I have always been intrigued by the results of the 99 retests so I foolishly decided to try & read through the Vrijmen UCI Report. The bloody thing is 132pages long and full of padded out crap.
From what I read, it seems the LNDD, the French lab are actually quite innocent, they seemingly retested the 98/99 Tour samples anonymously as part of experiments to confirm a new testing method, not to get Lance as so many people believe, they felt there would be EPO in these samples so that is why they used them. Their tests did show that indeed, there was EPO in the results.
It seems that WADA were exerting pressure on them to include extra info, identification codes, when passing the results onto WADA & the French Ministry. Form what I have read, it seems like WADA were the bad guys, not the LNDD. It was then the results were leaked to the journalist who done the background work 'a la watergate' to identify to whom the tests belong.
The UCI paper discredits the whole thing because the tests didnt follow standard beuracry, paperwork and because the LNDD were using a new testing method as an experiment. They also highlighted the possibilities of mix up etc. Not that they definitely happened, just that they might have.
However, nowhere in the report does it say that there is 100% proof there wasnt EPO in the results. The LNDD were carrying out research on different testing methods & they found EPO in the 98/99 samples, the lab itself has admitted its methods didnt follow certain codes but are adamant the results are accurate.
In summary, there was EPO in the 99 samples, and the journalist done the legwork to identify them. Of course, legally & by the standards required, the tests are not positive and I agree it would have been wrong to sanction Lance based on these results. However as I mentioned the EPO was there & its up to your own interpetation on what you want to believe.