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Team Ineos (Formerly the Sky thread)

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Re: Sky

ferryman said:
veganrob said:
samhocking said:
Benotti69 said:
samhocking said:
Can't blame him. If UKAD were pulling this trick on me, i'd be ill tomorrow too.

Really, running away like a coward!

Why not man up and tell the truth?

Apparently Freeman is known as Dr Keke ( Dr Kenacort) in the professional peloton.

I'm talking about the delay to UKAD's report on Team Sky / BC. If UKAD delay the report again, Freeman will simply not speak to the committee, why would he?
Well yea, you are quite right. Why would he want to implicate himself in any way?

I get your point, but if he has nothing to hide and therefore no implications....it stinks to high heaven. My only concern here is that we will not get to the bottom of this, but at least everyone with half a brain also now knows Sky stink, not that you needed this wee episode to convince you...

it's ok...when all the dust settles and wiggo's star is further non the wane...we'll get a book on how he would have acquired a dodgy jiffy bag...you...know..if he had needed one. All the names will be changed to protect the guilty :)
Freeman pulling out at the 11th hour just adds more drama to the pantomime that is the jiffy bag story. Sit back and enjoy the ride, there may be a few twists and turns to this story yet. Freeman is starting to look dodgier and dodgier by the day. Firstly faking a phonecall and refusing to take questions when questioned by the BBC and now this.

Meanwhile Wiggins himself seems to have been insulated from the whole affair whilst others are asked to give evidence. I find it slightly bizarre that he hasn't been called to give evidence yet.
Oct 16, 2010
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ontheroad said:
.. I find it slightly bizarre that he hasn't been called to give evidence yet.
While I tink the CMS and Collins in particular have done a brilliant job so far, it's bizarre that the guy who actually took the medicine hasn't been called in yet.
Re: Sky

gillan1969 said:
veganrob said:
samhocking said:
Benotti69 said:
samhocking said:
Can't blame him. If UKAD were pulling this trick on me, i'd be ill tomorrow too.

Really, running away like a coward!

Why not man up and tell the truth?

Apparently Freeman is known as Dr Keke ( Dr Kenacort) in the professional peloton.

I'm talking about the delay to UKAD's report on Team Sky / BC. If UKAD delay the report again, Freeman will simply not speak to the committee, why would he?
Well yea, you are quite right. Why would he want to implicate himself in any way?
well...because he's already 'implicated'...not turning up implicates him even more. Just because the defense lawyer tells the blood soaked assailant to take the 5th..doesn't mean the the jury can't see the 'truth'....
we can only hope
Feb 23, 2011
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Re: Re:

sniper said:
ontheroad said:
.. I find it slightly bizarre that he hasn't been called to give evidence yet.
While I tink the CMS and Collins in particular have done a brilliant job so far, it's bizarre that the guy who actually took the medicine hasn't been called in yet.

That's because he has "Sir" in front of his name.

The UK establishment don't like to hold people with Knighthoods to account - comes a bit close to spitting in the soup as it were.
Re: Re:

B_Ugli said:
sniper said:
ontheroad said:
.. I find it slightly bizarre that he hasn't been called to give evidence yet.
While I tink the CMS and Collins in particular have done a brilliant job so far, it's bizarre that the guy who actually took the medicine hasn't been called in yet.

That's because he has "Sir" in front of his name.

The UK establishment don't like to hold people with Knighthoods to account - comes a bit close to spitting in the soup as it were.

Yeah... It's not like they called Sir David Brailsford to give evidence is it..?
Sep 10, 2016
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A considerable quantity of kenalog ordered - more than than could possibly be used by Wiggins alone

No record of fluamicil being ordered

Now we have the how, and it has the potential to take down the whole ridiculous BC/Sky house of cards
Unless UKAD has more evidence ( which is possible ) I don't see any smoking gun that will see UKAD issuing charges against protagonists - It's a strange world when we expect athletes/support staff to self incriminate.

It may be a non-story if Freeman's laptop has been stolen - My guess is UKAD would have already interviewed Freeman and taken copies of phone records and the like - This is assuming UKAD have these powers.
In some ways, Freeman has more to lose than anyone else; sure they might lose their Knighthoods, but the keep the money, he could be removed by the GMC, & no longer be able to practice medicine !

That's a pretty big risk, & given that the GMC did this to the Harlequins medic, who just made a small cut to the inside of a players mouth to justify a 'blood substitute', If he is found to have administered prescription drugs without a legitimate medical reason ....

