RedheadDane. Hi, there is no inconsistency there. The reason I said sponsor's post was incorrect is because sponsor is of the opinion that no one should wear the kits that were outlined in that post, as if there are rules(-his or her own rules) That is where the line is crossed. Then, for sponsor to opine that wearing such(team or world champion) kit "implies" that the person wearing that kit is trying to have people believe that they in fact won these jerseys is absolutely insane. To read that into someones reason for wearing a kit, without discussion, signals lots of problems in that persons reasons of deduction, to me. Normally sponsors comments should be taken with a healthy dose of Hilarity. But too many on this thread take this issue far too seriously. On a more personal note, I for one will not wear team kit when I'm feeling lousy, or I'm out for a "lazy" day, because I am aware of all the thoughts that run through peoples heads. So, I only wear team kit when I know I will wear them well. I like to carry my favorite teams colors proudly (and of course, without any further "implying")