Oldman said:
Lance would not have won a Tour clean as his pedigree never hinted on more than a week of competitive intensity.
That bolded (by me) hypothesis does NOT hold water.
Leaky assertion, full of holes.
Hope you brought a change of clothes, as you are all wet.
First, you are pitting "Clean Lance" against a cadre of Doped GC Dangermen.
Could a "Clean Anybody" have won a Tour against those dopers?
Second, and this is where your claim really starts dripping profusely, is when you imply that Doping Transformed a "non-pedigree" Lance into a SEVEN Time Winner. Didn't happen. Couldn't happen.
Sure, doping can help transform a great rider into a single tour winner.
Think Riis, Ullrich, Pantani, Roche, Delgado, Zoetemelk.
And yes, Doping can assist great riders who would have won the Tour anyway. Think Eddy, Big Mig, Jaques, Lance, and sooo many others.
But to argue that Doping transformed a non-pedigree Lance into a 7 time in a row TdF winner is silly. Silly that others agree with you too. Super Silly.