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Really, McQuaid? Really.

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Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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powerste said:
I love how they they might have been beating the system over which all those other bodies are responsible. Damn slackers at WADA!

Yes, Pat, we believe any lapses are some other authority's fault. :rolleyes:

Pat seems to forget (yet again) that the UCI was the final sporting federation to sign up to to the WADA code and only did so in June 2004 - right before the deadline of the Olympics.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Cobblestoned said:
Not only the UCI, but all associations, federations and the nearly the whole world need a total overhaul.
Look at these IOC guys, or FINA, or Spabanania or whatever.
They are all corrupt and cover their sports and athletes to make money and get "clean" glory and heros.

You really think the olympic samples will be retested for CERA or that there are any serious doping tests in other sports than cycling ?

Last actual example: A Spaniard with 3 missed tests got european swimming champion last week. They just don´t cared and he appeared back with huge muscles.


It all starts with the IOC. A cash rich old boy's club - keep the money coming in and don't spoil the product - and you too can be a member of the IOC and stay in nice hotels, receive lavish gifts and get a ride in the helicopter.
Jun 19, 2009
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Dr. Maserati said:

It all starts with the IOC. A cash rich old boy's club - keep the money coming in and don't spoil the product - and you too can be a member of the IOC and stay in nice hotels, receive lavish gifts and get a ride in the helicopter.

And my vote for one of the targets in Novitsky's investigation. Not a primary target unless he can find a US citizen taking money.
May 13, 2009
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LugHugger said:
So Pat thinks that cycling today is a different sport now in comparison with 7 or 8 years ago? On the day that Ricco signs to Vaconsoleil...:rolleyes:

Then it was everybody for himself. Now it's more like one big family, kind of like the Gambino family.
Jun 22, 2010
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LugHugger said:
So Pat thinks that cycling today is a different sport now in comparison with 7 or 8 years ago? On the day that Ricco signs to Vaconsoleil...:rolleyes:

what is different now, is that it is vacansoleil that signed him (a minor team) instead of quick step.
I really like vacansoleil and I have nothing against ricco (he has served his way-too-short sentence, so now we should accept him). I wish them good luck with this smart decision. although it may not be the smartest available decision for vacansoleil's protour ambitions (he has not only doped, but the guy has the worst possible image, so unlike ivan basso).
when he wins a race, a lot of fans are going to feel cheated, just like with vino. not me this time tho, he's on a dutch team now, so i'm going to cheer for him :p.
who I don't like are fellows like contador and armstrong. the ones that got away with it.

I do not know whether there are any others who did the same thing. I wouldn't be suprised either way. it's definitely something that fits armstrong very well, because he is very cunning. but of course there could be others.

I vote for Anne Gripper to be assigned dictator of the UCI.
Jun 15, 2009
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thehog said:
The bit the original article left off:

Although declining to speak directly about the latest allegations, McQuaid said it would have "some effect on the sport and the image and credibility" of cycling if the U.S. investigation turned up any evidence of wrongdoing.


Also from the roadcycling article but not the CN one:

"We have introduced a biological passport which is the most advanced method of anti-doping and is a pioneering method," he added.

Then, is there any good reason you've only investigated 3 of 8 riders with suspicious profiles?

Silly me, of course, it's because:

. . . UCI does not divulge the biological passport panel’s recommendations to WADA as it is not obliged to do so. “That's a question for WADA. They're the ones who make the rules,” McQuaid said, before reiterating his credo in cycling’s right to police itself.

If I may translate for Pat: "They make the rules, we don't share information with them, and we're perfectly capable of policing ourselves." Ya, that's perfectly sensible! :rolleyes:


Aug 17, 2009
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powerste said:
To wit:

Flicker, perhaps "from what you have heard," you can provide evidence of "Armostronglike donations" directly to the UCI from the other riders you mention above?

McQuaid and LA have admitted the donation(s) from LA, and each one has changed his story every time he's opened his mouth about it.

