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The 2015 CQ Ranking Manager Thread

Page 60 - Get up to date with the latest news, scores & standings from the Cycling News Community.
I was under impression that my team's last few weeks were complete disaster (which they, frankly, were - Dennis without big result in the WC TT, 10-pointers only from the WC RR, Purito injures himself before Lombardy, Uran not even starting, Modolo invisible in Italian races...), but judging by the fact that I lost just one place, they were not so perfect weeks for some others either.

It is currently quite stuffed around my place so I can still easily fall out of Top 10, if things go wrong. On the other hand, Lampre is set to start in Hainan, so if they pick the right team for that race, Modolo, Richeze and Koshevoy could bring home some nice points... good season so far anyway :)

postmanhat said:
Wonder who the highest scorer was carrying the dead weight of Betancur?

And to B, or not to B next year? Surely he can't do worse than 149 CQ points
If Im not wrong, you would find your winner very quickly... All the more impressive his performance.
And next year that will be one of the big questions.

Roude Leiw said:
Happy to defend the Green Jersey, Esteban doing well in Abu Dabi (well with some help from Wout Poels) should help for another fruitful defines

Hoping I might finally get some more points in green the week but not sure. Did well in Abu Dabi (chaves, brajovic vivianni) but don't think I have anything from the one day races
Pardon the late update; I'm on vacation for a week and in transit the last 3 days. I don't have time to do a whole writeup, but this week's update will be up in the next 24 hours. Season is winding down, but small spoiler - the green jersey competition got unexpectedly exciting at the top this week!

Just a note - for those who are checking this thread only every once and awhile, here's the remaining schedule:

- Update 40 comming imminently
- Update 41 next Monday (19th)
- Update 42 Monday the 26th
- Final Update Monday Nov. 9th

And then that's it; Tour of Taihu Lake is over that last week, and there will be few scorers and fewer points on offer. Note that I'm combining the last two weeks into one update, because barely anyone has riders left at that point and last year there were not even 15 teams scoring at Taihu Lake, so scoring for the green jersey would be even more heavily skewed. So the leaderboard is all but decided, but the ceremonial ending to the game will be on November 9th, when the CQ season is well and truly over.

I've been debating some rule changes next year, and will post about those in the next two weeks in this thread to get some feedback. Then after the game closes, I'll take a few weeks to figure out any changes for next year and start that thread soon after the end of this game; I'm aiming for mid-to-late November, with the usual deadline of early January.

For now, I remembered that I had forgotten to do the Monthly Leaders last update, which was the first update of October (ie. the Monthly Leaders of September should be acknowledged). I included Lombardia as a September result, as there's no way to parse out the weekly results that I can see in CQ. Here they are:

September's top scorers

Rank Team Points this month
1 Cykeltyven 2820
2 Jpettersen 2800
3 arekw77 2561
4 minessa 2460
4 snccdcno 2460
6 Maaaaaaaarten 2448
7 Yellow Knight 2432
8 martybart 2381
9 knallertjeblaf 2368
10 zlev11 2351

Appropriately, the juggernaut team of Cykeltyven squeaks out top honours for the month, showing that a strong finish on top of a solid season is a great thing in this game. Obviously, Cykeltyven is on top overall, but other teams have used a good September to their advantage as well, as several of the teams listed above have moved into the top 30 or so overall. snccdcno is in a solid 3rd, and Yellow Knight is knocking on the door of the top 10.

September's high movers

Rank Team Up/down
1 Jpettersen (+53)
2 Maaaaaaaarten (+35)
3 minessa (+33)
4 knallertjeblaf (+32)
5 zlev11 (+31)
5 martybart (+31)
7 MADRAZO (+28)
8 Eyeballs Out (+27)
9 Panda_Claws (+24)
10 fauniera (+22)

No question on this one - Jpettersen had a great month. Their team has moved from 73rd to 20th in a month; only outscored by 20 points by Cykeltyven, who obviously ran out of space to move up the leaderboard, Jpettersen makes a huge move this month. The next batch of teams all are finishing strongly and moving into the top half of the table.

