• The Cycling News forum is looking to add some volunteer moderators with Red Rick's recent retirement. If you're interested in helping keep our discussions on track, send a direct message to @SHaines here on the forum, or use the Contact Us form to message the Community Team.

    In the meanwhile, please use the Report option if you see a post that doesn't fit within the forum rules.


Hi all,

When you find a spam thread, like the Nike ones this morning, can you please just report it to the mods, instead of moaning in the threads that the mods need to do something?

I really do try to keep an eye on things here, but I sure as heck don't read the forum 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Mar 15, 2009
That would be too easy.

Don't you know that forum members have an inalienable right to moan and whinge?
So what if they make zero contribution to the maintenance or moderation of the forum?
They've every right to throw a few bottles in the direction of the administrators whenever the opportunity arises or the mood takes them.

After all, look at the money they spend each month on subscriptions and membership and the hours they dedicate to keeping the site online!
Apr 8, 2009
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It's great if people dont reply to them. I put them on the ignore list but they pop up again as soon as someone adds a new post.

Please just ignore them
Jun 15, 2009
posting about events?

What're the rules on posting an event announcement? Is there a certain forum this is appropriate under? I.E.- I have a training camp I'd like to post but would rather not do it in the general forum if blatant advertising is frowned upon. Maybe adding a classifieds or upcoming events folder would be good?
Oct 6, 2009
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Why is it that the forum requires us to wait sixty seconds between reporting spam messages, but new spammers (like the dude currently on) can post eleven messages in 5 minutes? They can post faster than we can report.

Seems like the forum could limit brand new members to some reasonable time-elapse between posting messages, or at least limit brand new members to only 3 messages in a 10 minute time frame. Something to keep the bulk spammers down until a user has established themselves as a meaningful presence on the board.
Jun 16, 2009
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Susan Westemeyer said:
Hi all,

When you find a spam thread, like the Nike ones this morning, can you please just report it to the mods, instead of moaning in the threads that the mods need to do something?

I really do try to keep an eye on things here, but I sure as heck don't read the forum 24 hours a day, seven days a week.



You should;)
Susan Westemeyer said:
We are working on things, don't worry. We hate it just as much as you all. Possibly more, since we have to clean the crap out.


Maybe give some more regular forum users the ability to remove posts? With the understanding that if they remove any post that isn't spam they are liable for banning themselves.
Jun 16, 2009
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Hugh Januss said:
Maybe give some more regular forum users the ability to remove posts? With the understanding that if they remove any post that isn't spam they are liable for banning themselves.

only give out that privledge to posters who...
1) Are over 1000 posts
2) Good record and are sensible


Hugh Januss said:
Maybe give some more regular forum users the ability to remove posts? With the understanding that if they remove any post that isn't spam they are liable for banning themselves.

id dont think its that much of an issue.. as soon as i see spam, i hit the big red exclamation mark (the 60 second thing is annoying, but to be honest, if they are all from one user you only need to hit one anyway, the mod will if they have any sense remove all posts by that user).. but anyway, generally the spam is gone within about 5 minutes of me reporting it..

i dont think its much of an issue personally.

(of course, i dont know if its within 5 minutes of me reporting it, or an hour of it being reported originally.. ;)), i do wonder though, as often it goes minutes after ive reported it, if i am one of the few that bothers? or are we just all here at different times of the day?


auscyclefan94 said:
only give out that privledge to posters who...
1) Are over 1000 posts
2) Good record and are sensible

dissagree.. you are either a moderator or you arent.. you cant go having a whole bunch of people who can delete posts..

they are either proper mods, or they shouldnt be having any power as far as im concerned.. only leads to trouble..
Mar 4, 2009
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auscyclefan94 said:
only give out that privledge to posters who...
1) Are over 1000 posts
2) Good record and are sensible

Sorry, definitely not in favor of this one. Logging over 1000 posts doesn't automatically mean you're intelligent, responsible, or sensible - just that you've made over 1000 posts. It's a pervasively false notion in forums that posting volume/frequency is somehow correlated to being correct.
Jun 16, 2009
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dimspace said:
dissagree.. you are either a moderator or you arent.. you cant go having a whole bunch of people who can delete posts..

they are either proper mods, or they shouldnt be having any power as far as im concerned.. only leads to trouble..

James Huang said:
Sorry, definitely not in favor of this one. Logging over 1000 posts doesn't automatically mean you're intelligent, responsible, or sensible - just that you've made over 1000 posts. It's a pervasively false notion in forums that posting volume/frequency is somehow correlated to being correct.

Over 1000 posts is 1 part of the criteria, you wouldn't give a moderator position to someone who is new to the forum. it would have to go to someone who has experience.

If you read the 2nd point James and Dim, I said they must have a good record and are sensible . if they delete posts which aren't required to be deleted then they lose the privledge of moderator.
Dec 5, 2009
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What about those forum posts that are obviously a spam? Like stuffs saying 'Great post' or 'Thanks' then shows a link below their post? Can we report that as well?

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