OTOH, your posts are the first any of us have heard about donations from the other 7 riders you mention by name. Now bring the facts, please.

I look at who the riders associate with and their unreal performances compared with their abilities. Then I watch the same riders become managers. I think money is passed. Do you think Cunego rode his Giro wins clean. I say no. Was he tested. I say yes. Was money passed. I say yes. I say the same about Paolo B. Icons the cricket and little prince. Did the money go to the UCI I do not know. Big George beating Peiro in the mtns. in the tour. Unreal, fantasy Island stuff. Money changes hands. You think Armstrong is the only one. hmmm I will have to sleep on that.


Apr 28, 2010
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flicker said:
I look at who the riders associate with and their unreal performances compared with their abilities. Then I watch the same riders become managers. I think money is passed. Do you think Cunego rode his Giro wins clean. I say no. Was he tested. I say yes. Was money passed. I say yes. I say the same about Paolo B. Icons the cricket and little prince. Did the money go to the UCI I do not know. Big George beating Peiro in the mtns. in the tour. Unreal, fantasy Island stuff. Money changes hands. You think Armstrong is the only one. hmmm I will have to sleep on that.

Do you have any shred of evidence, any whisper of a rumour for this? Or are you just pulling it out of the other one?
Jun 15, 2009
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flicker said:
I look at who the riders associate with and their unreal performances compared with their abilities. Then I watch the same riders become managers. I think money is passed. Do you think Cunego rode his Giro wins clean. I say no. Was he tested. I say yes. Was money passed. I say yes. I say the same about Paolo B. Icons the cricket and little prince. Did the money go to the UCI I do not know. Big George beating Peiro in the mtns. in the tour. Unreal, fantasy Island stuff. Money changes hands. You think Armstrong is the only one. hmmm I will have to sleep on that.

Armstrong is the only one whose donation is public knowledge. I don't deny that many others would have incentive nor that others might have passed money. But I've seen no evidence to support such a theory. Like many here, I would be very interested to learn of other instances of donations, but so far there is no substantiation whatsoever that any might exist.
Jul 10, 2010
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flicker said:
I look at who the riders associate with and their unreal performances compared with their abilities. Then I watch the same riders become managers. I think money is passed. Do you think Cunego rode his Giro wins clean. I say no. Was he tested. I say yes. Was money passed. I say yes. I say the same about Paolo B. Icons the cricket and little prince. Did the money go to the UCI I do not know. Big George beating Peiro in the mtns. in the tour. Unreal, fantasy Island stuff. Money changes hands. You think Armstrong is the only one. hmmm I will have to sleep on that.

If I ever need a lawyer I'll be sure not to call you. Your logic, or lack thereof, is amazing. Is English really your first language? By the way, Cunego only won one Giro.


Aug 17, 2009
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gearmasher said:
If I ever need a lawyer I'll be sure not to call you. Your logic, or lack thereof, is amazing. Is English really your first language? By the way, Cunego only won one Giro.

Trolled you on that one. Exactly what I am saying is the performances of riders drops like a stone,Cunego, F.Schleck. My guess is you make your payment and stay off the hot sauce for a while(in Cunegos case a long while while slipping some Euros in someones pocket. Nobody gets hurt, the sport doesn't get hurt, a little reprimand but no suspension or blackballing everybody walks away happy.


Apr 28, 2010
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So no evidence, not even any rumour. You're really honouring your reputation.

Anyway. Will there be any cycling press that will point out the inconsistencies, or will this once again need to be done by mainstream press, such as the WSJ or the NYT
flicker said:
I look at who the riders associate with and their unreal performances compared with their abilities. Then I watch the same riders become managers. I think money is passed. Do you think Cunego rode his Giro wins clean. I say no. Was he tested. I say yes. Was money passed. I say yes. I say the same about Paolo B. Icons the cricket and little prince. Did the money go to the UCI I do not know. Big George beating Peiro in the mtns. in the tour. Unreal, fantasy Island stuff. Money changes hands. You think Armstrong is the only one. hmmm I will have to sleep on that.
The assumption you seem to be making is that the tests can't be beaten and that therefore you'd need to bribe someone to keep doping. That is not the case.
Mar 10, 2009
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Cobblestones said:
Then it was everybody for himself. Now it's more like one big family, kind of like the Gambino family.