That's it for now - update 40 to follow in the next day.
Aug 3, 2009
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skidmark said:
Pardon the late update; I'm on vacation for a week and in transit the last 3 days. I don't have time to do a whole writeup, but this week's update will be up in the next 24 hours. Season is winding down, but small spoiler - the green jersey competition got unexpectedly exciting at the top this week!


Hi skidmark, excitment in the green jersey competition is not something I need right now ;)
Update #40: Overall crystallizes as Points Competition gets more exciting

We are almost at the end of things, friends. The World Tour is over, the obvious wish to replace Beijing as the exotic end-of-season race - Abu Dhabi Tour - is over and was only 2.1 so it didn't give too many points, and Paris-Tours is done, the last race with that much prestige. With the closing of the European season, we are left with a few drops to clean up in the form of the Japan Cup, and a few races in China. The rules of the game states that the game formally finishes after the last .1 race or higher, which is the Tour of Taihu Lake ending the first week of November. Those who just want to see end-of-season breakdowns, come back then. But I'll keep putting out a few updates (as outlined in my post yesterday) until then. Let's get to this week, shall we?

This week's top scorers

Rank Team Points this week
1 Zam_Olyas 644
2 Leadbelly 544
3 martybart 515
4 Panda_Claws 465
5 markene2 416
6 VeloRooms 411
7 mutschi 368
8 Joelsim 352
9 Josedin 345
10 tanja 326

Not a misprint - Zam Olyas' all-Italian team takes it's second week in a row, and third week out of the last 4! THAT is the payoff for picking a specialized team, and it only works at times like this - the concentration of Italian races around Lombardia, or the Australian summer races if you have a team of all Australians, something like that. This week for Zam, Colbrelli and Trentin took two of the 1.HC races, and Viviani, Cunego, Ferrari and Brambilla pitched in some handy points as well. Second place Leadbelly gets points from entirely different sources, with almost-unique pick (2 teams) Eduard Prades scoring 182 of his 282 season points this week, and Chaves scoring a bunch for their team as well. Third place martybart rides Chaves/Bakelants/Brajkovic/Haussler and others to a successful week.

This week's high movers

Rank Team Up/down
1 Panda_Claws (+17)
2 martybart (+15)
3 Joelsim (+14)
4 mutschi (+10)
5 VeloRooms (+9)
5 cj2002 (+9)
7 Tuarts (+8)
7 ansimi (+8)
9 Sasquatch (+7)
9 Leadbelly (+7)

I'm feeling like this week will likely be the last with significant movement, and there are several teams moving up over ten places. First on the week goes to Panda Claws (or "Panda Claws**" if you prefer), with a move up 17 places to 71st overall.

Points Competition

Rank Team Points
1 RoudeLeiw 183
2 Zam_Olyas 180
3 snccdcno 176
4 Yellow Knight 175
5 Jpettersen 168
6 Cykeltyven 167
7 skidmark 164
8 Kjellus 162
9 merengues 157
10 GP Blanco 154

I mentioned last week that Zam's team had incredibly scored 135 points with only 3 weeks being in the top 15 overall, ie. their team had only ever shown up to win. Well, this week makes that even more pronounced - Zam is now in 2nd place in the Green Jersey competition, with 4 weekly wins x 45 points = 180 points. Yowza! Yellow Knight also scored 10 points to move within 8 of the lead, and even with no points, snccdcno is well within striking distance of Roude_Leiw's 183. The end of the season is a roll of the dice, with most of the big guns ending their seasons already, so it's going to be a team with the more quirky picks that gets some points. We shall see how it turns up - note in my previous post that I'm counting the last 2 weeks as a single week, so there are 3 more weeks to score basically.

On a sidenote, it's pleasing to see a mix of teams at the top, including Roude Leiw (who is not at the top of the overall), Zam (who is second from the bottom), and then 2 of the top 10 overall in 3rd and 4th. This competition was introduced with the hopes that it would add some excitement aside from the GC, so I'm glad it's happening.

