What a strange original posting. It didn't really feel like a troll - but the subsequent entries by the op did. And then he basically confirmed it.
Well, doping may not be deleterious to an individual's health (hey, sometimes we can even get away with suicidal behavior!), but this thread has been deleterious to at least one (now former) member's status.
I liked Wallace's comment, I thought that was extremely well written. Obviously, I'm referring to his first post in this thread, where he compared the OP to an artist.
I actually liked ChrisE's first comment, too, but I didn't really focus on the IQ thing - the scenario (for me) really painted an illogical "common man" response. Obviously other people thought he was really out of line with that. I think the response to it went a little overboard. Judging from all the modded comments, the later conversation went a lot overboard.
Anyway, the topic of doping is a bit like global warming - or organic farming - or fast food health effects. Emotionally driven arguments can still reign.
There are a real problems with pulling two examples out, and saying that we can draw a conclusion based on their example. As has been pointed out, it is statistically invalid. Statistics are about groups - individual results will always vary.
Anquetil did a lot of speed to keep going - and other stuff, but I forget what he said. He admitted it openly. Constant use of speed kills, but slowly, as your body breaks down. Most drugs don't kill outright (opiates are an exception) - but rather through long term action on the body permitting something else to come up and kill - an opportunistic infection, cancer, etc. Does anybody still doubt that cigarettes are bad for you? They are a drug - and they don't kill you directly. They just make it more likely you will die at an earlier age than you would have otherwise. And more painfully.
Is I said - what a strange thread, that we should even be discussing this is somewhat amazing to me. But in this much, ChrisE got it right - in every population, there are groups of people who will continue to believe what they did yesterday, and they will look for ways to confirm that. Anything that doesn't is thrown out.