalized and successful doping program that sport has ever seen,” and a “conspiracy professionally designed to groom and pressure athletes to use dangerous drugs, to evade detection, to ensure its secrecy and ultimately gain an unfair competitive advantage through superior doping practices. A program organized by individuals who thought they were above the rules and who still play a major and active role in sport today.”

Reaction from around the amateur sports world, among those who have covered international cycling, was unsparing, but then, surely Armstrong could have expected nothing less after all the years he spent pushing his doubters around.

David Walsh (@DavidWalshST), the plucky Irishman and superb Sunday Times writer who helped pull back the veil on Armstrong years ago, was threatened with a lawsuit (subsequently withdrawn) and who has written two books about the pursuit of the truth, L.A. Confidentiel and L.A. Officiel, tweeted: “Report up on USADA website. Read it and rejoice that for at least one moment in our lives, the culture of Omerta in cycling has been broken.” And: “In the war on doping, this is a seminal moment. An untouchable is about to be exposed, one who believed he was protected by his own sport.”

Christopher Clarey (@christophclarey) of the International Herald Tribune: “A lot of false dawns in the antidoping movement but this USADA statement looks like real sunlight. Must read.”

The USADA said it was forwarding all of its findings to the international cycling federation (UCI), which had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the anti-doping war — so it’s no sure bet that it will act swiftly on the Armstrong file.

And then there is the public, the ever-rationalizing devotees. Some will refuse to believe it, even now, or they will say they don’t care if it was all a lie, because the fundraising, the hundreds of millions that cancer survivor Lance Armstrong raised for research and awareness — that was no lie. Point taken.

But as Clarey writes: “For those who point to Lance Armstrong's cancer work: Do you deserve to be a symbol if you owe your bully pulpit to cheating?”

Maybe those who have been helped by Armstrong’s campaigns, who have worn his bracelets and been buoyed by his triumph over the disease and found inspiration in it for their own battles, have the right to believe what they want.

And maybe Jerry Sandusky really was just “horsing around” and didn’t really molest those kids at Penn State, and Joe Paterno didn’t really help cover up for his former defensive coordinator.

After all, Old Joe was a big benefactor to charitable causes, and to the university. And when it comes right down to it, they won a helluva lot of football games.
knewcleardaze said:
The only thing Lance Armstrong will confess to is that he's passed over 500 drug tests and this is all a witch hunt and a kangaroo court ( no offense to our Aussie members ).
Lance's m. o.
Deny, obfuscate, deny, obfuscate, deny.

Yep. Thats all he knows...he'll never realize he's done anything wrong.
It listed the 15 riders (including Toronto’s Michael Barry) who admitted to doping and gave testimony under oath. Armstrong has accused many of them of jealousy, of opportunism, of coercion, of all kinds of motives in refuting their statements — but never before has one of the witnesses been his close friend through all the years of deceit, George Hincapie, whose testimony is finally the one Armstrong will find it impossible to discredit.

This is a point many here have said.....Wonderboy is sunk.....they cannot dispute any of this info,though they'll try. Unbelieveable!!!
Oct 2, 2010
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JMBeaushrimp said:
Jeebus! I thought we were in one...

Nice graphic showing WrongStrong, though. If that dude's not officially in politics, he sure should be. I haven't seen that sort of nepotistic, self-serving, inbred, conflict of interest goat-show outside of politics or high finance for a while...

I've always admired your username JMBeau, but while catching up with this thread, this (the bolded) epic turn of phrase caught my eye! I've memorized it and I hope a situation will soon arise where I can use it to devastating effect...with full attribution to you, of course.:D
Jun 15, 2012
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Wow Herman is really hurting on tv...it's horrible, reminds me something of Sandusky's lawyer. You just can't paint a good picture. I fully expect LA to come clean over the next few weeks when he sees it's not one he can win
Below is a NBC article about the USADA documents. The comment section is mostly supportive of Lance. A prevailing argument is that there's no real evidence, such as failed drug tests. The testimony from ex-teammates is largely discounted. NBC mentioned that, according to USADA, Lance took fewer than 60 drug tests. However, that number grew to 700 in the comment section, with folks saying it would be impossible for a doper to pass all those tests. So, do you think a lot of these posters are Lance's PR bots? I would almost hope so.

NBC article:
Apr 3, 2011
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Lance will never come clean. This looks like a real "Nuremberg trial of cycling", with proper cycling-war criminals that don't admit any wrongdoing despite a mountain of evidence.