Overall Leaders

Rank Up/down Team Points Points this week
1 (-) Cykeltyven 16209 229
2 (-) skidmark 15554 139
3 (-) snccdcno 15292 46
4 (+1) kabete 14957 240
5 (-1) Kjellus 14942 192
6 (+1) derrudi 14826 223
7 (-1) PeterB 14733 93
8 (-) merengues 14700 130
9 (+4) Yellow Knight 14657 294
10 (+1) greenedge 14651 160
11 (-2) GP Blanco 14587 50
12 (-2) karaev 14563 47
13 (-1) del1962 14474 51
14 (-) Londonpat 14406 96
15 (-) Geraint Too Fast 14313 178
16 (+1) will10 14164 191
17 (+1) MADRAZO 14152 261
18 (+4) trackstand 14079 260
19 (-3) Skibby the bush kangaroo 14069 87
20 (-) Jpettersen 14036 174

You can perhaps see by the low weekly point totals - many of them in the double instead of triple digits - that there is not much shakeup this week in the overall. Cykeltyven pads their lead by 90 more points for good measure, and has but a few ceremonial weekly laps to ride before the coronation on the Champs Elysees in early November. There is some trading of spots lower down in the top 10, and Yellow Knight surges impressively into the top 10 as well as Greenedge, while GP Blanco and karaev slide out. January leader trackstand comes back into the top 20 at the end of the year, and the popularity teams would be ranked 13th (team with Rodriguez) and 19th (team with Froome). But the overall podium is all but done. Much like a long GT, most is decided but the points competition and the minor placings; stay tuned!

Spreadsheet at dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/65qcwvdb5c437ms/CQ%202015%20update%2040.xls?dl=0
Thanks for the update, although it's nothing but bad news for me as I continue my freefall to 24th now.

Regarding next season, I hope I have the time to take on some tasks again. At the very least I'd like to do some updates. Oh and I also almost have my team for next season ready :p
Nice, Mohoric doubled his score in probably his last race of the season :)
And at least now I won't be so tempted to take him again next year.

In Hainan only Modolo from Lampre for me, but Silvestre in Trek team is a very pleasant surprise. Both of them have rather disappointing season so far so I wouldn't mind if they chase some cheap CQ points in China.
Update #41: Marini scores big for Vini Fantini

This week saw the last races in Europe and the mostly-last races in Asia before everything shuts down for a bit. In the CQ game this is traditionally a time for surprises, little-picked and little-known riders getting lots of points in races with no competition, and the vast majority of riders scoring zero more points as their seasons are done. This week, that tradition continued with the weekly leaderboard a mix of known and unknown riders. Nicolas Marini, who I've literally never thought about before this update, got a haul of 155 points from the Tour of China II. His seasonal total of 228 off of an 8 point cost is bound to make his owners happy. Better-known but little-picked riders Bauke Mollema (140 points for the win in Japan; picked by 2 teams) and Diego Ulissi (84 points for 2nd in Japan picked by 4 teams) also show up in the top weekly teams. However, indicative of the end of the season, only 3 teams scored over 200 points and 21 teams scored over 100.

This week's top scorers

Rank Team Points this week
1 nuvolablu 248
3 fauniera 209
4 trotters aotearoa 193
5 Netserk 174

nuvolablu takes a late-season win! Their team had the aforementioned Ulissi and Marini. MADRAZO (who cements a place in the top 20 overall) and fauniera complete the weekly podium.

This week's high movers

Rank Team Up/down
1 Netserk (+8)
1 Maaaaaaaarten (+8)
3 fauniera (+5)
3 nuvolablu (+5)
3 trotters aotearoa (+5)
3 Handbrake (+5)
3 ironted (+5)

As befitting the end of the season and dearth of points, there was only soft movement up and down the standings. Netserk and Maaaaaaaarten come out on top, moving up to 35th and 67th overall respectively.

Green Jersey Competition

Rank Team Points
1 RoudeLeiw 183
2 Zam_Olyas 180
3 snccdcno 176
4 Yellow Knight 175
5 Jpettersen 168
6 Cykeltyven 167
7 skidmark 164
8 Kjellus 162
9 fauniera 159
10 merengues 157

A bunch of teams that scored this week are between spots 10 and 20 overall, but the only change in the top 10 is fauniera coming in at 9th with the 30 points for 3rd place driving their team upwards. MCardinalR got their team's first points of the season this week(!), leaving only 3 teams who have yet to score in the Green Jersey competition. Two more weeks! Can Roude Leiw's team hang onto their slim lead? Zam is behind, but there are a couple of Italians in Hainan...

