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Robbie McEwan says he will beat Cavendish

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SirLes said:
Much has been made of Cav's train but that has been a recent development. IE when it became obvious he was the best sprinter by far so it became Columbia's duty to chase breaks etc and he had earned the right to have one.

Prior to that it was his incredible kick and ability to read situations that caught the eye. He seemed an absolute natural and although he may not have been quite at McEwen's best level at that point, he was only 23 and way ahead of McEwen at the same age.

Unless something drastic happens to Cav in a sprint I've seen no evidence recently to suggest that McEwen can beat him. If Cav does have an off day it will be someone else who beats him.

Part of me wishes he did have more rivals but then after years of watching, it's nice to finally see a Brit winning!

Yeah, it's akin to the whole "Contador is a climber who learned to time trial" line. I remember him winning races by just appearing at the finish line, with no team and no warning. (Just like McEwan, actually...)

EDIT: And by "him" I mean Cav. Sorry for any confusion. :eek:
Jul 27, 2009
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Look, I don't think he can either, certainly not without a great deal of luck. But as a professional sprinter in a ProTour team it's precisely what he should be trying to figure out how to do.

Admitting defeat before you go out absolutely ensures that you'lll lose...
Jun 16, 2009
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It's good to see that at least one sprinter hasn't given up on beating cav. If their's someone who could cav it would likely be pettachi but mcewen can still mix it with the best. It would be more exciting with mcewen in the sprints.
Aug 16, 2009
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I certainly want to see it happen

McEwen has always been one of my favorites to watch. Only way I can see it happening is if he somehow uses his superpowers to replace Cav in his own leadout line without the guys noticing. It would have to be one of his suddenly appears out of thin air while everybody else has boxed Cav in types of finishes.
Aug 18, 2009
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mr. tibbs said:
McEwan's a fighter, and if any sprinter is capable of surprising to this degree, it's gotta be him.

Either way, I hope SOMEBODY turns up to challenge Cav.

(first post, hi.) How about Farrar? On stage 11, Farrar was matching Cav's speed, and came i n 3rd on Champs-Elyseé. Garmin were able to put together a more effective train than others.
If not him, Bos in 2010? Too soon for him?
Jul 27, 2009
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I don't think Robbie could beat Cav in just an all out sprint, but if he thinks smart and gets his timing right, then who knows what could happen...
It's a real shame that at 37 McEwen only has a year or two left in him at best. When McEwen was at his peak in 05/06 I think he would have given Cavendish a real run for his money with his greater explosiveness and his smart runs to the finish. Cavendish certainly has more top end speed though - its awesome to watch.
Jul 23, 2009
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danyela said:
I don't think Robbie could beat Cav in just an all out sprint, but if he thinks smart and gets his timing right, then who knows what could happen...

That's just it. Cav's the top dog by far, but there are a lot of variables in a field sprint and nobody is wilier than Robbie. He won't beat Cav often, nobody can right now, but this old dog has some fight left in him. Don't be surprised if he pops out of nowhere and steals the odd race. I love this attitude on a sprinter, much better than rolling over and sprinting for second place.
Jul 30, 2009
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53x11 in DC said:

Actually a really good point, but the flip side is that it becomes bulletin board material for Cav. You being from Louisiana, it'd be like Les telling Urban he's gonna spank the Gator's a$$ in Tigah Stadium this year. We all hope it's gonna happen (GEAUX), but you may want to keep it to yourself. :D


I live in Louisiana, but was born and raised in Scotland. I assume that's something to do with LSU, but really have no idea beyond that (I do know all about the spelling theaux).

Back to sprinting. Robbie was very good and never had much of a train. The key word here is WAS. Now he's reduced to feeding this (and other message boards) board one liners to chew on.

As a Brit I enjoy watching Cav winning. For those that think Farrar is a match for him and it's all about the train...wtf are you talking about??

Cav dominated when his train dragged him to the line. He dominated when they didn't (assuming he was actually in the peleton at the time (Barcelona not really counting - was that the only sprint he didn't win??).

The only time I've seen him challenged properly was Pettachi at the Giro...and then it still went in Cav's favour.

Anyway...see...poor Robbie. He makes some bold statements and everyone laughs a bit and goes on to talk about the other guys!
Aug 6, 2009
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All he said is that he can beat cav in a sprint. It doesnt really matter when or where during the season.

What are the other sprinters meant to do? Just be resigned to defeat.
Jun 16, 2009
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pedaling squares said:
That's just it. Cav's the top dog by far, but there are a lot of variables in a field sprint and nobody is wilier than Robbie. He won't beat Cav often, nobody can right now, but this old dog has some fight left in him. Don't be surprised if he pops out of nowhere and steals the odd race. I love this attitude on a sprinter, much better than rolling over and sprinting for second place.

I agree. SO many things happen in a field sprint, unfortunately most of the others have simply been rolling over. Paris was a brief glimpse of what should happen. Garmin started to spoil things, but there were no other teams to help so George H was able to regain control for Col. Picture what would have happened if Garmin could have hit the last corner first with Quickstep on the far outside. Then you have two sprints going and CAV is forced to pick one. One might die 200 meters too early, Its the split second decisions that make or break a sprint and the more of those you throw at CAV the better chance you have of beating him.
Robbie recognizes this and the reason he is throwing it out there is to get in CAVs head a little that he will be looking for Robbie. Up until now he knows what everyone is gonna do, so Mcewen wants him to be thinking about him a little instead of just going as fast as possible. Any distraction at all would help Robbie.
This is why talking smack is a legitimate strategy for sprinters. really only two people involved, McEwen just is trying anything that puts a variation into the normal routine. Obviously no one else has a good plan to beat CAV...
Aug 18, 2009
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Well obviously I want to see Cavendish achieve the palmares he deserves for being almost unbeatable, but there's limited enjoyment in spectating when you know the outcome of the race. Anyway, McEwen's stating that his objective is to beat Cavendish, many others too quite probably. So I think there will be credible challenges, there have to be. The sprints will be better to watch. If not from Farrar, then Greipel (depending who he signs for)? On a side note, could something not be expected of Theo Bos if he's going to Rabobank for 2010? Little knowledge of track sprinter's success rates on the road.
Jul 14, 2009
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McEwan must feel like his world is crashing down. He can't get healthy and father time is giving him a double shot of depression. Cavendish has talent and has surrounded himself with quality racers and coaches, he is also on a high from his success that gives him that special sauce that lots of others lack. Bos is coming and it may be another year but the guy has wick that looks like he can go 60 mph on flat ground with a headwind. His leg speed makes it look like he turning over 165's at 140 rpms. Pettachi is not done either so Cav may see a different outcome with the end of the year team shake up. Columbia is loosing lots of talent and speed. No matter how old and broken, McEwen will always be one of my favorites for his mellons while he is maxed in the gutter with people trying to crash him out. The guy is fast and fearless. The way he treats his brother while in front of the press puts him on the top of any list. If Zabel got a job as a sprint guru the Robbie will be running a sprint school in his future.
Mar 13, 2009
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Mcewen lost his ability to navigate the peloton and time his run when the peel for the sprint came. In 2006 it started, when he had no help, he missed the gaps, and the small gaps he would have previously dived into, he had caution brakes applied, and did not attack them. And so he was sprinting from 5th-15th wheel in those years. He had lost the mojo. Stage 1 2007 Tour was an exception. That was a miracle victory.

He can still outjump Cav starting at 55kmph. But that will not win you a sprint, as Cav can pull back the gap under 100 metres, and around 50 metres he neutralises Mcewens advantage gained.