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So what's the new scandal?


Another bad news is coming to cycling :( not good :(
about 14 hours ago via Echofon

Nothing to do with TofMO guys. Just wait for the news, I'm telling you is not good for a lot of people :(
about 13 hours ago via Echofon

joepabike #notfloydlandisgate more grim rumors swirling around cycling - what, was last week Hiroshima and now its Nagasaki?

Any rumours circulating?


Apr 28, 2010
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Mellow Velo said:
Are we finally going to get the returns on Astana Shack's 7 DNA drips?
It's gonna happen sometime soon. Certainly, before Le Tour. Timing is everything, in this sport.
I think they'll wait till just before the tour, so they can put all these guys in handcuffs, does sound more like the French police with cycling :p (or I hope, still hope to see another action like Festine, made for fantastic television)

I think someone will attack the UCI again
Feb 14, 2010
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Mellow Velo said:
Are we finally going to get the returns on Astana Shack's 7 DNA drips?
It's gonna happen sometime soon. Certainly, before Le Tour. Timing is everything, in this sport.
Pierre to KO Pat in the 12th?:D

That would be sweet. Or results of CERA retests from the 2008 Giro? We've got a backlog of news they owe us.
May 15, 2009
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theswordsman said:
That would be sweet. Or results of CERA retests from the 2008 Giro? We've got a backlog of news they owe us.

Forgotten all about that too... how much stuff have they promised that we haven't seen yet?
May 15, 2009
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Ferminal said:

Bye Bye Bertie, Bye Bye RadioShack... Menchov for the Tour :D

I had a free bet on him last year. He didn't look so hot after that humanplasma thing.

Speaking of which, did NADA ever release the names for that?
Feb 14, 2010
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Ferminal said:

Bye Bye Bertie, Bye Bye RadioShack... Menchov to take the win :D

If Contador goes, I'll be clocking out too. I've got the French Open playing in the background to ease the transition. What's got me concerned out of all this is the "Pepe the 'trainer'" mention from 2003. I didn't know until I read it at Astanafans that Alberto is trained by Pepe Marti. I saw that he was with Discovery before Astana, but don't know about 2003, or if there was another Pepe around.

On the OCLAESP, I've never considered Contador to be in the running. Leipheimer crashed out, leaving seven guys who followed Armstrong and Bruyneel to Radio Shack. It wouldn't make sense that six of them would have done infusions and left one out. Besides, if Lance knew Contador could be busted for something, he would have made sure he got caught.
Sep 22, 2009
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lol, please, I think there's no way we'll ever see the 2008 giro retests!! must be something big from the US if Dominguez knows.. Feel like watching a car crash..
May 20, 2010
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blackcat said:
I think Fumyuki Beppu and Yukiya Arashiro are f'ed.

Hahaha, really made me laugh. :D

On topic, i think its definitely US related, more a continuation of the ongoing scandal then a brand new one.
Feb 14, 2010
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Benotti69 said:
italians might not like a spaniard winning their Giro after the spanish federation ignoring coni......:rolleyes:

That's easy to fix - order the camera motos away from Basso and let the tifosi push him up the Mortirola.
May 22, 2010
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From the sound of the Hushovd article, surely he's talking about the Giro? Who's looked a bit rum to you guys? Personally, I haven't really seen much to raise an eyebrow. But there's still today and the Gavia to go... (slap them down Carlos!)

Having said that, Liquigas do seem to have become Team of The Year and had to drop Pellizotti. As for Sagan... I hope not, but kind of hard to buy, frankly.
Feb 14, 2010
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Wroots Clutten said:
Having said that, Liquigas do seem to have become Team of The Year and had to drop Pellizotti. As for Sagan... I hope not, but kind of hard to buy, frankly.

I guess you didn't see the other thread yet. Pellizotti will be at training camp with Liquigas next week and plans to ride the Italian Championships and Tour de France
Wroots Clutten said:
From the sound of the Hushovd article, surely he's talking about the Giro? Who's looked a bit rum to you guys? Personally, I haven't really seen much to raise an eyebrow. But there's still today and the Gavia to go... (slap them down Carlos!)

Having said that, Liquigas do seem to have become Team of The Year and had to drop Pellizotti. As for Sagan... I hope not, but kind of hard to buy, frankly.

It sounds like it's a "bomb" not just one or two random guys getting pinged.

In which case, Liquigas would be where I look first :(