Overall Standings

Rank Up/down Team Points Points this week
1 (-) Cykeltyven 16209 0
2 (-) skidmark 15611 57
3 (-) snccdcno 15297 5
4 (+1) Kjellus 15041 99
5 (-1) kabete 15014 57
6 (-) derrudi 14922 96
7 (+1) merengues 14799 99
8 (-1) PeterB 14775 42
9 (+1) greenedge 14748 97
10 (-1) Yellow Knight 14705 48

Only minor movement, no one in or out of the top 10. Leader Cykeltyven gets no points at all this week, but still has a 600 point cushion so no sweat. MADRAZO is the only team in the top 20 to move up or down more than one place, moving up 2 to 15th overall.

Spreadsheet at dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t97vslda451md5o/CQ%202015%20update%2041.xls?dl=0
I've got an idea that we could award one more jersey in this competition: white jersey for the best first year participant. Like in a real race, "young" managers may struggle with the right tactics in their first participation, so maybe they would also enjoy contest between themselves.

Is someone able to identify such winning rookie team this year? Definitely none of the first three (as long as we consider also previous identities as the same team...)
PeterB said:
I've got an idea that we could award one more jersey in this competition: white jersey for the best first year participant. Like in a real race, "young" managers may struggle with the right tactics in their first participation, so maybe they would also enjoy contest between themselves.

Is someone able to identify such winning rookie team this year? Definitely none of the first three (as long as we consider also previous identities as the same team...)

I think this would be a good idea.
This was my first year and I definitely had no idea what I was doing as far as tactics go. Hopefully next year will be better. I certainly wouldn't have won a "white jersey" competition this year. :)
Hey everyone,

in case you haven't been to CQ's main page, they haven't put out a weekly update since I made my last one (18th of October). I had intended on doing one last week, then doing a final one after Taihu Lake, which ends this week. But, assuming one is forthcoming, I'll have to just do one more to wrap up the year.

I meant to touch base about this earlier, but upon returning from a trip I had a death in the family, which of course put this game at the back of my mind. I'm going to try to contact CQ to see if there's another download coming, and I'll keep you guys posted. In the meantime, I hope to get out a post in the next few days talking about some ideas for next year. Stay tuned!
skidmark said:
Hey everyone,

in case you haven't been to CQ's main page, they haven't put out a weekly update since I made my last one (18th of October). I had intended on doing one last week, then doing a final one after Taihu Lake, which ends this week. But, assuming one is forthcoming, I'll have to just do one more to wrap up the year.

I meant to touch base about this earlier, but upon returning from a trip I had a death in the family, which of course put this game at the back of my mind. I'm going to try to contact CQ to see if there's another download coming, and I'll keep you guys posted. In the meantime, I hope to get out a post in the next few days talking about some ideas for next year. Stay tuned!

I'm so sorry! Take your time. In the grand scheme of things these games don't mean much. Family first.
I was looking at the victory totals for the year and I saw that a lot of popular riders scored a lot of wins this year. That made me think about if it would be possible to add a score for number of victories on a CQ team as an additional statistic in the future.

I did a quick count and I have 90 victories so far in the year. It looks like Mareczko could take a couple more as well. Can anyone beat that? The bulk of the wins are from Cavendish, Froome, Porte, Hagen, Ewan, Kump and Mareczko.
Congrats to the winners and everyone else who took part. Thought I'd have a look at some of the winners and losers from my first go at this. And whether to go with them again next year

Van Keirsbulck ( -297) - Was in loads of races, but increasingly seemed to be used in a support role. Etixx seem to have the most 'total cycling' approach of any WT team, so I'll probably just stick with their two new sprinters for next year

Betancur (-467) Can he get any worse? Surely worth a punt again?

De Marchi (-202) Injured most of the year, but showed well again from the Vuelta onwards

Phinney (-146) Nailed on for next year. Looked really good after his comeback

Kudus (-101) Disappointing year. But might get more chances with Meintjes leaving

Reza (-109), Kadri (-90) Once bitten

Adam Yates (-63) If he can avoid injury, should go better. Must be better value out there though?