MmeDesgrange said:
A considerable quantity of kenalog ordered - more than than could possibly be used by Wiggins alone

No record of fluamicil being ordered

Now we have the how, and it has the potential to take down the whole ridiculous BC/Sky house of cards

So this laptop containing private medical records was stolen, in 2014.

I'm sure there is a Police report to substantiate this claim, in 2014, & not last week ?

And in many countries, when personal/medical data is lost/stolen, there are also other reporting requirements, such as to a data protection commissioner ?

The smell of bovine manure off this is getting stronger by the minute

keeponrollin said:
In some ways, Freeman has more to lose than anyone else; sure they might lose their Knighthoods, but the keep the money, he could be removed by the GMC, & no longer be able to practice medicine !

That's a pretty big risk, & given that the GMC did this to the Harlequins medic, who just made a small cut to the inside of a players mouth to justify a 'blood substitute', If he is found to have administered prescription drugs without a legitimate medical reason ....

Freeman has looked suspicious from the get go. Faking a phonecall to avoid a reporter, taking ill on the eve of the select hearing and now today we learn that he had his laptop stolen which had confidential medical records whilst on holiday in Greece. Whatever about the ethics, what professional would deem it good practice to take a laptop with confidential medical records on holiday abroad with him. Surely the GMC have governing procedures surrounding the safe storage of these records. Also there was no clarification as to whether there was police documentation provided in relation to the theft. Yet he claims he reported it to BC. Someone will have to carry the can for this and it looked like Cope was happy for this person to be Freeman.

Cope also claimed that he never spoke to any senior cycling figures prior to the hearing today other than mechanics and soigneurs. Does he not speak with Wiggins given that he is employed by his team? Bizarre that.
Re: Re:

keeponrollin said:
MmeDesgrange said:
A considerable quantity of kenalog ordered - more than than could possibly be used by Wiggins alone

No record of fluamicil being ordered

Now we have the how, and it has the potential to take down the whole ridiculous BC/Sky house of cards

So this laptop containing private medical records was stolen, in 2014.

I'm sure there is a Police report to substantiate this claim, in 2014, & not last week ?

And in many countries, when personal/medical data is lost/stolen, there are also other reporting requirements, such as to a data protection commissioner ?

The smell of bovine manure off this is getting stronger by the minute
Unfortunately it can only be the case that the folks that preach attention to detail don't back up their vitally important data and happily let employees wonder all round the world with their only copy of it
Re: Re:

Eyeballs Out said:
keeponrollin said:
MmeDesgrange said:
A considerable quantity of kenalog ordered - more than than could possibly be used by Wiggins alone

No record of fluamicil being ordered

Now we have the how, and it has the potential to take down the whole ridiculous BC/Sky house of cards

So this laptop containing private medical records was stolen, in 2014.

I'm sure there is a Police report to substantiate this claim, in 2014, & not last week ?

And in many countries, when personal/medical data is lost/stolen, there are also other reporting requirements, such as to a data protection commissioner ?

The smell of bovine manure off this is getting stronger by the minute
Unfortunately it can only be the case that the folks that preach attention to detail don't back up their vitally important data and happily let employees wonder all round the world with their only copy of it

Ah. But since we're taking about medical records here; there is a much higher standard of behaviour, not just expected; but legally required. So if Sky admit that they failed to meet the minimum legal standards, they have committed a criminal offense, & in theory, the people whose medical records were stolen, can also sue Sky :lol:

and Sir DB can't just slither away, because as Head Honcho, he's the one who is held responsible.
Sep 10, 2016
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Re: Re:

keeponrollin said:
Eyeballs Out said:
keeponrollin said:
MmeDesgrange said:
A considerable quantity of kenalog ordered - more than than could possibly be used by Wiggins alone

No record of fluamicil being ordered

Now we have the how, and it has the potential to take down the whole ridiculous BC/Sky house of cards

So this laptop containing private medical records was stolen, in 2014.

I'm sure there is a Police report to substantiate this claim, in 2014, & not last week ?

And in many countries, when personal/medical data is lost/stolen, there are also other reporting requirements, such as to a data protection commissioner ?

The smell of bovine manure off this is getting stronger by the minute
Unfortunately it can only be the case that the folks that preach attention to detail don't back up their vitally important data and happily let employees wonder all round the world with their only copy of it

Ah. But since we're taking about medical records here; there is a much higher standard of behaviour, not just expected; but legally required. So if Sky admit that they failed to meet the minimum legal standards, they have committed a criminal offense, & in theory, the people whose medical records were stolen, can also sue Sky :lol:

and Sir DB can't just slither away, because as Head Honcho, he's the one who is held responsible.

Sky had procedures in place for downloading medical records to dropbox for storage, procedures that Freeman did not follow.