I'm not so sure it wasn't back then :( After all, FL accusations are of systemic doping, aren't they? MacQuaid may pontificate on LA's luck and speculate about vendetta's but we could be talking about Riis, Ullrich or any of the other GT contenders really. Cycling is rife with PED use, we know this from the sacrificial offerings served up to us occasionally. The shame is the implausible deniability that the UCI continues to trot out. I would second Anne Gripper for despot :D


Aug 17, 2009
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hrotha said:
The assumption you seem to be making is that the tests can't be beaten and that therefore you'd need to bribe someone to keep doping. That is not the case.

You are right. Tests can be beaten. However when a rider suddenly retires or is at top level, the very top level and then drifts back into the peloton or gets away with puerto my guess is that someone high in the food chain has caught an offender. When the offender keeps riding with small murmers of cheating I smell a payoff somewhere along the food chain. Sorry to waste everyones time now I will be quiet now.
Someone needs to track down Sylvia Shenk, and Anne Gripper and get them to talk, be that Interpol, or a reporter from Le Monde, or the NYT, WSJ, etc . Anne was always regarded as a smart woman, which seems even more apparent considering the timing of her resignation.

Berzin said:
Remember, all people like him do is schmooze with fellow cronies and push paper from one desk to another. The UCI really don't do anything of substance.

Here's an aside that perhaps validates your statement. I once worked for a very large corporation and got laid off. A few days later I and a fellow co-worker ran into a very senior manager we barely knew who had been let go as well, This guy was probably making low six figures. My friend asked him, "What exactly did you do when you were there?" His answer was bluntly honest, "I mostly just sat in BS meetings and passed paperwork back and forth."

Consider what you say about the UCI doing very little of substance...
Alpe d'Huez said:
Someone needs to track down Sylvia Shenk, and Anne Gripper and get them to talk, be that Interpol, or a reporter from Le Monde, or the NYT, WSJ, etc . Anne was always regarded as a smart woman, which seems even more apparent considering the timing of her resignation.

Here's an aside that perhaps validates your statement. I once worked for a very large corporation and got laid off. A few days later I and a fellow co-worker ran into a very senior manager we barely knew who had been let go as well, This guy was probably making low six figures. My friend asked him, "What exactly did you do when you were there?" His answer was bluntly honest, "I mostly just sat in BS meetings and passed paperwork back and forth."

Consider what you say about the UCI doing very little of substance...

To be fair the UCI does perform a service. It provides structure and a forum for the national federations. The UCI has also done much work in terms providing basic salary and insurance for riders at all levels. Yes there is much bureaucracy within the UCI and their election process and nomination procedure is fraught with bias – ie you need to funding for the new velodrome in Turkey? Then please make a nomination/vote for Pat McQuaid at the next election. Its not fair to say the UCI is completely corrupt. They do provide excellent coaching services and training program for younger athletes. The national federation don’t help the situation. They often ask for favours from the UCI at the expense of the riders. I’ve seen what Australian cycling federation has done at times. So many riders left out in the cold with dubious selection policy. I’ve seen very nice trips to Italy spent from the licence fees from riders. The real losers are the riders. They work in an environment whereby doping to a degree is a necessary requirement of the job. To often the UCI and federations looks the other way when doping is practised. Then a positive result is incurred and then the rider is dropped right in it. That’s the real frustration – the riders are often not represented. As per the Armstrong saga. Its fairly obvious by the way the UCI instantly goes into bat for Armstrong without regard for due process or investigation that there is some form of cover up. Its may not be a deep as we all expect but there is certainly protectionism going on. We should all remember that sport has been built on money changing hands. Still today in Belgium go to any kermis race and the riders are still buying their wins out on the road with cash. That sort of behaviour has always been in cycling. When a rider was sent to a race he would barter his race fee, accommodation, travel expenses from the team boss. Those good at negotiating would always make more money. I saw riders who would blow their money on booze the night before a race and have no way of paying the hotel. There is still a big hangover in the sport form that way of dealing with business. Its not how general business is done by still a lot of riders still behave that way. Bruyneel is the classic example of it – how to we fund the drugs? We sell the bikes, set up a fund and that buy the drugs. Festina was much the same. Each rider contributed 10% of their salaries to the drug fund. This is where the UCI have changed things a lot. Now the team are a lot more professional and cover the exspeses for a rider up front. Ie hotels, air fares, food are all paid for. Things are better its just not noticeable from the outside.
Alpe d'Huez said:
Someone needs to track down Sylvia Shenk, and Anne Gripper and get them to talk, be that Interpol, or a reporter from Le Monde, or the NYT, WSJ, etc . Anne was always regarded as a smart woman, which seems even more apparent considering the timing of her resignation.

