Ha ha, like a mad intellectual's stream of consciousness post. I like it.
The absurd is good, acknowledging our hypocrisy likewise, but supporting Sky now is impossible innit? Support them in an amusingly absurd way though, I could get that. The degree of lies and manipulation and intelligence-insulting management speak has been too much. But buy all the team kit and go riding, definitely, great craic.
I'd quite like to literally hang them. Not in a nasty way just a kind of Monty Python style, Froome in his yellow jersey, bike gaffa taped under him, screaming 'yes certainly yes certainly' in a panicked psychosis. Brailsford, hanging, jowls clenched giving a last minute management speech whilst his hands are being flapped in various shapes by a midget puppeteer perched ontop the gibbet cackling manically. Maybe that's more Jodorowsky than Monty Python (anyone seen the film El Topo?).
Anyway I was gonna say, I like the Milgram reference, fascinated me for years that'un. Our autonomy is being manipulated constantly (if we even have any at all, deterministic theory etc) and a lot of fans have been manipulated by Sky, like Armstrong before. It's a bit difficult for some to admit being duped and so they maintain their 'suspension of disbelief' (see Bikeradar discussions!!).
I wonder if Sky, with their vast media empire resources, have been using Artificial Intelligence via Facebook, Google, Twitter etc., to target their PR and gather their fan base. The technology is there (see Trump election, Brexit etc). Even if Sky only use it in a fairly minimal way it's possible in a relatively short time their current problems will be forgotten and they will carry on regardless with the same number of Sky-clad fanboys filling the UK roads (see Bikeradar!!).
blackcat said:no one see the perverse irony about the MPs grilling Sky factotums in parliament and inquiries?
so... lets get this straight, they revel in the BoJo 2012 London Olympics and content to fly the flag of nationalism and usher in all the gold medals?
So they cheer and applaud(the politicians get their faces on podiums and rostrums like Bojo), and constituents vote them back in. And these are MPs, politicians, they have done the hard graft and gladhanding of numbers politiking and getting pre-selected then getting elected. They. Know. Where. The. Bodies. Are. Buried.
Now, when they see the tide shifting, they choose to switch sides. manifest hypocrisy.
The devil's advocate in me, actually sees the validity to support Froome, to support Wiggins, to support Brailsford, to support Bruyneel. to support Lance. Why?
Am I being hypocritical when I have potted them? Or have I just brought some Wildean drollery to some absurd imbroglio.
here is the problem, we are drilled into us, thru pedagogy and youth in the west, personal freedoms. Our autonomy, our personal property rights. When in fact, most of us have zero autonomy as Milgram demonstrated.
The entire system is predicated on suspension of disbelief. So, I may be contradicting myself here, (wrt system v personal) but, if there was this agency, you have willing sublimated your agency to believe in Lance, to believe in Nike, to believe in Sky, to believe in Froome, to believe in marginal gains, to believe in Walsh. But Walsh may be another hypocrite, or you are just too willing to believe he took down Lance and he ghosts Froome's autobiography, and Froome wrestles anacondas, and feeds them rabbits from the local kindergarten across the road.
or was it guinea pigs. heck, I aint my own New Yorker fact checking dep't am I.
Ha ha, like a mad intellectual's stream of consciousness post. I like it.
The absurd is good, acknowledging our hypocrisy likewise, but supporting Sky now is impossible innit? Support them in an amusingly absurd way though, I could get that. The degree of lies and manipulation and intelligence-insulting management speak has been too much. But buy all the team kit and go riding, definitely, great craic.
I'd quite like to literally hang them. Not in a nasty way just a kind of Monty Python style, Froome in his yellow jersey, bike gaffa taped under him, screaming 'yes certainly yes certainly' in a panicked psychosis. Brailsford, hanging, jowls clenched giving a last minute management speech whilst his hands are being flapped in various shapes by a midget puppeteer perched ontop the gibbet cackling manically. Maybe that's more Jodorowsky than Monty Python (anyone seen the film El Topo?).
Anyway I was gonna say, I like the Milgram reference, fascinated me for years that'un. Our autonomy is being manipulated constantly (if we even have any at all, deterministic theory etc) and a lot of fans have been manipulated by Sky, like Armstrong before. It's a bit difficult for some to admit being duped and so they maintain their 'suspension of disbelief' (see Bikeradar discussions!!).
I wonder if Sky, with their vast media empire resources, have been using Artificial Intelligence via Facebook, Google, Twitter etc., to target their PR and gather their fan base. The technology is there (see Trump election, Brexit etc). Even if Sky only use it in a fairly minimal way it's possible in a relatively short time their current problems will be forgotten and they will carry on regardless with the same number of Sky-clad fanboys filling the UK roads (see Bikeradar!!).