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State of the Peloton 2024

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Even if Kelly didn’t intend his words to come across as calling out doping it’d be nice if commentators would start dropping some real talk like that with just enough ambiguity to claim innocence. That’s some trolling I’d pay to see.
My commentators gets questions about doping all the time for every big race and talks about it. Sometimes they do some trolling but the next day or race it's back to all the long explanations 🤐 Sometimes it's like they're itching 😁 I'd say this year they were in more disbelief behind the lines.
Spanish rider at Vuelta, contract year, oversized for winning this type of stage well yeah it's not a little suspicious in my mind.

Cheered for him when he won the first stage thinking it was a rider from a small team putting everything on the line for one day and stars aligning. After today though? Not so sure I feel the same.

Like an unholy mix of WvA and Voeckler.
That's exactly how I felt. His first stage victory was from the break and he looked genuinely cooked at the finish line. Coming from a small team I was happy to see him sticking it to the bigger world tour teams. But to repeat the dose and if you look at the amount of breakaways he's been in, he must have super recovery powers. Add in the Spanish rider in Spain angle and his contract situation and there are too many red flags for my liking.
Wouldn't give Carlton that much credit - he was reading off the stats he had in front of him on PCS because he didn't know a thing about him. He has previous for this when a lesser known rider wins, you can literally hear him reading off key results in the order they appear on the rider page on the website.

Oh I know he was reading them off PCS,

what I meant is he's reading them and his brain is going wait, what!!! this guy noone had heard of till last week is 74kg 6ft tall , and he's just done this climb quicker than some of the sports best recognised climbers who have between 5-10kg less weight and several inches less, to carry up a mountain and he didn't look half as knackered as Vaslov did at the end.

Cyclists built like him aren't usually that good up mountains
X post on climb times on Cuitu Negru - Mas & Roglic fastest ever! (Pablo Castrillo managed to complete the climb in a time of 12:38)