Why not CN? Why can't this site's journalists interview them?
Jul 3, 2009
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...& to think that not so long ago people on this very board were supporting the UCI in robbing the TV rights off the ASO for the Tour De France. Tut tut shame on you.
Aug 2, 2010
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Is PM Turning on LA?

Two interesting quotes from McQuaid in this Velonation story (http://www.velonation.com/News/ID/5299/WADA-head-Howman-says-cost-of-Landis-investigation-is-justified-as-sports-integrity-is-crucial.aspx).

Meanwhile UCI President Pat McQuaid has admitted that if it was shown that Lance Armstrong was guilty of the accusations made against him by Landis, that there would be repercussions for the rider and his reputation.

"If it ultimately goes against Lance Armstrong and he is found culpable and found that he was doping during his career, then it will obviously have an effect on the brand Lance Armstrong and Lance himself to some extent," he said.

A few paragraphs later ...

“We have introduce a biological passport which is the most advanced method of anti-doping and is a pioneering method," McQuaid said. "We can see this having an effect as a deterrent. The cycling of today is completely different than the cycling of 2000, 2002 and 2003 which this investigation is talking about.”

Notice the change in McQuaid's tone? No blaming Landis. No reflexive Armstrong defense. Very interesting.
Jul 29, 2010
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Page Mill Masochist said:
Notice the change in McQuaid's tone?

You obviously haven't read the article just run by cyclingnews, "McQuaid suggests personal vendetta"...

In it, McQuack says among other things:

- It's too bad Floyd "went public". Really Pat, Really?? Floyd didn't go public. He sent his emails off to US cycling officials, which then leaked them.

- Says you have to question whether the Novitsky investigation is genuine. Gee Pat, is it genuine to investigate illegal PED trafficking, or is that just silly-talk??

- Says the investigation should have been handled internally. Riiiight. Just like the UCI handled the "LA bribe" internally...

- Says there is "nothing" the UCI could have done to favor LA. Riiiight. Like advance phone tipoffs of surprise controls. That would be IMPOSSIBLE. No way it could happen. That is about as likely as say, BKohl's manager bribing lab workers...

Sorry, I don't sense any "change in tone" from McSmack. The dude is still the same crankyanker he was yesterday.

Seriously, CYCLINGNEWS: why do you run this drivel, unchallenged? Where is the "journalistic integrity"? Are you even a journalistic organization -- a just a for-profit cheerleading site??

At least have the courtesy of changing the homepage: CN: "World centre of cycling propaganda"
There is no contradiction in McQuack remaining a ****er and starting to open the door to turning on Lance. Isn't that exactly what a ****er would do?

Seriously, his job is to protect the reputation of the sport as much as is possible. That means LOOKING like he's after dopers, but actually only doing the absolute minimum possible to LOOK like he's doing a lot.

He's going to defend Lance as long as reasonably possible. But he'll turn. It's only a matter of time.