Konig (+101) Will probably slip down the pecking order with the latest bunch of Sky recruits. Could see him scoring very low

Viviani (+78) The Olympics, the arrival of Moscon. Can't see any value

Miguel Lopez (+228) No idea what Astana plan to do with him or if they'll survive another scandal. Too risky

What do you think? And your end-of-season reports?
postmanhat said:
Congrats to the winners and everyone else who took part. Thought I'd have a look at some of the winners and losers from my first go at this. And whether to go with them again next year

Van Keirsbulck ( -297) - Was in loads of races, but increasingly seemed to be used in a support role. Etixx seem to have the most 'total cycling' approach of any WT team, so I'll probably just stick with their two new sprinters for next year

Betancur (-467) Can he get any worse? Surely worth a punt again?

De Marchi (-202) Injured most of the year, but showed well again from the Vuelta onwards

Phinney (-146) Nailed on for next year. Looked really good after his comeback

Kudus (-101) Disappointing year. But might get more chances with Meintjes leaving

Reza (-109), Kadri (-90) Once bitten

Adam Yates (-63) If he can avoid injury, should go better. Must be better value out there though?

Konig (+101) Will probably slip down the pecking order with the latest bunch of Sky recruits. Could see him scoring very low

Viviani (+78) The Olympics, the arrival of Moscon. Can't see any value

Miguel Lopez (+228) No idea what Astana plan to do with him or if they'll survive another scandal. Too risky

What do you think? And your end-of-season reports?

This is certainly the time of year for reflections on who to keep on current CQ ranking team :)
On your list I expect Betancur and Phinney to be very popular next year. They are both on my shortlist of riders I need to have in my team in 2016; only problem is that the list is already 47 riders long ;) .
De Marchi and Van Keirsbulck are at least cheap but hard to tell what role they will have. All the others you had with negative score in 2015 are quite interresting too, so thanks a lot for making my shortlist even longer :D
Final Update: Mareczko & Modolo shake up final top 10, green jersey standings as Cykeltyven is crowned champ

Well, it's been a long season since we started back at the Australian nationals. Normally in this game, things kind of run out of steam at the end of the season as the ProTour teams pack up, and minor/unexpected riders pick up the points in Hainan and Taihu Lake. This year, both races had a few more top level teams (Hainan had 3PT/5PCT vs. 3PT/3PCT last year, and Taihu had 2PCT vs. none last year), which translated to a few more teams scoring points in the CQ game. Certainly, a good number of seasons were finished before the last 3 weeks of these races, but 61 CQ teams scored points in these races, and 24 teams scored over 100 points. As the competition in these races still isn't very robust, what that tended to mean was that a few high-level riders got a ton of points. Sacha Modolo won Hainan with 295 points, and Jakub Mareczko dominated Taihu Lake, scoring 356 points and making his initial cost of 15 points worth a lot more than the 93 points he had scored up to this point of the season.

This week's top scorers

Rank Team Points this week
1 nuvolablu 656
2 fauniera 651
2 CraZyCaLL 651
4 topprak 471
5 Ruvu75 386

Sixteen teams had Mareczko; eight had Modolo; three had both. Of those three, nuvolablu distinguishes themselves from Fauniera and CrazZyCaLL by getting 5 'top 50' finishing points from Iuri Filosi in Hainan. Other top teams were some combo of the two 'big' riders of the week, as well as Francisco Mancebo (45 points) and Fabio Silvestre (25 points). Impressive weekly points totals, but mostly on the backs of two riders.

This week's high movers

Rank Team Up/down
1 nuvolablu (+34)
2 CraZyCaLL (+21)
3 hilltopfinisher (+17)
4 ingsve (+16)
5 the_sceptic (+14)
5 knallertjeblaf (+14)
5 Multispeed (+14)

When you get a bunch of points and most other teams score a big fat zero, you're gonna move up in the standings. nuvolablu moves up a whopping 34 spots to a respectable 43rd place overall, while CraZyCaLL cracks the top 100 and hilltopfinisher cracks the top 50. The original champ, ingsve, moves up 16 spots in this final update to an impressive 24th overall.

