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mikeNphilly said:
Susan I wish I would have know you were going to WV and needed bikes, I would have gotten you some to use. I still keep a house about 20 miles from New River/hawks nest area, I grew up in the area, and have around 500 acres of land there with 3 building on it, with a few bikes..even a tandem!!

Hey, that would have been cool. But we will definitely be back!



python said:
i spend 8 to 9 months a year distracting myself with various activities- including being a husband and a father of two - to only completely immerse in cross country skiing the rest of the year. we go at least once a year to switzerland for vacation and family stuff. guess where i spend my time when we are there :) oh yeah i do work but much prefer music, history and political science.

"keep it cool"
Mar 13, 2009
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Riley Martin said:

"keep it cool"

I like long walks on the beach, a good bottle of Kazakhi vino, romantic dinners for 3, a female partner, and my good mate Hermaphroditus, Enron, Reb Lodster, and romcom movies starring Megan Ryan
Mar 10, 2009
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I'm a traveling fool; I'm very fortunate to have cycled and golfed on every continent except Antarctica. I love music; Radiohead in concert is a thing of beauty and mystery - gives me chills just thinking about it. I would love to be a chef, but my penchant for precision has made baking a better choice. While not a professional pastry chef, I have the skill, tools, and kitchen to make gorgeous and tasty treats. Which is why I have to keep riding my bike and playing golf. It's a vicious circle... :D
Oct 29, 2009
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I like to play music, am a bit of a Beatle obsessive. My ambition is to learn every beatle song and busk on a street corner. I love animals and I wish I could be of use to an organisation like the World Wildlife Fund, etc. Apart from that I teach English.
Sep 25, 2009
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putting my xc boots on.

in 30 minutes i will be passing gorgeous snow covered lakes and little houses along this parc linéaire. in 3 hours i will be sipping my apple cider with lox and bagels totally exhausted but very happy. :)
May 19, 2010
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In the last five years, my main activity was going to the football ground cheering my favorite team with my friends, always present, no matter how far the away match was...then our team confronted financial collapse, reaching from a title and cup contender down to the 4th league, the last one, for amators...but that didn't stopped me, something else did, a big personal problem (that suspended all my favorite activities indefinitely). Also used to make some free mods and patches for computer games, especially the sports-oriented ones, since i live in a country that doesn't shines in ice hockey, rugby, cycling, even football i would say, and so on, therefore no teams from here, so i worked to create some. Also liked to spend some time drawing, traditional way, and gpc graphic software, but nothing serious, just the pleasure of creation, writing was one of my biggest passion...
May 9, 2009
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tifosa said:
I would love to be a chef, but my penchant for precision has made baking a better choice. While not a professional pastry chef, I have the skill, tools, and kitchen to make gorgeous and tasty treats.

At what kind of facility do you work -- restaurant? hotel? ...???

Discuss further, please (or pm me).
May 24, 2010
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Wrok an average of 60hrs a week so spare time is a premium. Apart from cycling, I was heavily into ice hockey, playing and coaching. I also ride Trials and take a hell of a lot of photographs!
Mar 12, 2009
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Wow we're an interesting lot! I'm in the process of moving to greener, warmer and hillier :D pastures - my riding shall increase two fold I hope.
May 13, 2009
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Overworked engineer here, work 50-60 hrs/week

Former semipro cyclist, but realized I likely didn't have what it takes to mke a decent livingoff cycling

Plays/watches football (soccer, the real deal ;)) and squash.

Too busy with work that I have neglected my social life since 06 when I graduated from University...looking for a partner to mate....:cool:
Jun 28, 2009
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Software engineer by trade but not currently working in my field. I ride, paint (acrylics and oils), dabble in robotics, electronics, read a lot, and muck around on my computer as I am right now. I love cars, and have owned a '77 911 and hope to own another 911 one day to mess around with.
Jul 25, 2010
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Used to play drums in several bands, still play, when I can. Kids demand alot of my time( who knew). My wife and I use to travel abroad often, as the kids get older they will be going with us, and of course Red Wing hockey and Notre Dame football.