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TdF vs WWE: compare/contrast

Okay, I know WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) is, and that whole genre is, a complete joke, not real sport, and the TdF and pro cycling in general is much more serious, BUT, and here's the point of this thread.... isn't there some WWE-like b.s. in this "sport" too, and, if so, how much?

Are you with me? Know what I mean? I mean, all these controversies, conflicts and rivalries... how real are they, and how much are they mostly entertainment to create drama to draw in the fan... just like WWE does? Most importantly, how do you know?

I mean, Lance has to know that he has no realistic chance to beat AC unless AC crashes or has some kind of medical or doping issue, right? But there's still going to be all this drama as if he has a good chance to win. Isn't that kind of reminiscent of the baloney that is par for the course on WWE?
I see where you are going and I agree, as it relates to Lance. I think he knows that for him, this comeback is about raising awareness (of what is a debatable point). So sure he plays up this conflict with AC because it gets his fans nostalgic for days past (and following him, livestrong and LAF). It keeps Versus interested in broadcasting every race (good for the sponsors). And frankly it brings more attention and notoriety to the sport (goodwill with UCI, ASO, etc). Love him or hate him, the guy brings the cameras, spectators and eyeballs which all translate into Euros.
Publicus said:
I see where you are going and I agree, as it relates to Lance. I think he knows that for him, this comeback is about raising awareness (of what is a debatable point). So sure he plays up this conflict with AC because it gets his fans nostalgic for days past (and following him, livestrong and LAF). It keeps Versus interested in broadcasting every race (good for the sponsors). And frankly it brings more attention and notoriety to the sport (goodwill with UCI, ASO, etc). Love him or hate him, the guy brings the cameras, spectators and eyeballs which all translate into Euros.
All that AND it makes me wonder how much of the rest of it is more circus than serious. You know, like the UCI.


Oct 27, 2009
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Don't forget the dopage (HgH and other steroids) these wrestlers do (see Wolverine's family issues), and I'm not trying to steer this toward the doping front either.
But the WWE being entertainment, I remember the rivalries these guys would have. To the point that a tag team would go into the cage together, one would betray the other and beat his own teammate into submission. Come the following season (or wrestling event) they aren't even on the same team anymore. Hmmm.... Nope, sorry, can't see it:D
Jun 19, 2009
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Lifeshape said:
Don't forget the dopage (HgH and other steroids) these wrestlers do (see Wolverine's family issues), and I'm not trying to steer this toward the doping front either.
But the WWE being entertainment, I remember the rivalries these guys would have. To the point that a tag team would go into the cage together, one would betray the other and beat his own teammate into submission. Come the following season (or wrestling event) they aren't even on the same team anymore. Hmmm.... Nope, sorry, can't see it:D

Most folks know that wrestlers take 'roids and the action is orchestrated melodrama. Most Vs viewers haven't figured that out yet.
Nov 23, 2009
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I must admit that at many points in the year I have been wishing for a doping scandal, especially in the TDF. This is something I love and I hate about cycling, and like the WWE it is pure drama for entertainment.
Oct 6, 2009
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Now you have me wishing that, prior to last year's TdF, Lance would've given an interview where he told AC, "to be the man, you've gotta beat the man!"

God, that would've been good.
Oldman said:
Most folks know that wrestlers take 'roids and the action is orchestrated melodrama. Most Vs viewers haven't figured that out yet.
But most of the French viewers have figured it out. They view pro cycling the way we view WWE in the U.S., more or less.

And note it wasn't always the case that viewers knew wrestling was a sham.



One really big thing pro rasling and cycling have in common (or used to have when I watched as a kid) the cool names!

There was "Crybaby Cannonball", "Mad Dog Vachaun", "The Crusher".... in cycling we have, "The Cannibal", "The Pirate", "The professor", "Der Kaiser". Real crowd pleasers.
Jun 9, 2009
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The WWE is a perfect example of how promotion of 'sport' is far more important than the sport itself. It is true that the WWE has shown promotional genius. Sport Entertainment.

The former publicity director of the WWE jumped ship about fifteen years ago and was hired by NASCAR. The result was 'The Intimidator' in an all black car set as a rival against the 'Rainbow Warrior' in, well, a rainbow car. Their ratings went through the roof and NASCAR became one of the highest grossing sporting organizations on the planet. Indy car racing and drag car racing became something followed only by small groups of die-hard fans.

The promotion of a rivalry is good for generating interest in a contest. Interest in the contest generates market share and, ultimately, sponsorship dollars. Marketing is a part of any business venture and the TdF guys are doing a good job of it.

If they weren't, we wouldn't be discussing a race that is still over 7 months away.
Jul 17, 2009
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OK point made but I am sure there are better analogies I am sure like maybe reality show or something.

But Fat guys cant compete in Le Tour and results are not scripted
Oct 27, 2009
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Highlander said:
Are the riders now carrying concealed weapons in their shorts like the wrestlers do? If so, it's a good thing that helmets are mandatory.

That was used way back in "Breaking Away" where the Cinelli geeks used a tire pump to lock up Bambino's wheel.
Now the concelaed weapons pulled from their shorts consist of a condom and a plastic tube.
The cyclist's steel cage is the TT.
Jun 19, 2009
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Ninety5rpm said:
But most of the French viewers have figured it out. They view pro cycling the way we view WWE in the U.S., more or less.

And note it wasn't always the case that viewers knew wrestling was a sham.

Admittedly there are plenty of screaming, foaming WWE(insert LA Cycling fans) that still think there is a touch of athleticism and reality to their sport. That's if you think bleeding is a sign of athleticism.