This month's top scorers

Rank Team Points this month
1 Zam_Olyas 1551
2 nuvolablu 1486
3 fauniera 1444
4 MADRAZO 1375
5 Panda_Claws 1171
6 Josedin 1145
7 martybart 1122
8 Kjellus 1020
9 CraZyCaLL 1002
10 knallertjeblaf 968

Okay, this 'month' actually included the first week of November too, but close enough. nuvolablu's dominance this week is not enough to overcome Zam's impressive October run from his all-Italian team.

This month's high movers

Rank Team Up/down
1 nuvolablu (+49)
2 martybart (+28)
3 Panda_Claws (+27)
3 fauniera (+27)
5 Joelsim (+20)
5 knallertjeblaf (+20)
7 MADRAZO (+19)
7 CraZyCaLL (+19)
9 Eyeballs Out (+16)
10 Tuarts (+13)

Not dissimilar from other results, nuvolablu's team is by far the highest mover of the month. Tied for third is fauniera's team, which had an epic month, as you will see from the remaining sections of this update.

Green Jersey final standings

Rank Team Points
1 fauniera 191
2 RoudeLeiw 183
3 Zam_Olyas 180
4 snccdcno 176
5 Kjellus 176
6 Yellow Knight 175
7 Jpettersen 168
8 Ruvu75 168
9 Cykeltyven 167
10 skidmark 164

RoudeLeiw gets pipped at the line! While recent updates focused on Zam's meteoric rise, perhaps we should have paid more attention to the stealthy rise of fauniera. Third place in weeks 38 and 41, tied for 2nd this week (week 42), and tied for 15th in week 40, that's over 90 points in 4 of the last 5 updates. The 32.5 points this week (tied teams split the difference between the places they're tied for) takes fauniera from outside the top 10 to the top spot overall. Kjellus (14 points) and Ruvu75 (22 points) both score this week, moving them into the top 10 as well. The rest of the top 10 holds on from their previous points.

Congratulations to fauniera on winning the inagural points competition of the CQ Ranking game!

Top 10 overall

Rank Up/down Team Points Points this week
1 (-) Cykeltyven 16209 0
2 (-) skidmark 15616 5
3 (-) snccdcno 15412 115
4 (-) Kjellus 15402 361
5 (+3) PeterB 15095 320
6 (-1) kabete 15014 0
7 (-1) derrudi 14922 0
8 (-1) merengues 14799 0
9 (+9) fauniera 14773 651
10 (+5) MADRAZO 14751 356

I believe I said in a recent update that the podium was all but locked up; that held true for the top two spots, but third came down to a matter of inches! Kjellus rode Mareczko's success to within ten points of the bronze medal spot, but snccdcno got 115 points of their own from Julian El Fares to hold on. But there is some significant movement in the top 10 as PeterB moves into the top 5, and fauniera has a crazy last-minute jump of 9 spots into the top 10! fauniera started October in 36th place and ended in the top 10, showing that it ain't over until it's over. This crazy run somewhat overshadows MADRAZO's own impressive 5-spot leap into the top 10. Their move up comes at the expense of greenedge and Yellow Knight, who fall out in the final standings.

Congratulations to our winner, Cykeltyven! Their team had all the right popular picks (except they did also pick Betancur, showing that nobody can have a perfect team), and their rarest picks turned out to be their aces in the hole, making them count. Landa (picked by 3 teams) and Rosa (picked by 7) turned Cykeltyven a return of 1474 points on an investment of 366 between the two of them. With top-level production from Rodriguez, Cav, Boasson Hagen, Chaves, Porte, Ewan and Henao, it was a winning combination.

Cykeltyven also finished 2nd last year, meaning their team (along with team skidmark) becomes the first to podium twice in this game. An impressive run, indeed! We will see what next year has in store.

Thanks to all who played! It was a fun year. In the next few days I'm keen on starting to talk about next year's game, maybe after I have a post or two breaking down my own team's performance. You're all welcome to join in on either of those topics.

Spreadsheet at dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yul18w1462aiins/CQ%202015%20update%2042.xls?dl=0