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road bike advice

Aug 17, 2009
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can you give me some advice on purchasing a middle of the road/entry level road bike
my use would be hill climbing and general short touring to burn out my legs as cross train for rowing. i'm a little over 6' and 225#
any thoughts on makes models and new used price ranges?
Jul 10, 2009
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As a fellow large rider (5'10"...225lbs former Alpine Ski Racer) my favorite bike is the Specialized Roubaix. It is very comfortable and versatile...good luck on the cross trainning...(new starting @ $1900 not sure about used)
Aug 16, 2009
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Easy Advice

Go to the 2 or 3 shops nearest you and tell them what you just told us. Try what they have in your price range - I'm going to guess $1,000 to $1,500 will be where you can get in for something decent. Might get an end of season sale. Now, the shop that does the best job in listening to you, setting up the bike to fit so you can test it properly, and lets you go out for an hour is the bike to buy as much as which one you like the best.

Question on short touring - does that mean you want to carry gear (loaded racks) if so, that totally changes the bikes you will look at as the fast rode frames today won't take racks.
Jul 16, 2009
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the dude knows it

support the local bike shops

they have the advice, the workshop and (mostly) friendship. the 50 bucks saved online will be repaid 10 fold in good will and good direction.
Jul 29, 2009
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the truth. said:
the dude knows it

support the local bike shops

they have the advice, the workshop and (mostly) friendship. the 50 bucks saved online will be repaid 10 fold in good will and good direction.

Also, many offer free tune-ups for a year after purchase. I recently bought a Cannondale Caad 9 for under $1,000 (Cdn)...
Mar 19, 2009
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Steampunk said:
Also, many offer free tune-ups for a year after purchase. I recently bought a Cannondale Caad 9 for under $1,000 (Cdn)...

+1, i prefer a LBS for my bike purchases. be patient and keep and eye out for big sales on previous year models.

for middle of the range bikes, all the brands are much of muchness. when i bought my first bike i focused on trying to get the best running gear for my $$, and trying to get compatibility.

wheels i wasn't so fussed about coz i ended up bashing the first set to death.
Mar 18, 2009
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SierraRider said:
As a fellow large rider (5'10"...225lbs former Alpine Ski Racer) my favorite bike is the Specialized Roubaix. It is very comfortable and versatile...good luck on the cross trainning...(new starting @ $1900 not sure about used)

+1 to this option if you have the cash. I bought mine in '05 (6' and 206 at the time) and have, for the first time, not even considered another road bike...in 4+ years.

If you are looking to really tour, though, it will tough as racks are pretty mucha no-go on them (except maybe the lower-end aluminum frames? not sure)

mherm79 said:
+1, i prefer a LBS for my bike purchases. be patient and keep and eye out for big sales on previous year models.

+4 or 5 on going with an LBS as well. I got lucky that mine was a Specialized dealer I guess. But truth be told, I would have bought whatever brand they were selling. It's all about the support, friendliness, knowledge, and above all if they make you feel a part of their "family" I guess is how I would describe it. A good shop knows the loyalty they give you is paid back many times over...and vice versa.
Was given a Pinarello Atos..circa 80,90's bike is in good shape,doesn't look to have been ridden that much. Tires on the MA40's rotted.bar tape and seat still look new. I think it's a six speed freewheel..doesn't look too worn..got Cinelli bar and stem..maybe a 1A w 66-42.
I am having a little trouble identifying the Campy group. The shifters have a little click switch thing..so maybe index selectable and the brakes look like Super Record but the cranks look like Athena or Chorus..the brake levers are non-areo..
does anyone know a place where you can see the old groups laid out? Example
1999 Super Record..I had an old bike w C-Record Cobalto..which was brake levers that could be areo or not,depending on how the cables were routed..and the brakes had these little blue plastic cap things on the bolts..
Also the bike is a little small so I was thinking of buying a 130 quill stem the Japanese and Italian ones look pretty similar and I am no purest..
I would like to get a silver shiny finish seat post w some set back and the current Campy post is at the limit line.
Went to Velo Orange but not much..found another site but mostly used stuff..
Thanks for what ever people have in the way of information or links

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